@rinphoria /

inactive. you can find me at @/suashii

omg hi :3 i came on to lurk and realized i am somehow still gaining followers on here lol but i am active on @suashii now !!

Anonymous asked:

Enough. Stop it.

lol what


we must have did something right somewhere else, though is what kuroo tells you. the two of you are laying on your backs in the backyard of the house he grew up in (which is a lie; this is the house he spent most of his time avoiding and tried to grow out of, but semantics).

the two of you have just broken up, by the way. you are stargazing (there actually aren’t any stars that can be seen, either, which just seems to add insult to injury) with your now ex-boyfriend, and he just got done telling you about the multiverse theory. you reminded him that you already watched everything everywhere all at once, and so you’re basically a certified genius when it comes to that, but you laughed when you said it because even after telling you that it isn’t going to work out between the two of you, you still find him endearing.

long distance never ends well, anyway. the two of you gave it your best shot, and after you moved away to europe to attend a university there, the hard stuff was too much and the good things were never enough. tetsurou at least had the decency to break things off in person.

in all the universes, in all the different versions of you and kuroo, you’re certain of two things: that he’s always a good person, and that you love him.


paper and ink | kuroo tetsurou

tags: divorce | commissions | ko-fi


goodbye is a face of love, and a home can be unlearned to be a house. 

a ten year marriage ends with paper and ink, but tetsurou doesn’t leave the room. slow endings inevitably drag out. heartbreak, sounding like scratches on a chalkboard, as the sound of you clearing your throat, then his name in a quiet way. tetsu. tetsurou. and he knows that to an extent, it still carries love. 

love, that’s like goodbye, and please sign the paper. because the exhausted choices stains the walls of the living room in peeling paint, torn photographs, and broken glass swept under the dusty shelves. 

on the tips of his tongue is a lifeline–a frayed string once a solid rope. you’ve left the room, but the ghost of your hand on his shoulder is a touch that has not left. it’s a feel that isn’t warm, so at this exhale, he lets go and lets his half of the ten years end. pen in hand, ink touches paper. letters on a line, and on the end of the hallway, the spare bedroom’s door shuts close. he lifts the pen, but doesn’t move. wet ink, falling rain, and a blanket of silence.  

but he can’t change which way the rain decides to fall. the ink on the paper is still drying, and thirty seconds from now it’ll set to the loops and lines of the letters spelling out his name. thirty to twenty nine: a countdown with the inevitable zero, and an empty fridge behind him he knows he needs to unplug soon. 

his keys are still on the coffee table in the living room, and the wedding album is still on the shelf, the cover collecting dust for four years now. and for a ticking time, this is still home. 

tetsurou closes his eyes, the empty refrigerator humming.

Anonymous asked:

gojo with a baby… say more

Just picture him with the cutest, roundest, chunkiest little baby you’ve ever seen in your life. The kid is barely a few mo the old, but you can already tell you’re raising Gojo 2.0—your baby is always smiling, always laughing, always hyper, and always always always wants affection. The baby looks exactly like him, too—feature wise, that is; he’s got his eyes, his nose, his grin albeit toothless at the moment, even the same little scrunch between his eyebrows when he’s upset or hungry.

Doesn’t read bedtime stories, just holds his son to his chest and gently pats his back while he recounts memories of you and his friends. Many times you’ve come home from work to see the two on the couch, and Satoru musing to your infant, “You’re not gonna believe it, but your uncle Nanamin was quite the wildcard back in the day! Ah, when you get all your vaccines and he can come over you’re gonna love him. There was this one time in highschool—”

Crouching down to take pictures of the baby at any given moment. Your kid has just barely learned to stand up and wobble on his two legs, and Satoru feels the need to “capture the moment” every time, flashing his camera in the baby’s face—much to his delight, he seems to also have inherited Satoru’s love of attention—and cooing about how he’s such a good boy, how fast he’s growing up.

The most dramatic actor when your son gets older, any time they play fight, Satoru is working for his Oscar. Head flung back, gasping for air in his dramatic “death,” waiting for his son to shove at his chest and tell him to wake up. He always waits a few seconds before sitting up suddenly and scooping the kid up his his arms, getting his revenge in the form of tickles and tummy kisses.

When your son is learning to speak, one of things he picks up on his the plethora of pet names Satoru uses to refer to him and you. He eventually takes to calling you two (and any adult he holds affections for) “baby,” because that’s what Satoru uses the most often. He comes home from work and his greeted by chubby arms in the air and the most precious squeal of “Hi, baby!” from his son. You come home to hug him after a long day of work and your toddler smushes your face between his little palms and cheers, “Missed you baby!”

Goes outside with glitter on his face and star shaped pins in his hair because he forgot about his “makeover” before heading to the store. You’re giggling when he gets home and you remind him, but he just smushes his cheek to yours to spread the glitter.



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