
Greetings. Can you hear me?

@eternitylarva / eternitylarva.tumblr.com

Hi, I'm Eternity. I like Touhou, FFXIV, Zelda, and others. About.

it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this

a comic i made is being sold on a shelf at my favorite cb store as of today and this post is still my biggest accomplishment of the day


This headcanon guide, if understood, would also reduce the Asks I get by about half.


I understand it's in part because Tumblr is the space for, among other things, people with very little social skills and self-awareness, and I'll never really tell people they can't post their own brand of positivity in their own netspace, but it never stops giving me a hearty chuckle whenever I see those posts where it's like "Oversharing and infodumping on your friends/others is based, actually" or "Posting the most decadently self-indulgent stories with overpowered self-insert OCs is all you need to do" or anything with that general vibe of "annoying/frowned upon thing or behavior is great, actually" with 150k notes all agreeing loudly because, see, I don't want to deal with any of those things without the proper agreement to do so and respect afforded a third party, friend or not, and I understand it's the kind of thing where it's reinforcement of the shunned and all that, but sometimes, just sometimes, you understand why they are shunned in the first place, and that's less about Quirks(tm) and more about unapologetically deciding to circumvent self-awareness.

Or, summarized, if someone proudly goes "being a brat with no tolerance to adversity is super cool, actually" I'll generally not really want to interact with them. Again, it's about unapologetically deciding to circumvent things I think should be thought about as a baseline show of respect to whoever you interact with, but also, that's generally the thought process of someone whose curated netspace is a fake positivity echo chamber where everything needs praise and nothing needs reflection.


Getting really sick of all the "There's No Place Like Chrome" ads on youtube. There's Firefox. Firefox saves your passwords. Firefox autofills things if you want. Firefox also does things that Chrome doesn't like allow adblockers, and it does not mine your data and sell your information for advertising purposes. Google is really trying to push people to use Chrome so they can take as much data from users as possible in order to make as much money as possible and it's borderline sinister.

Anyway, download Firefox.


The irony of this is because of the ad blockers on my Firefox, I've never seen any such ad.


🔹 Saying that it's okay to write or read about dark and taboo topics but only when they're portrayed in a certain way is still censorship.

🔹 Wanting to ban or forbid media that you believe portrays a negative topic in a positive light, by glorifying, romanticizing, or fetishizing it is still censorship.

🔹 There is no objective metric to decide if a story is portraying a negative topic the 'right' way.

🔹 Just because a piece of fiction doesn't explicitly condemn or portray an evil action in a bad light in the text doesn't mean the author thinks its good or is trying to persuade the audience that it is good.

🔹 Survivors of trauma will not always write fiction about their trauma in a way that seems 'right' or 'normal' to you.

🔹 Banning fiction because it portrays dark, taboo topics in a way you consider gross or disgusting is still censorship.


[Tags reading, "#I've said it before and I'll say it again #I create art for adults #and as an adult I expect you to already know that hurting people is wrong #I'm not gonna hold you're hand through that like you're a toddler #"hurting people is wrong" is something you should have learned in kindergarten #not at 24 from an m-rated dark romance novel"]


I think I have two more things to say about this.

  1. This isn't just a case of tumblr staff transphobia this is more than likely (not confirmed yet but I'm fairly confident this is accurate, my point remains regardless) a result of targeted mass reporting by folks who saw a single innocuous joke about incest which was deleted later and decided Charlotte was a horrible person who deserved punishment. The end lesson shouldn't only be "Lets kill Matt Mullenweg with hammers" but also "Trans women are forced to live in a constant state of fear of being labelled as One Of The Bad Trannies by societal forces which perceive trans women as aggressive sexual perverts and institutional forces which give easy access for bad actors to punish them. I need to analyze my behavior in this pattern and be aware if I am working with or against this problem."
  2. Charlotte was a super kind soul but this would still be unwarranted and awful if it happened to any trans asshole. I support trans women who suck, I support trans women who are annoying, I support trans women who are scary, I support trans women who I can't stand, I support trans women who are lame and bitchy and pieces of shit, I support trans women who are aggressive or off-putting or mean. Trans women who are assholes deserve the same rights and privileges of any other asshole on the planet.
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