


"When I'm bad, I'm better." Unapologetically Slytherin. Multifandom blog.

drop a gear (and disappear)

Who the fuck comes to a car meet wearing an all black tailored shirt and pants, and with Oxfords no less? The sleeves of the shirt are rolled up to his elbows and Harry is thinking of how that is probably just a tactic used by Riddle to flex his expensive watch.

Harry is still staring — glaring, not staring, Harry thinks — when Riddle, with his coiffed hair and strong jawline, finally sets his gaze on Harry.

Words : 25,889, Chapters : 6/6

It's rather funny how I'm currently obsessed with my own fic that I wrote based on something I'm passionate about. Gonna shamelessly promote it here (again) because, ehh, why the hell not. It was so, so fun to write, especially because the little universe I created for the fic is based heavily on my own little world.
Combine Tomarry with street racing, and you get a ton of delicious tension. I've made sure that even if you're not a petrolhead, you can easily follow along 🔥

My Wife: babe I think my dad might be autistic

Me: your face-blind, emotionally oblivious, picky eater of a father, who has numerous niche interests and the best-organized fly-tackle-box I have ever seen, might be autistic?

My Wife: you knew?

Me: you didn’t?

My Wife: babe I’m not ok I’m having a whole-

Me: you can hear the TVs, babe.

My Wife: What

Me, pointing at the special no-flicker lighting I installed in our house so that we never actually have to have the Big Overhead Light on: babe!

My Wife:oh my god am I autistic?


My Wife:

Me: you didn’t know!?

My Wife: YOU DID!?

So there’s a lot of diversity in neurodivergence, but a fairly common symptom is being unable to “tune out” unpleasant or irrelevant stimulus. So, a dripping faucet, a ticking clock, the sensation of a shirt tag against the back of your neck; these are examples of stimulus which many people can tune out but which autists often cannot.

A fairly keen example for autists of a particular age are televisions and lightbulbs. Televisions, particularly the bulky old Cathode-Ray Tube televisions from the 20th century, often contained power transformers which resonated at a frequency at the upper limit of human hearing. Now, most folks do not perceive this, they just fold that sound in with the general Room Tone. But for someone sensitive to such stimulus it could very well feel like tinnitus.

Similarly, all lightbulbs experience some variability in luminosity due the frequency of mains power (typically 50/60 hz, producing a flicker rate of 110/120 hz) but different lightbulb technologies are more and less affected by this. Fluorescent bulbs are notorious for degrading to a point where even folks who aren’t particularly sensitive will notice the flicker, whereas LEDs are generally nearly flicker free. Once again, not a problem for a lot of folks, but potentially migraine inducing for a brain that can’t detune the signal.

I put a LED light strip around the perimeter of my ceiling. Provides even, indirect, clean white light without flicker. A bit of work but I like it quite a lot. Plus you spend a little more up front and you can get fun color-changing ones!


i hate when i send someone a meme in another language and they're like "uhm... translate? 😒" fucker i sent you a meme where 90% of the words have an english cognate and/or you don't need to know what they're saying to find it funny. can you at least TRY

i sent this meme to 7 people, and 4 of them asked me to translate for them. i legitimately do not think that was necessary.


“You are responsible for the minors in your fandom!!!”

No, I’m fucking not. I’m not your parent. My past-times do not automatically sign me up to act in loco parentis. If you need someone else to monitor your own content consumption online, go get mommy and/or daddy to set up a content blocker on your computer.

Louder for the minors in the back, please.


What I’m responsible for in my fandom:

1. Making a good faith effort to include relevant and informative tags and labels on my creative works.

2. Making a good faith effort to use the “author chose not to warn” rating, a “contains potentially upsetting content” note, cuts or community ratings, or otherwise indicating that there might be untagged, triggering content if I’m not up to or don’t want to tag it.

3. Being a good fandom citizen; not sending death threats or hate, not bullying people, being kind and thoughtful to those I interact with, and leaving alone things that would prompt me to act otherwise.

4. Curating my own experience; not engaging with people or material that I know will be harmful or upsetting to me, disengaging when I realize that something is harmful or upsetting to me, and using tools such as blocklists and tag filters to hide content I don’t want to see.

5. Doing the opposite of whatever the fuck bullshit is going on in tiktok at all times.


Being a good fandom citizen; not sending death threats or hate, not bullying people, being kind and thoughtful to those I interact with, and leaving alone things that would prompt me to act otherwise.

It is simply JUST that easy. All the fandom shit exists because people choose to behave badly and it’s too often younger ones holding fandom spaces as societal influence & activism spaces instead of a HOBBY SPACES.


whenever i'm trying to talk myself out of buying something i don't need i always hear my old russian professor's voice echoing in my head: "WHAT??? WILL YOU DIE THE RICHEST MAN IN THE GRAVEYARD?" and then i make an unwise financial decision

i'm so glad i happened to see these tags this is the best thing anyone has added to this post so far


the "came back wrong" trope except like... they didnt. like this mad scientists wife died, and so he studied necromancy, brought her back, and she came back and it all worked. like she came back exactly the same as she was before with literally no difference. but the scientist guy is like "oh no... what have i done.... shes Different now!!!! she came back Wrong!!!!" and shes just like. chilling. reading a book. cooking dinner. shes just so so normal but in the guys mind hes like "oh shes soooo weird" but shes just normal


Peer reviewed tags from @somanyofthekids



While she was dead he put his memory of her on such a high pedestal that she could never live up to it alive

alternatively‚ she came back perfectly fine but he thinks she came back wrong‚ because the tragic reality is that he never actually knew his wife

im going INSANE thats MY POST.

It's your post but the journey to posting it changed it to such a degree that even its closest intimacies are now foreign to you. Sorry dude.


fucking love when I'm on a call with someone and they start to do a little errand or go somewhere else and they say "and you're coming with me" like. absolutely I am let's go on an adventure I've been spirited away


people in the marauders fandom are always arguing about whether canon matters and what characterizations can and cannot be changed, reinvented, or reinterpreted.

meanwhile tom riddle/harry shippers are writing the most batshit insane stuff i’ve ever read and having a fun ass time doing it

this is just another post to remind you to stop taking fandom and fanfiction so seriously. if you can’t handle the marauders fandom, then leave??

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