
I Don’t Know What To Do With My Hands

@filament-max / filament-max.tumblr.com

She/they. 26. Gayer every day, bless. AO3
If I don’t turn it into a joke, it will destroy me.

At the Catch Ch. 9 Preview #2

I have good news and bad news.  The good news is I have a preview for you!  It does, however, develop major plot points, so avoid if you don’t like spoilers.  It’s also angst, though I cannot emphasize enough that 80% of this chapter is not angst.  The bad news is I haven’t had as much time to write lately (thanks to work + vacation + training), and am only about 20k into this chapter.  Which I think is about half-done?  Hoping my pace will pick up these next few weeks, but I don’t want to promise anything.  Thanks for your patience!


The tags alone for this fanfiction brought me joy, I don’t know about you. I don’t know about you but the way this author has created Kara Danvers’ alter ego Supergirl (oh, sorry, was that meant to be a secret?) is downright incredible stupid. Does it then mean that Kara Danvers is not Supergirl in this fic? If so, how trivial.

[“It’s a Danvers sandwich,” Kelly said to Sam, loud enough for Lena to hear.]

How disgusting. It’s bad enough Lena’s having to deal with one of them, but two? My poor daughter.

Fight or fuck energy? I’m disgustingly intrigued by the phrasing, if only it wasn’t used to describe my daughter and the enemy.

I’m sure if it were more — finished, so to speak. That this story would be quite popular. Perhaps it already is, I don’t care enough to check. Regardless, it wasn’t a total boring read —- even if I only had time for two chapters before world domination.

In all seriousness, go read this fic right now!

Feel free to recommend fics to me here!


This is an incredible idea, Lillian Luthor reviews fanfics haha


At the Catch Ch. 9 Preview #1

Well…I tried to write y’all some smut and it turned into 4k of mostly fluff (but isn’t emotional intimacy the ultimate smut?). Chapter 9 is coming along, but a bit slowly.  Second (angst?) preview next week or the week after, and I’m going to change my posting day to Friday/Saturday rather than Tuesday/Wednesday.  Excerpt below and writing playlist at the end!

 “You can’t always go first.”

“Oh, I can’t?”

“No, it’s not allowed.”

Allowed?” Kara laughed, her eyebrows shooting up, and Lena found herself thoroughly endeared at how Kara’s nose scrunched up, at the whole perfect picture, really.  


Yooooo I'm the person who commented on your rowing au that I had signed up for a learn-to-row class after reading! that started this week and today was our first day on the water. so they're focusing on sculling which is giving me a run for my money but it's only the 3rd day and I feel like I'm going to LOVE this sport once I get the hang of it!


I love this, it's mindblowing to me that the fic has inspired people to go out and row! I mostly scull, so I absolutely know the feeling haha. Neither sweeping nor sculling is very intutive, but definitely stick with it, it becomes muscle memory eventually! I really hope you do end up loving it! There's nothing better than seeing a sunrise (or sunset) out on the water. Thanks for this great comment!

Fic update for the curious: I had some very intense work stuff that is now resolved (huzzah), so I am writing again. I have an outline + 9k so far. Expect a preview next Wednesday or the Wednesday after.


watching scenes of cw supergirl where kara just takes getting yelled at/belittled by cat is so funny bc there’s at least 3 instances in pre crisis where kara tears into her boss for being an asshole before quitting and fucking off to her next college/job.

adventure comics #424
superman family #208
superman family #222

truly one of the worst things about cw supergirl is how much they toned down her anger and declawed her. let kara stand up for herself and be a bitch. bring back the kara who tells her boss to drop dead bc hes being a misogynist.


This Kara with CEO Lena???  Woof woof


“Public libraries are such important, lovely places!” Yes but do you GO there. Do you STUDY there. Do you meet friends and get coffee there. Do you borrow the FREE, ZERO SUBSCRIPTION, ZERO TRACKING books, audiobooks, ebooks, and films. Have you checked out their events and schemes. Do you sign up for the low cost courses in ASL or knitting or programming or writing your CV that they probably run. Do you know they probably have myriad of schemes to help low income families. Do you hire their low cost rooms if you need them. Have you joined their social groups. Do you use the FREE COMPUTERS. Do you even know what your library is trying to offer you. Listen, the library shouldn’t just exist for you as a nice idea. That’s why more libraries shut every year

If this post persuades even one person to get a free library account and use it, my time on this hellsite will not have been spent in vain


For the ask game:

Supercorp fic where Lena runs a popular webseries/blog about plants and plant care and Kara (one of her avid subscribers) is absolutely hapless when it comes to keeping plants alive and is constantly asking Lena for help only to fail spectacularly. Lena is *convinced* Kara is fucking with her on purpose, and kinda sorta hates her virtual guts


Lena isn’t naive.

When she made the decision to set up a discord server for her plant vlog’s followers, she knew there was a possibility things might get messy. After all, even while remaining anonymous — she can practically hear her PR team screaming at the idea of Lena Luthor running her own verified social media account — her comment section has always been 45% earnest compliments and questions from beginner botanists and 55% unabashed thirst over her sexy hands and soothing voice. Lena imagined any possible frustration caused by having to sidestep the occasional untoward overture would be worth the satisfaction she gets from teaching fellow hobbyists to take better care of their plants. It’s nice to feel like she’s being appreciated, for a change, to be allowed to play hero in a small way, different from L-Corp’s high-stakes idealism or Supergirl’s histrionic stunts.

(She still hasn’t managed to set up a meeting with National City’s super-powered alien in residence, but she’s certain it will be any day now.)

Lena couldn’t have predicted that the most aggravating individual on her server wouldn’t turn out to be a persistent suitor, but rather a member of the plant-loving minority.

If the violence this ‘Kvers’ person routinely inflicts on their houseplants can be considered love.

Why are my plant’s leaves yellowing? had been this idiot’s first, innocuous ask. Moments later, they’d followed it up with a picture of the brown, crisp remains of what Lena had only vaguely recognized must at one point have been a vibrant green ZZ plant.

Because it’s fucking dead, Lena had wanted to reply, suggesting instead Is it possible it’s near a window where it gets too much direct light?

Kara ends up getting Lena this mug as a joke and Lena pretends she hates it but it’s actually her favorite

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