
Book of Mormon Norway fan blog

@norwegianbookofmormonfan / norwegianbookofmormonfan.tumblr.com

Trying to keep up with the Norwegian production of Book of Mormon and the other Scandinavian productions of BoM  This is NOT a spoiler free blog! This is a side-blog

The cast of the 2025 production of Book of Mormon in Norway has been revealed

Elder Price: Jakob Schoyen Andersen

Elder Cunningham: Snorre Kind Monsson

Nabulungi: Hannah Konjo

Mafala Hatimbi: Jonna Støme

Elder McKinley: Jon Sindre Fjellvang

General Butt Fucking Naked: Johan Golden

Mission President: Olli Wermskog


How should I differentiate between the two Norwegian productions of Book of Mormon?

"Book of Mormon Norway 2017" and "Book of Mormon Norway 2025"?

"Book of Mormon Det Norske Teatret" and "Book of Mormon Folketeateret"?

"Nynorsk Book of Mormon" and "Bokmål Book of Mormon"? (too Norwegian i think)

They are sooo long


Kollektivet: Music Video - I wanna be the little spoon


Written, composed and produced by: Fridtjof Stensæth Josefsen and Jakob Schøyen Andersen Directed by: Mikael Samuelsen

If you wonder if Elder Price (Jakob) can sing


Folketeatret has announced 3 of the main cast of Book of Mormon Norway 2025!

Elder Price: Jakob Schøyen Andersen

Jakob is an actor, comedian and writer. He was born in 1990. Best known for the scetch show Kollektivet and playing Dynamitt-Harry in Olsenbanden Jr (children's movies) back when he was 10-14 years old.

Elder Cunningham: Snorre Kind Monsson

Snorre is a comedian and actor. He was born in 2000. Best known for the tv-show Gauteshow. This is his theatre debut.

Mafala Hatimbi: Jonna Støme

Jonna is a comedian, tv-host, produser and writer. He was born in 1978. This is his theatre debut.


I find it truly adorable that a lot of the actors who played Elders in Book of Mormon Norway are on vacation together this summer. So many years later!

They might have known each other before BOM, but still. I love their friendship!


Some norwegian musical tea(?)

So the 2025 Norwegian production of The Book of Mormon will be at The Folk Theatre (Folketeateret)

And the Folk Theatre... is quite the character.

They are ambitious:

Their goal is to be the Norwegian alternative to Broadway and the West End. The fact that Broadway alone consists of 41 different theatres and they are just 1 single theatre is no problem.

They are the "struggling artist":

They are a private theatre. Which means they have to sell a lot of tickets to succeed (and the ticket pricing is quite high.)

And they have a flare for the dramatics. Two examples of them creating drama:

Attacking The Norwegian Theatre for putting up Book of Mormon in 2017

When the 2017 production of Book of Mormon was doing really well, The Folk Theatre went to the media complaining that a "big theatre that gets public funding should be more creative in their choice of repertoire and leave the commercial shows to the private theatres who don't get public funding". [source] Basically don't use tax money to put up shows that the tax paying public wants to see. Only do experimental stuff, classical plays and niche shit, so that private theatres can do the commercial things the general public likes and sell lots of tickets.

And recently pissing off the entire Norwegian musical comunity:

February 1st 2024 The Folk Theatre revealed the main cast for their upcoming production of Jesus Christ Superstar (fall 2024). Where only one of the main cast have prior experience with musicals. The rest of the cast are either actors who've never done musicals before or they are musicians/artist. So some we don't know how their singing sounds and the others we don't know if they can act.

Just in the wake of having made the musical community of Norway angry, they released the news about the 2025 production Book of Mormon.

And in the announcement they had the audacity to say:

  • they were looking for actors, dancers and performers with relevant education and experience
  • that though The Norwegian Theatre did the first norwegian production of BoM, it was in Nynorsk so they are now looking forward to doing the first production of BoM at The Folk Theatre and in Bokmål

So all that just feels very childish to me.

But I'm curious to see how both Jesus Crist Superstar and the first Bokmål version of Book of Mormon turns out


Context for international musical fans about the new Norwegian production of Book of Mormon

You might think this is just a new production at a different theatre with a new cast, but this will actually be a whole new translation of the script.

So the lyrics will be different and there will probably be new jokes.

Why would they have to make a NEW translation?

Well the reason is that Norway has two written languages: Bokmål and Norwegian Nynorsk. Bokmål is the most used written form of Norwegian, 87,3% has Bokmål as their main written language.

And the Norwegian Theatre who put up the first norwegian production of Book of Mormon in 2017 is a Nynorsk theatre. They do all their plays and musicals in Norwegian Nynorsk (or dialects). So the first Norwegian translation of BoM was into Nynorsk.

This new production (2025) will translate the script into Bokmål.

To explaine the two written forms very simplified:

  • Nynorsk is an amalgamation of norwegian dialects around the country made into writing,
  • Bokmål is based on the way people speak in Oslo, the capitol of Norway.

I've tried explain Norwegian Nynorsk before, you can read it here


Realizing this blog has a second chance at life!

There will be a new Norwegian production of The Book of Mormon in autumn 2025.

This time at Folketeatret

The last chance to sign up to auditions is 4th of March 2024

Quite excited to see if any of the actors from the last production will end up in the new one. Especially since quite a few of the elders have been working in musicals at Folketeatret the past years.


Hey musical theatre fans I need some help here!

I can't seem to figure them all out and hope we maybe could help each other out?

I'm stuck on 1, 17, 18, 21

1?, 2. Wicked, 3 waitress, 4. Cabaret, 5. Annie 6. Hello Dolly, 7 starlight express, 8. 42nd Street, 9. Mary Poppins, 10 Into the Woods, 11. Kinky Boots, 12. Hamilton, 13. Carousel, 14. Moulin Rouge, 15. Aladdin 16. West Side Story, 17?, 18?, 19. Groundhog Day, 20. Book of Mormon, 21?

How did you get Wicked?!

Because of the candlewick? and oh! A goat kid 🤦‍♂️ thanks!

Okay so this is what I've got this far with your help

  1. Six (sicks)
  2. Wicked (wick+kid)
  3. Waitress (weights+dress)
  4. Cabaret (cab+beret)
  5. Annie (a knee)
  6. Hello Dolly
  7. Starlight Express
  8. 42nd street (fort+tea+second+street)
  9. Mary Poppins (mare+popp+pins)
  10. Into the Woods (into+wods)
  11. Kinky Boots (king+key+boots)
  12. Hamilton (ham+ill+ton)
  13. Carousel (car+ow+sell)
  14. Moulin rouge (mule+on+rouge)
  15. Aladdin (A+ladd+in)
  16. West Side Story
  17. Hairspray (hares+pray)
  18. ?
  19. Groundhog Day
  20. Book of Mormon
  21. ?

So 18 and 21 still a mystery

(The pinks are the ones I hadn't figured out yet so you were a lot of help)

18. Little Shop of Horror?

(oh, shock, horror)?

Yeah 18 could very much be little shop of horror. Thanks!!

How do you get Grease from 21? @chaoticunorigionalstranger

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