
Loud Nyaning

@kittehdoodles / kittehdoodles.tumblr.com

I draw, develop, and make things. I eat cup noodles. What else do you need to know? o-o (TehAwesomestKitteh's reblog dump)

people who don't follow chess I promise this post is really funny

Karpov had cemented his position as the world's best player and world champion by the time Garry Kasparov arrived on the scene. In their first match, the World Chess Championship 1984 in Moscow, the first player to win six games would win the match. Karpov built a 4–0 lead after nine games. The next 17 games were drawn, setting a record for world title matches, and it took Karpov until game 27 to gain his fifth win. In game 31, Karpov had a winning position but failed to take advantage and settled for a draw. He lost the next game, after which 14 more draws ensued. Karpov held a solidly winning position in Game 41, but again blundered and had to settle for a draw. After Kasparov won games 47 and 48, FIDE President Florencio Campomanes unilaterally terminated the match, citing the players' health. Karpov is said to have lost 10 kg over the course of the match. The match had lasted an unprecedented five months, with five wins for Karpov, three for Kasparov, and 40 draws.

okay, yeah this is pretty funny


Someone I know not well enough to voice my opinion on the subject said something like why didn’t God make potatoes a low-calorie food so I am here to say: God made them like that because their nutrition density IS what makes them healthy. By God I mean Andean agricultural technicians. Potato is healthy BECAUSE potato holds calories and vitamins. Do not malign potato

For all evolutionary history, life has struggled against calorie deficit… So much energy goes into finding food that there is no time for anything else. Our ancestors selectively bred root vegetables to create the potato, so that we might be the first species whose daily existence doesn’t consist of trying to find the nutrients necessary for survival. One potato can rival the calorie count of many hours of foraging… Eat a potato, and you free up so much time to create and build and connect with your fellow man. Without potato where would you be?? Do not stand on the shoulders of giants and think thyself tall!!

I nearly teared up reading “Andean agricultural technicians” bc fuck yes! these were members of Pre-Inca cultures who lived 7 to 10 thousand years ago, and they were scientists! food scientists and researchers and farmers whose names and language we can never know, who lived an inconceivably long time ago (pre-dating ancient civilizations in Egypt, China, India, Greece, and even some parts of Mesopotamia) and we are separated by millennia of time and history, but still for thousands of years the fruits vegetables of their labor and research have continued to nourish countless human lives, how is that not the most earthly form of a true miracle??? anyway yes potatoes are beautiful, salute their creators.


There are approximately 4000 varieties of potato in Peru. I’ve seen an incredible variety of corn and tomatoes, and root vegetables I’ve never seen before, on the local farmer markets. Yet some expats insist on buying only imported, expensive American brands of canned veggies… 🤷🏼‍♀️ Peruvian potatoes 👇🏼

It is long since time for us to start viewing plant domestication as the bioscience that it is. Because while the Andeans were creating potatoes, the ancient Mesoamericans were turning teosinte into corn:

And then there’s bananas, from Papua New Guinea:

These were not small, random changes, this was real concerted effort over years to turn inedible things into highly edible ones. And I’m convinced the main reason we’re reluctant to call them scientific achievements is, well, a racist one.

And it’s such a shame too, cause this was probably the most impotrant scientific effort in human history, it bought us the time to do everything else we do, to go from just trying to get enough calories every day to everything we do now, it game people the freedom to do other things with their lives, human society would not have existed as it is today without this

We need to appreciate our ancient food scientists

With the caveat that this is obviously only true before The Famine, the nutrient density of potatoes made Irish peasants substantially healthier than those in other European countries whose staple food was bread! Thank you ancient Andean food scientists, for keeping my ancestors alive through a time of oppression and poverty.

Once got into an argument with a lawyer from the World Intellectual Property Organisation (which is a truly *wild* place) about why the people who had a lab to synthesise the blight resistant rice got the patent and not the indigenous community who had bred specifically blight resistant rice for generation.


No actually it's not antisemitic to exclude zionists from antizionist spaces.

Just in the last week or so I've seen at least three different instances of zionists complaining because they showed up to an antizionist protest explicitly to start shit, and were ignored.

And in the same time period, several instances of zionists using extremely antisemitic language toward antizionist Jews.

It's incredibly disingenuous to imply that ignoring agitators is hostile; it plays right into the agitators' hands.


oh so they’re just saying the quiet part out loud? Good to know they’re just out and open now


That’s not the quiet part.

There’s something else, something they might not even be fully aware of themselves. The real quiet part is that if it was *their* child or *their* ectopic pregnancy they’d pull out all the stops to save their life or get their grandchild aborted. Planned Parenthood sees reactionaries and regressives all the time, and they are every bit the nightmare patients you’d imagine them to be. But the one thing all those patients have in common is that *their* abortion is *justified*, and the next week they’ll be outside the clinic again, rejoining the protestors for “killing their baby”.

It’d be one thing to have ghoulish principles, but the far-right have none at all.


When I was younger and had more time to waste on the internet, and spent a lot of time in various online forums getting into arguments -- on purpose -- I made up a game I called Six Degrees of Slut.

The game (which is a variation on the well known Six Degrees of Bacon) was very simple. In any discussion of abortion, see whether you could get the other side to articulate, within six back-and-forth exchanges, some variation of The Filthy Sluts Must Be Punished. Regardless of where their argument started, the goal of the game was to get them to admit that.

I never once lost a game of Six Degrees of Slut. On a few occasions the match was inconclusive - the other person left off arguing before we reached round six - but I never lost; I never once reached six rounds of debate with a prolifer without them expressing some variation on this sentiment. But what was really remarkable to me was, a lot of times, that there was no effort involved at all -- they would blurt it out themselves, with effectively no provocation.

Scratch a prolifer, and you'll find right under the surface the conviction that The Filthy Sluts Must Be Punished. I have never once yet found an exception. Sometimes you don't even have to scratch.

That's what we really need to understand about reactionaries. The degrees to which they dehumanize others cannot be overstated. It's never hypocrisy for them if they get an abortion because, see, they had valid reasons. Nobody else ever would. They are just special, they are just better than you.

Anonymous asked:

i see many people trying to bring up hamas as some kind of scapegoat and distract from the issue when palestine and palestinians' issues are mentioned so if it's okay i would just like to ask how you deal with people saying "but hamas is bad!!!!" or "but don't you condemn hamas and their october 7 atrocitics????" so I can know how to deal with it if I come across a zionist, thank you

i usually block them or ignore them. debating with fascists is useless. but if you really want to know what i do, i personally look into un resolutions that actually support the existence of hamas. un resolution 37/43 in particular, along with understanding the history of resolutions 181 and 242. it is completely justifiable, especially under UN law, to have the right to self determination and taking up arms to fight against an occupying force. also, when they say hamas is a terrorist group, ask them "to who?". because majority of the world does not consider them that way. only the western countries such as the US and canada consider hamas a "terrorist group", and those countries are the ones commiting genocide against palestinians right now. ask the rest of the world about hamas and none of them will say they are terrorists, simply a resistance group. and if the zionist insists that israel is not an occupying force so hamas shouldn't exist, simply bring up examples of some of the fathers of zionism, who very clearly said that zionism is a colonial occupational government.

in the end u just gotta do your research 🤷‍♂️ most zionists who like to argue are ones who are expecting you not to know the history, so they can lie and twist what really happened. if you learn about the history and what happened and why, you'll have a good grasp of how to deal with zionists and their lies.


Georgians are stronger than me, because if protests in my country were constantly confused with the state in USA, I would throw hands

And here we go again. Some account posted this picture from Georgian protests (and didn't mentioned it's from Georgia) on twitter and replies and quotes are filled with american activists assuming it's from american protests shaming her for being a performative white woman, who doesn't care that students are arrested. GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES! YOU'RE NOT THE CENTRE OF THE WORLD!

Imagine the fucking audacity to see a picture from a protest and your first thought is "yeah, of course that's America, there's no world outside US, so I'm gonna get riled up calling her performative white woman" when in reality it's a Georgian woman protesting in her own country.

Oh and when they see EU flag on pictures they ask "why is there EU flag??", because in their universe they think there's a EU flag in an american protest for some reason before they think "hey, this is probably not in US!"

American internet activists talk non-stop about americentrism while still participating in it. Maybe reflect on that?


I have also seen people calling her an iconic queen, but still assuming she is USAmerican. I wonder how many of those exact same people would call her a puppet taking part in a CIA-staged coup / colour revolution upon finding out where this photo is actually from.

Because that's one more feature in their thinking - they assume that every protest outside of the US is a CIA staged coup, because there is no way those other people can have agency.


kabru thinking abt killing laios in his mind=fandom making him hyperviolent vs chilchuck repeatedly physically hitting and verbally abusing laios but he never gets this treatment lol. i wonder why


I mean, is it really a fandom thing?

please reread my post oh my god did he attack laios in any of these pictures? he literally does not. he punches laios exactly once and that's it. in a chapter before the last picture he says he doesn't even want to kill him. being violent in his mind does not make him hyperviolent in reality. there are so many people who start being racist to kabru and to tell him to stay away from their favorite white boy lol

meanwhile there are multiple instances of chilchuck hitting laios and being verbally abusive but people think his behavior is cute and funny. and while it is funny the double standards is just absurd, NOBODY is telling chilchuck to stay away from laios.


Shut the fuck up about this already.

So shut the fuck up about the hostages. Israel does not give a flying fuck about the hostages so don't pretend this is about them. You have shown time and time again that you would rather let them starve to death and literally get killed than stop the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.


Police may also feign kettles in order to cause a protest to disperse.

Protests that move quickly are harder to kettle (but are easier to split up as people get left behind). Something important to note is that kettles are used by police to gather intelligence. Police may tell you that you will be allowed to leave if you provide your name and your address, if you give information about other protestors etc. Police can and will lie to you, do not trust them. Never talk to cops. Being trapped in a kettle is stressful. Police may decide to arrest a few of you or all of you. Their goal is to gather information and to demoralize you. They might threaten or harass you. Your goal should be to remain calm and to help the people around you remain calm. Remember if nobody talks, everyone walks.

Anonymous asked:

why do black people use you in the wrong context? such is "you ugly" instead of "you're ugly" I know u guys can differentiate, it's a nuisance

It’s called copula deletion, or zero copula. Many languages and dialects, including Ancient Greek and Russian, delete the copula (the verb to be) when the context is obvious.

So an utterance like “you a bitch” in AAVE is not an example of a misused you, but an example of a sentence that deletes the copular verb (are), which is a perfectly valid thing to do in that dialect, just as deleting an /r/ after a vowel is a perfectly valid thing to do in an upper-class British dialect.

What’s more, it’s been shown that copula deletion occurs in AAVE exactly in those contexts where copula contraction occurs in so-called “Standard American English.” That is, the basic sentence “You are great” can become “You’re great” in SAE and “You great” in AAVE, but “I know who you are” cannot become “I know who you’re” in SAE, and according to reports, neither can you get “I know who you” in AAVE.

In other words, AAVE is a set of grammatical rules just as complex and systematic as SAE, and the widespread belief that it is not is nothing more than yet another manifestation of deeply internalized racism.


This is the most intellectual drag I’ve ever read.

Reblog every time


finally finished this painting i sketched out months ago… please click for better quality i know tumblr is gonna kill it (reference used)

Oh my god this is a painting

Guys its a painting


Me: This is not a painting at all I don’t believe it even though everyone is saying it and the artist themselves said it

*clicks for better quality and zooms in*

Oh my goodness this is a painting

holy shit they weren’t joking this is a painting


As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.

It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.

Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.

I'm also gonna stop listing the reasons why I recognize something is a scam. It's becoming more and more clear there is 1 person behind this STRING of scams and they're leaving less trails behind but it still reeks of them and their MO.


At this point I'm fine receiving a bunch of inbox messages asking me to vet x y z so y'all can avoid this shit. But please have some critical thinking!

People are exploiting our situation.

Reblog this post.

Whether you wanna read the whole thing or not idc.


The person this was about deleted the 4th or 5th scam account they made and are definitely gonna make a new one soon. I don't want anybody falling for this anymore.


every little bit helps.

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