
Bite Your Tongue And Choke Yourself To Sleep


Main/non-whump blog: @mothmx
Blog masterpost/navigation/intro

Basic info:

-Names are Jax, Loch, or Taiga



-Neurodivergent (autistic/adhd/anxiety)

-Possible chronic pain (??? Who fuckin knows)


-Butch Lesbian

- Non-whump blog: @mothmx :)

- Fandom/hyperfixation blog: @mothmx-infodumps

-Whump RP blogs: @kais-basement (intimate whumper), @brier-the-wingless (fae whumpee, tiny whumpee), @virgils-lab (whumperee, lab whump), @Tazper-the-mage (magic whumper), @captain-nym (carewhumpee, elf caretaker), @father-linari (elf carewhumpee)

-DnD RP blogs with whumpy elements: @elkzyr-the-warlock and @maithe-the-bard

More info, DNI, and links under the cut

Anonymous asked:

hi! myllamatraveler is a documented scammer that stole the story and picture of Nour from this legitimate gofundme https://gofund.me/cba846d9 and is instead linking to their personal paypal with the name Nada,r Ab'r Hus'sein. please do not help them profit off of this family and this genocide

here is a list of some other current scam accounts to watch out for and familiarize yourself with! please be aware most of them will be deactivated soon

atomiccollectorrladdy, sumacys-blog, technicallycrispycloud, shanzah, ladiydee, fullkidtiger, massivecolorlove, leilahrajah, uniquemoonpirate, smwitah1, agneskebwaroo, devotedlypaledelusion, paledonuttacok, and scentedfarttree

Oh shit thank you so much for letting me know!


Hmmmm creative juices going. Don’t have time but brain going. They’re also all cringe Hazbin hotel OC juices but.


i think we should bring this back (with some amendments ofc) if we ever needed an "internet etiquette" for the younger generations, now is the moment to remind them. purity culture kills fandom

Don't Like, Don't Read (DL;DR), Your Kink is not My Kink And That's OK (YKINMKATO) and Ship and Let Ship


I know I go on and on and on about self-censorship, but I do so for a reason. Sanitizing everything out of fear you might... *gasp*... OFFEND someone is the best way to kill creativity and discourse. Purity culture is toxic and exclusionary in its demand that everything has to be palatable for the masses, which is how the intolerant minority tries to control the narrative. Don't let them.


Here is the fundraiser I mentioned in my original court update post...it's a lot in a short amount of time so if you can't donate, I understand, just send me hugs and spread this. 💖

I hate asking for help, but this is important.


Here is the fundraiser I mentioned in my original court update post...it's a lot in a short amount of time so if you can't donate, I understand, just send me hugs and spread this. 💖

I hate asking for help, but this is important.


please keep Palestinian mothers in your thoughts today. The mothers who were martyred and left their families too soon, the mothers who have their children taken from them.

happy mothers day. palestine will be free


I really think everyone needs to truly internalize this:

Fictional characters are objects.

They are not people. You cannot "objectify" them, because they have no personhood to be deprived of. They have no humanity to be erased. You cannot "disrespect" them, because they are not real.

I know this has good intentions, so I will just add the "how you treat them, even as objects of fiction, can speak about your own character, be careful out there"

Your addition is actually completely antithetical to my message. It is literally the opposite of what I am conveying.

Stop telling people to encourage the cop inside their head.

How you treat fictional characters, given they are entirely objects of fiction, does NOT necessarily speak to your own character, and you do not need to be "careful".

It is not dangerous to imagine dark things happening to fictional characters. It does not mean you are secretly a bad person. It does not mean you unconsciously want to hurt people in real life. It is not a "slippery slope" to doing bad things to people in real life. You cannot damage your brain or turn yourself into a bad person by consuming "dark" fanfic.

I can write tentacle noncon of my favorite character all day long and be a fierce anti-sexual assault advocate in real life because what I do in my head is not the same thing as what I do in real life.


These tags were too perfect to not include


"A retrospective mortality survey conducted by Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders, MSF) in three refugee camps in eastern Chad concluded that there were 167 violent deaths in the households of 6,918 people from El Geneina. This amounted to a staggering mortality rate of 241 per 10,000 people, marking a 23-fold increase in the male mortality rate and a 11-fold increase in the women’s mortality rate."

2.41% mortality rate by killing alone.


the difference matters:

sex-positive: you want people in general to be able to sexually express themselves freely. this should ideally include asexuality. this is not about you as an individual.

sex-favourable: you want to have sex for whatever reason.

sex-neutral: you don't really have an opinion about freedom of sexual expression. this is about people in general, not you specifically.

sex-indifferent: you don't really care if you personally have sex or not, you could take it or leave it.

sex-negative: you only want people to have a limited sexual expression.

sex-averse: you don't want to participate in sex.

positive/neutral/negative refer to your stance on how sex is treated within society.

favourable/indifferent/averse refer to how you personally feel about participating in sex.

you can be a sex-averse asexual and still be sex-positive.

there's a common misconception that aces, especially sex-averse aces, are all "anti-sex", but some parts of the ace community still hasn't learned the nuance of these terms either. i still see people call sex-favourable aces sex-positive when they mean different things.

Sex-averse finger guns


Vetted fundraiser masterpost-masterpost.

This is a collection of links to various posts concerning fundraisers I've vetted and instructions on how to submit fundraisers to me. These are primarily ones for Ghazzan families although some fundraisers for Sudanese families are also listed (I'm more familiar with my own country's politics and dialect and am more capable of vetting fundraisers for Palestinians as a result). Each post will have a time stamp indicating the latest date of update. And fundraisers will have colour-coded disclaimers according to the particularities of their case.

I know that people do not like clicking on links or navigating between posts, but please actually look through these posts and choose a fundraiser to donate to. Please.

Instructions on how to submit a fundraiser. (for those not Ghazzan) تعليمات لتقديم طلب توثيق و نشر حملات التبرعات الخاصة بالغزاويين و عائلاتهم (للغزاويين فقط) سأنشر البوست قريبا
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