
...the friends we made along the way

@social-justice-cleric / social-justice-cleric.tumblr.com

Follows from Selsenay 30, nonbinary trans girl, polyam, witch, white, American, they/them pronouns. NSFW sideblog at we-queerly-beloved

Fight your existential dread with orgasms. Enter to win one of 10 sex toy survival kits to get you through this dystopian nightmare, each worth $400+! 

Every kit is stocked with 4-5 outstanding items: legendary vibrators, hand-poured dildos, perfect butt plugs, thrusting toys, porn, my favorite lube, and more. These highly-curated kits contain only toys I know and love, and most are available to my international readers!

Giveaway ends 10/30. Enter to win on my blog — and don’t forget to pack your bug-out bag for extra entries! 


Hello everyone! In an effort to clean up my tumblr experience, I’m restarting my blog(s). I’ve kept some names though so you’ll still recognize me. You can find my main blog at @selsenay and my NSFW blog (which will include NSFW pictures of me rarely) at @we-queerly-beloved. I’m going to follow and message a bunch of mutuals so to make sure people see the transition. But if you see this, please follow me over at either of those blogs as suits your tastes!

To be clear, I have an entirely new account. Which means if you followed a blog called “selsenay” before, you will find that that one is renamed to “selsenay-old” and you will need to refollow. I wanted to keep my names for recognition purposes but ditch this old account.


Hello everyone! In an effort to clean up my tumblr experience, I’m restarting my blog(s). I’ve kept some names though so you’ll still recognize me. You can find my main blog at @selsenay and my NSFW blog (which will include NSFW pictures of me rarely) at @we-queerly-beloved. I’m going to follow and message a bunch of mutuals so to make sure people see the transition. But if you see this, please follow me over at either of those blogs as suits your tastes!

To be clear, I have an entirely new account. Which means if you followed a blog called “selsenay” before, you will find that that one is renamed to “selsenay-old” and you will need to refollow. I wanted to keep my names for recognition purposes but ditch this old account.


Hello everyone! In an effort to clean up my tumblr experience, I’m restarting my blog(s). I’ve kept some names though so you’ll still recognize me. You can find my main blog at @selsenay and my NSFW blog (which will include NSFW pictures of me rarely) at @we-queerly-beloved. I’m going to follow and message a bunch of mutuals so to make sure people see the transition. But if you see this, please follow me over at either of those blogs as suits your tastes!


You can kinda see my new bra through this shirt, but I love it a lot and I’m glad I got it. Looking quite a bit less like the ideal gothic girlfriend and much more like what I really enjoy being, which is a blissfully idyllic springtime lady. Showing off some of my best features here, which is my gray hairs and my cheekbones. 


Cate Blanchett looks so different in all her roles and yet I still want her to raw me in every single one of them? Siri please explain


Proof that women over a certain age (she will be 50 in 2019) are still fucking gorgeous. She has charisma, swagger, and a steady gaze. The steady gaze does a lot of it, to be honest.


ok, i’m built like a noble ox. like i am 6′1 and i am sturdy lady. like thighs for days. if you try to move me. you will be moved. body images aside (lol, i am self conscious about my size, yeah it’s life) 

so like, i am very used to girls standing next to me in public places. i end up acquiring a pack of ladies. just because women are like, that lady is a lady men stay away from. i am jerk kryptonite (usually, i get my fair share of creeps, such is life) but most men have self preservation that this 6′1 ox will break them. and i will

so usually i am in my own phone and look up to another lady standing next to me. and i will immediately look up and make eye contact and nod. like, you know, that nod. i see you and you can talk if there is something wrong. i end up on a reg basis being a defacto bodyguard to these young ladies and small women while waiting for buses and in the metro. 

i am a large oak tree. i protect the other birds. 

ladies, we all got roles. find tree in the wild. we’re always happy to provide shelter from the creeps.

i’ve regularly said, “move on, she doesn’t want to be your friend”


I’m in love

Story time: So I’m 6’2 and “big boned” as my mother would call it. This happens to me all the time and a couple years ago I managed to get the the front row of a Macklemore concert. This woman, probably 5’4, squeezes up next to me and says, “Hey, I’m here alone, do you mind if I stand in front of you?” Of course not. So we’re all having a good time, dancing around, when all of a sudden this Bro™️ is behind me telling me that I’m too tall to be in the front row and it’s not fair. Now, keep in mind that this concert was outside, in February, in Vail CO. It was FREEZING so not only am I of the stature I am but I had my hair up and a beanie on and a big coat and boots. We try our best to ignore him but Bro™️ is drunk and very clearly thinks I’m a man and proceeds to punch me in the back of the head.

LIL SIS WENT OFF, FOLKS. This tiny woman literally moved me out of the way, jumped up, and head butted Bro™️ in the face with such a fury. I thought she was going to kill him, it was truly a beautiful moment in my life.

The moral of the story is that for every tree in the wild there is a cute little birdy who will defend its shelter to the death. Stick together ladies👯‍♀️


Oh the tiny one is me! I’m 4′11″ and this one time I grabbed a frat guy and threw him against a wall and held him there with my forearm while snarling “SHE SAID NO” because he wouldn’t stop touching my friend on the dance floor.


Tiny birds and squirrels need a good solid tree to launch from. I’m happy to be that tree. I’m only 5'10, but I also exude intimidation, apparently. I have resting bitch face and grinning murder face, which does a lot to encourage people to take themselves far, far away. My wife has ordered me not to smile in certain ways because it is unnerving, but I will absolutely weaponise it if needed.

not ordered so much as begged and pleaded


Everything to do with Critical Role and its fandom are dead to me. WoW? You’re on thin fucking ice. I don’t have room in my life for media or rabidly loyal fandoms that treat me like crap.


Koch thinktank inadvertently proves that America would save trillions by switching to socialized medicine

Mercatus (previously) is part of the Koch Brothers’ network of thinktanks which allow the billionaires and their cadre of oligarchs to make it appear that their ideas are mainstream by all singing the praises of the wealthy in chorus.

Mercatus’s latest research paper is a hit-piece on Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All proposal, in which they use neutral, third-party data to arrive at a total cost for providing every person in America with high-quality health-care for the next decade: $32.6 trillion.

This is a BIG NUMBER, but, as it turns out, it represents more than $2 trillion dollars in savings over the amount that Americans will spend over the same period for partial health care coverage for only some Americans.

This reveals private healthcare for what it is: corruption. Corruption is when a bad system produces privatized, concentrated gains for a small number of people, and broad, socialized losses to a large number of people (not treating my factory’s effluent saves me millions of dollars, and I can use that money to lobby for lax environmental regulation; it costs millions of people thousands of dollars each, and though they lose a lot more than I gain, they have to somehow pool the cost of all their losses to thwart me).

In this case, the health care industry uses the billions it earns to deprive Americans of trillions in benefits, including, literally, their lives.

well, that’s some tasty fucking tea.


Dystopian novels: only the strong survive.

Me reading dystopian fiction growing up and internalizing the message in the narrative: there’s no place for me in this world, I’d be dead the moment the regime took hold. I’m not strong enough. I couldn’t stand the suffering. Maybe the narrative is right. Maybe only the strong survive.

Me now as an adult getting ready to rip the pin from the grenade with my teeth and brandishing a molotov cocktail in the other hand: IF I GO DOWN I’M TAKING YOU MOTHER FUCKERS WITH ME, BRING IT ON IF YOU THINK YOUR HARD ENOUGH. YOU THINK YOU’RE SCARY? MY IMMUNE SYSTEM IS EATING ITSELF AND I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE. COME GET SOME

We used to talk about how we would survive a zombie apocalypse, in high school, and I had one friend that would go, “Well you won’t last that long anyways, so why should we plan for you?” and I would agree, because I didn’t realize how deep I had internalized the idea that my disability made me not worthy of survival. 

Flash forward to college, when my new friends and I are having a very similar conversation and I go, “I won’t last, so I guess I would just feed myself to the zombies” and my friends had a very strong response of, “NO, we are going to rob pharmacies. We will all learn how to get insulin from pigs or bacteria. You are not going down easy, you are too much of a fighter for that.” 

I still remember the first time on tumblr, on a post discussing the zombie apocalypse, where I said “hey just leave me behind with the shotgun, I’ll only slow you down” and I think it might have been @undead-tealeaves who said “fuck that, we’ll pick you up and run while you aim” and honestly it might have just been meant as a throw away comment but it made me want to cry. And it meant a lot to me, it really did, like this was a comment from over two years ago and it still pops into my head and makes me feel emotional.

Like it really is the little things like your friends being like, come the dystopian government or the ends of the earth as we know it, whichever comes first, we have you. Because we have each other. And the survivalist community that is willing to ride and die for each other, will be the one that thrives and outlives the bastards trying to put us down. Hopefully long enough to see the new dawn, but hey, you don’t always get to see the garden you sow.

Luckily Prednisone is a pretty easy to acquire drug and can replace every other medication I take for my disability. It just comes with a lot of long term side effects that honestly when the end days come I'm not going to really care about. Maybe I should start stocking up on prednisone...

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