
always an angel


Jade | they/she | environmental sci student
environmental fieldwork

Because being an environmental scientist is one of the most beautiful scientific pursuits. ♡


✎ Black and brown turtlenecks under lab coats, as the chills start setting in.

✎ Crunching autumn leaves under heavy boots, looking up at the finger-like bare branches.

✎ Swirling a beaker by the waterside, watching the colours of your titrant mix into your sample.

✎ BOD bottles. They're such an elegant piece of glassware.

✎ The feeling of soil between your fingers as you sit against cold rocks.

✎ Cosying up with a hot beverage after trekking through the snow, watching the wind howl outside.

✎ Marvelling at the unfamiliar, almost alien creatures under your microscope. Knowing there's a whole world of indescribable life that you'll only ever scratch the surface of.

✎ Slowly becoming more familiar with the world around you. Knowing the trees by their leaves, the rocks by their hardness, or the soil by its texture makes living on this Earth so much more beautiful.


A climate scientists recommendations on climate change books :D🌎📚

For Absolute beginners!

The Intersectional Environmentalist -Leah Thomas Gives a look into how social justice issues such as racism, sexism, and classism, further the climate change problem

The uninhabitable planet -David Walles-Wells is an introductory level to the effects of climate change such as rising sea levels, greenhouse effect, etc

Silent Spring -Rachel Carson, the book that is credited as one of the foundations to the start of the environmental movement. Explains how early observations of birds migration patterns from Carson hinted at the change in climate back in the 60’s

You’ve been to a rally or two

This changes everything Capitalism v The Climate -Naomi Klein A lengthy read but highlights just what systems of power are in play in a global capitalistic economy, and how those systems abuse their power in name of profit over well being

A (very) short history of life on earth - Henry Gee Gee explains the way life has existed on earth and just what extinction events took them out. Good intro to the geologic time scale but i don’t recommend if you don’t know basic biology as Gee uses a lot of vocab words

Hurricane Lizards and Plastic Squid -Thor Hanson Highlights how animals are adapting to climate change, a gentle reminder every extinction event has had climate change correlated to it. Hanson shows what species are doing as a response to a biological hazard and the early steps of potential evolution (great adaptations kenneth catania is a similar read i havent gotten to yet)

You know what intersectional environmentalism is and support land back

Braiding Sweetgrass- Robin Wall-Kimmerer- lengthy read again as Kimmerer highlights the struggles of bringing indigenous values into a white male dominated field as biologist and a white male dominated society through a collection beautiful essays (top 3 fav books)

Countdown - Shanna H Swan Using many scientific terms but attempted to be simplified Swan uses her research on reproductive systems both human and animal to correlate pollution to decline in reproductive health. (for queer people! this book has an uncomfy chapter on intersex in animals and i dont think queer people were consulted when it was written tbh. I myself am queer and found it an odd chapter to read but it wasnt hateful, more just confused)

As long as grass grows - Dina Gillo-Whitaker Whitaker explains the indigenous communities/allies fight for environmental justice indigenous values. Touching on just what those values are and the long history of fights to give indigenous communities the rights to their land and also incorporate indigenous values about land into the fight against climate change


Everyone is talking about how Crowley feels he's not enough for Aziraphale after he didn't choose him... but no one is talking about Aziraphale.

Now imagine you meet someone that's so full of life, joy, excitement and above all happiness... and then never see them that happy again for 6000 years. Aziraphale litterally offered Crowley heaven on a platter because he wanted to see him happy again, because that's what he thought would make him happy again, because for 6000 years he couldn't make him smile that same way, because he thought he alone wasn't enough for Crowley


when the hitchhiker you just picked up is actually a demon trying to get the location of an archangel out of you but all you can process is the fact that she doesn’t think you’re her coworker’s (the demon who has been courting you for 6000 years) type


I liked how the season ended... I live for the drama! But I need the fluff too, ok!? Am only human.


When Adam bit the apple he did it because he trusted Eve. Because he loved her. Adam bit into the apple because the woman he loved told him to, no matter what God said. No matter the rules of heaven. What’s heaven to a woman’s love anyway? What’s God to your wife? The first sins of humanity, were trusting others. Eve trusted a snake, Adam trusted Eve, and I trust you. Maybe that’s a sin, just like the first couple. Maybe everyone’s right about us and we’re sinners and we offend God. But like I said, what’s God to a woman’s love anyway? What has heaven got that I can’t find sitting next to you on a cool autumn morning?

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