
Where have I been all my life?

@9ineminutes / 9ineminutes.tumblr.com

Feeding my obsession with The X-Files, Gillian Anderson, and such. Move along, you.

I've been on a kick for darker paintings lately, so I put these guys in a situation (also yes, it's the midnight mass vampire thang, i think he fits here neatly). I used pictures of a park in my hometown as references, which I'd taken awhile back with the x files in mind, so this art has been somewhere on the back of my mind for months now. refs and a bit brighter variant under the cut


Secrets and stolen kisses…😚

I've been MIA for a while, but decided it was time to drop a new pic. Fresh logo, fresh inspiration and everything! 🙃 Happy weekend, y'all. And thanks for sticking around! 🤎

For full size images visit my Twitter account (link in bio) #TheXFiles #XFiles #MSR #MSRsecrets #digitalmanipulation #fanart #Mulder #Scully #MulderScully #FoxMulder #DanaScully #iwanttobelieve #thetruthisoutthere #trustno1


Hi everyone! I deleted my twitter in the end. I just didn't find it fun anymore. So now I'm only on here and AO3.

Posting some of my NSFW art I had originally on twitter that I don't want lost. Hopefully we can still stay in contact. Love you all, thanks for all the support TXF fandom! Taking a break for now.

Some basement shenanigans:

Shibari for a case:

Posting my vintage series next in another post here:


As promised: Vintage Mulder and Scully kinky fanart.

Now all my favourites have been posted! Peace out!


👽 Random X-Files Fic Rec

This story hurts so good. If you're not typically a reader of /Other stories, you might want to give his one a try because it's not just MSR at its core, it's a seamless weaving into the emotions and plot at this point in season 4. Title: Cashmere and Whiskey Author: @kateyes Summary: Missing scene for Tunguska Length: ~2,600 words Classification: This is a /Other story, but at its core is MSR. Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: Tunguska Favorite line: The line where he turns his head away. Read the story!


Apparently Serbia, and especially Belgrade, has a huge problem with air pollution.

Ms. Francine Pickup, Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Serbia, explained that: “It is estimated that cities are the source of as much as 75% of total CO2 emissions in the world, of which the largest percentage comes from traffic and cooling and heating in buildings”. She later continued to explain that 59% of the Serbian population lives in urban areas and that the number is constantly increasing. Because the population density is so high, creating green areas and planting trees – which represent natural air purification in urban areas– is a complex goal to achieve, as there is a lack of free areas for landscaping.

The microalgae replace two 10-year-old trees or 200 square meters of lawn. The function of the LIQUID 3 is practically an imitation of it. Both trees and grass perform photosynthesis and bind carbon dioxide. However, the advantage of microalgae is that it is 10 to 50 times more efficient than trees. The team behind LIQUID 3 has stated that their goal is not to replace forests or tree planting plans but to use this system to fill those urban pockets where there is no space for planting trees. In conditions of intense pollution, such as Belgrade, many trees cannot survive, while algae do not have a problem with the great levels of pollution.

The project is designed to be multifunctional. LIQUID3 is also a bench, it has chargers for mobile phones, as well as a solar panel, thanks to which the bench has lighting during the night.

Dr. Ivan Spasojevic also explained that “the Institute used single-celled freshwater algae, which exist in ponds and lakes in Serbia and can grow in tap water, and are resistant to high and low temperatures. The system does not require special maintenance – it is enough to remove the biomass created by dividing algae, which can be used as an excellent fertilizer, in a month and a half, pour new water and minerals, and the algae continue to grow indefinitely. This project aims to popularize and expand the use of microalgae in Serbia, because they can be used in wastewater treatment, as compost for green areas, for the production of biomass and biofuels, as well as for air purification from exhaust gases from the factories”.


[Image ID. Screenshot from twitter. User @pixelatedboat aka “mr tweets” (with an icon of a pixelated boat) wrote: “My goal is to be the first person dead inside one of these.”

pixelatedboat is responding to a tweet from the account @yupthtexists who wrote: “Scientists create Liquid Trees; a tank full of water and micro-algae that could be an alternative to trees in urban areas.”

Underneath is two photos of the tank in question: a rectangular green tank in a black frame of about human height. There is also an ivory bench attached to the tank. In the background is a street scene with cars, businesses, bike racks and trees. End ID.]


This is lovely.

Trees require dirt with good nutrients. One of the problems with “plant trees in cities” is that trees in cities are drinking water full that includes street runoff, and the dirt is soaked with exhaust fumes, oil, cleaning solutions, and random toxic chemicals.

Trees need sunlight - a stable amount of it, at the right times of day, at the right times of year. (Algae needs sunlight but it’s a lot less picky about it.) Trees have leaves that get shed… do you sweep them into the garbage? Try to gather them as mulch for plants that are nowhere near the trees? They grow branches that need to be trimmed for safety reasons - but not trimmed too much, because that can severely damage the tree. …And so on. Trees require conditions maintenance that an urban center may not be able to provide.

“Space that’s in the light sometimes and is big enough for a vat of green sludge” is much more available, and cities should be all over this.


Hello I was wondering if you could help. I'm looking for a fanfic that was based around Scully at the firing range, it was a sweet MSR Fic it followed Scully through her Xfiles career, the guy who ran the range played a roll and sort of gave his views on the development of the MandS relationship. Thxs


Sounds like you might be looking for Field Evaluations by Unremarkablehouse. Its summary: Following the journey of Scully's field evaluations through the eyes of her friend Frank at the Gun range. Spanning Seasons 1 - Season 3.

You did not ask about fan art, but this ask about Scully at a firing range reminded me of this by @msrpolaroidproject:

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