
@basttjamheri / basttjamheri.tumblr.com

Kemetic Orthodoxy. Shemsu. Child of Bast. Beloved of Ra-Heruakhety and Nit. Student of Cernunnos. Tarot Reader. Diviner.

If a ghost can open cupboards and break things, why not just take a pencil, find paper, write exactly why it’s unhappy, and tape the message on the fridge.


It just became second nature to close all the cupboards first thing in the morning (even though they’d been closed the night before). Which was when things escalated from banging cupboard doors to actually breaking things.

Faucets, door handles, curtain rods ripped from the wall… all the repairs started to add up.

“Look, I didn’t mind having an ethereal roommate, but I can’t afford to keep fixing all this shit. Here’s a pencil and some paper. Just write what’s bothering you–I doubt you could put anything that would be more expensive than having a plumber come out to replace all the faucets again.”

The next morning there’s a scrawl line at the top of the page that devolved into an angry scribbling mess that tore through the page. Two cupboard doors were entirely ripped off.

“I don’t want to get someone in to banish you, but this is ridiculous. Just tell me what you want.”

The second piece of paper is ripped into shreds and several knives are embedded in the wall.

A careful examination of the paper scraps show that it had the same scribbles as the first piece.

A quick trip to the library and a stop at a store later, there are kindergarten workbooks on learning to write spread across the counter.

“Look, I don’t know if you’re just being difficult, but I hope not. So I got an audiobook on learning to read and write, and here are some workbooks for kids–don’t get mad–to teach them their letters. Just press play on the stereo, and work through the books at your own pace. I’ll get more when you finish.”

The first workbook is half-completed before being ripped to pieces, but at least there was no other damage. Replacing it is significantly cheaper than replacing cupboard doors.

It takes awhile, but eventually the workbooks progress to a fifth grade level. These ones are starting to be more costly (they’re bigger, for one thing), but it’s not even the money anymore. Little notes scrawled in a shaky hand appear on the steamy bathroom mirror

Have A gooD dy

Or written in ketchup on the counter (that was a frightening sight the first time)

You R out of MLK

And then one day there’s a message taped to the fridge. The spelling and penmanship isn’t the best, but it’s legible and even signed.

Dear Occupente,

I have haunted this spot for ovr three huner hudre 300 years. My bones are dust and I am fergotN. I do not have wants to trap me. I am here 4 ever.

I am bord. Lonly.

I am sorrY 4 breaking things.

We be frends?

Syncerly Eloise


I love you, Eloise


🌜Moon Magick Prompts🌛

🌑New Moon ~ new beginnings *Write a list of your goals for the week/month/year focusing on planned positive change. *Make a sweet disposition honey jar or perform a soft love spell especially when starting a new relationship or turning over a new leaf.

🌒Waxing Crescent ~ growth *Write an open letter to yourself, your deity, the Earth or the stars. Talk about your honest intentions with the way you spend your time and people you spend it with. *Create a pouch or bottle spell to help you increase creativity, memory, or success throughout the month. Really focus on how you want to grow in this moment.

🌗 First Quarter ~ balance *Meditate on your life by making a metaphysical pro and con lost. What is bringing you positivity? What is bringing you negativity? Reflect on how you can add daily peace through balance. *Try a sleep spell to deepen your rest or recall your dreams. If this is new to you, try a pen and paper dream journal to study what your subconscious is telling you.

🌔 Waxing Gibbous ~ attraction *Now is the perfect time to invite new energies to you! Whether you’re calling on comfort, confidence, or energy, try different forms of sigil work to channel what you need from the Earth. *Glamour spells are more than just making you look/feel pretty! Enchant your grooming tools or make a self love potion lotion to add to your daily routine.

🌕Full Moon ~ energy work *All energies are boosted during a full moon! Use the time to practice divination or perform your more complex rituals. If you have no specific intention, focus on charging yourself and your tools in a magickal moon bath. *Burn bay leaves or blow dandelion seeds to connect with the elements for wish fulfillment.

🌖 Waning Gibbous ~ introspect *Get friendly with your journal or art form and spend time with yourself. Find a safe way to open up and explore yourself, perhaps with astral travel or a mind map. *If you’re a witch who practices banishing or binding, a waning moon can be a powerful tool. Use this energy to end an unhealthy relationship or break a bad habit.

🌗 Third Quarter ~ release *Cast a spell using heat, volume, or passion. Try visualizing a light (sub with a wind, flame, stream, tree etc) that grows with your focus and evaporates back into your being when you’re finished. *Rid of something away you don’t need anymore and replace it with something you are found or given.

🌘Waning Crescent ~ peace *Cleanse everything! Make a cleansing spray for your house or bed if you prefer smoke free methods. You can also try bowls of charged water or every witches’ friend- SALT! *Spend intentional time in nature or try a new guided meditation if you can’t get outside. Even time driving feeling warmth on your skin or closing your eyes under the shower head can ground you to the peaceful energies of the earth.

***These are my personal ideas and correspondences coming from years of research on various books and blogs. I am not a professional or the only source of information!***


To Move On Sigil

It takes a lot of courage to let go of things that hurt us. But when we finally do - we are free. Kiran Shaikh.

Requested by @madamesg


i literally procrastinate talking to my friends like it hits me “oh shit i havent talked to that friend in a while” and im like “yeah ill have to do that later” and then i dont

then i feel really guilty about it and [AVOIDANCE INTENSIFIES]

Then it’s like a month later, and I’m just sitting there like, if I never speak to them maybe they’ll just forget I ever existed.

Periodic reminder when this kind of post comes up that being my friend means never having to say “sorry i dropped off the face of the earth for a few weeks/months/years” there. I get it. I promise. I vanish sometimes too and then get all avoidant about it. I’ll understand if you need to do the same, and I’ll be here when you come back. Team Weird Avoidant People Who Are Sort of Terrible At Friendship But Trying Really Hard needs to stick together.




The man holding this #BlackLivesMatter sign is Richmond (CA) police chief Chris Magnus, whose department has not lost an officer or killed a citizen since 2007, the year after he took over. This is not an accident, this peacefulness is the direct result of his leadership. Police departments across the country should be looking to his department as an example to be followed.

‘Chief Magnus changed the department from one that focused on “impact teams” of officers who roamed rough neighborhoods looking to make arrests to one that required all officers to adopt a “community policing” model, which emphasizes relationship building.

“We had generations of families raised to hate and fear the Richmond police, and a lot of that was the result of our style of policing in the past. It took us a long time to turn that around, and we’re seeing the fruits of that now. There is a mutual respect now, and some mutual compassion.”’


They also do regular officer trainings with roleplay scenarios and airsoft guns to teach them how to de-escalate, how to avoid firing when fired upon, and how to deal with people with weapons in a way that doesn’t end with a shootout.

They also apparently go through the details of officer-involved shootings elsewhere, picking them apart and using them as teaching tools for what NOT to do or what the officer could have done to avoid shooting the person.

Essentially, they take a proactive approach to not shooting people and put time, money, and effort into it. Richmond isn’t a low-crime area. Other cities could follow their model and almost certainly see results.

Who’d have thought it would take so much work to learn how to just … NOT shoot people


These are the sort of police officers who deserve respect.  The ones who take the time to build a relationship with the community they’re supposed to be protecting, and work to actually protect people instead of just shooting anyone who looked scary.

Community policing strategies are highly effective at building trust and support in local communities. They’re also very successful across Europe and in small burrows. My local police aren’t well-trusted in my town, but I can trust them to go and deal with a drug-dealer or a burglar if I know something about it and tell them, because they’ve got the training and experience for it. Ultimately, if police stopped looking for ways to fill arrest quotas for each month, and stopped assuming every call-out will include violence or arrest, the rate of police brutality will decrease and the distrust of the police is slowly fade. This all about encouraging dialogue between the police and the community they’re there to protect and serve; even the people they’re conditioned to see a criminals first.


Dear teen girls,

Stop abusing your boyfriends and yes what you are doing is abuse.


  • Yelling at him in front of his friends 
  • Hitting or slapping him when he does or says something you don’t like
  • Telling him he doesn’t have a choice when it comes to decisions that involve both of you 
  • Telling him he can’t hang out with friends because you don’t like him
  • Telling him to not talk to other girls even if they are his friend
  • Forcing him to spend every moment with you 
  • Belittling him and pointing out all his flaws
  • Calling him stupid or making fun of him for making a mistake
  • Threatening to break up with him if he doesn’t do what you want
  • Being emotionally manipulative and crying until he does what you want
  • Accusing him of cheating every time he’s not with you
  • Blow up is phone if he doesn’t text you every five minutes 
  • Telling him you are the must thing that has ever happened to him and no one else will love
  • Physically attacking him when ever you are mad
  • Forcing him to have sex despite that fact that he said he didn’t want to
  • Invading his privacy by going through his phone
  • Getting mad at him for changing his password and demanding he tell you what it is

If a guy did any of these things to a girl it would be considered abuse but since its the other way around its considered normal. Throughout High school I saw many girl treating their boyfriends like shit. Sometime even physically abusing them in the hallways and no one trying to stop it because its a girl attacking a boy. 

Boys: If your girlfriend does anything on this list leave her. It is abuse and you deserve better.

Girls: if you find your self doing anything on this list to your boyfriend you need to knock it off because you are being abusive. 

!!!!!!!! My brother was abused by his babies mom and it started like this and escalated to child abuse and neglect.

You don’t deserve to be screamed at, ignored, or assaulted.

Not showing affection when she wants or not hugging her before class) or missing a phone call doesn’t warrant getting cussed out or hit.


Lol, I lost 5 followers from reblogging this. That’s fine, y'all can go

Whole lot of grown women do this too.

Just wanna throw these in too

  • Being passive aggressive with him when he wants to spend time with friends or doing other things 
  • controlling when he’s able to go out with friends
  • Breaking up his friendships with other girls just because you’re insecure
  • Making him feel like his opinions in decisions that affect the both of you are irrelevant and don’t matter
  • testing him in anyway in general without his knowledge or permission (example: catfishing! it’s manipulative and weird don’t fucking do that)
  • taking money/credit cards without permission to spend on things without his knowledge ( had an ex friend do this constantly to her boyfriend and she’d always condone it because “he’ll get over it” )
  • guilting him for hanging out with friends/family over you  and making him choose between you and friends/family
  • telling him “you don’t love me if you *insert harmless activity he wants to do here* “
  • being rude or mean to him in front of others to assert dominance or power over him
  • downloading apps to spy on his phone activity (yes, this is a thing “”regular”” people do) or snooping on his social media to see who he’s talking to
  • hitting him, slapping him, punching him, shoving him. literally how do people not understand slapping your male partner is bad. people tend to find this funny in media and society and its weird. KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF YOUR PARTNER WITHOUT PERMISSION. 

I come from a family of very forward and manipulative women and i see it in media all the time. it’s fucked and people need to not be accepting of young girls acting like snot-nosed, abusive shit heads that think they can get away with manipulation and cruelty because they happen to be girls.



if you have an abusive teen or young adult gf right now fellas, leave. don’t let her use you to get her shit right. you’ll be so fucked up by the time she gets it together if she ever does and believe that most likely she won’t.  


Can i just add that ive seen young queer girls do this to their girlfriends. Girls can be abusers and you are right to leave. 

Women/young girls can definitely be just as abusive. I knew a young man that got ran over and had his leg broken by his girlfriend because (in her words he annoyed her) He refused to press charges. Another young lady started to hit her ex boyfriend because he wouldn’t take her back because of the abuse. He called the cops on her and they literally started laughing at him because she was very petite in comparison to him. Anyone can be abusive and I wish more people understood that.

dammit I’d spam my blog if i reblog this more than once but dude this is really important.

Oh my god. This is so important.


Yup, I had a manipulative and abuse ex. This is really important, you're not alone.


“Setting Aside” Gods for the KO beginners class

This a concern I see come up just about every time a new beginners class starts, and it’s something that worried me too at first so I’m gonna try and ease y’alls fears about it.

The issue: Kemetic Orthodoxy asks the folks in the beginners class to set aside their current individual relationships with specific Netjeru through the class.

Why people freak about it: “You mean I can’t talk to [x] at all?! I can’t do anything for Them?! But They’re important to me!”

Trust me, I get it. But here’s what KO means when they ask this:

Try to welcome ALL of Netjer. If you’re solely focused on one Name, you might miss another who you didn’t expect to reach out to you. A quiet or subtle name might have messages for you that fly right under the radar because you weren’t open to things as they came. Netjer is so vast and diverse and incredible that one Name cannot contain all of its multitudes…and to experience that, one must be open to ALL of the Names, not just the ones that you are immediately familiar with.

  • This is also a suggestion. It is a strong suggestion, and one that personally helped me a LOT, but it is still a suggestion.
  • Nobody is saying that you CAN’T interact with specific names. You can! It’s okay! The idea is to be open when Names DO come to you.
  • If a Name is important to you, They probably will not fully “leave” anyway. Many Names know about KO and understand the process, so they become a bit more quiet during the beginners class time - but they don’t leave. They’re still there for you!

Personal story time: Bast was the Name that lead me to the House of Netjer. This is a common role for Her as I later learned, and I truly loved her. Before the class I had been so incredibly single minded about her that I hadn’t realized the other Names helping me and supporting me  - Until I let go of the single focus on Bast and said “okay…let come what may. I’m ready.” Then my Family became clear. Without the process of disconnecting, I wouldn’t have been able to understand that. I would still be clinging to what I thought was right, or what I wanted, instead of letting Netjer show and guide me to where I should be.

Is it easy? No, it can be hard and scary stepping off of safe ground into new territory. But without exploration, you might never truly discover what beauty is out there.


This! I was sad to let go of Bast during the Beginner's class, but I knew it was important for me to be open to other names as well. Though in the end she made it loud and clear in my RPD that I was hers and she is mine. My name even means "Bast Indulges Me."

Don't be afraid because you'll either be reunited in the RPD or you'll discover the names that speak to you ❤️


Shoutout to non-white Kemetics y’all the real MVPs

Y’all are also welcomed and loved in the community and we value your individual contributions to Kemetic Tumblr and whatever other Kemetic places you frequent

Keep drawing and praying and writing and whatever it is you do best to honor the Netjeru. And keep sharing it with the rest of us.


March 3rd/IV Peret 4

Tomorrow is Chewing Onions for Bast! Why onions? Why not! Onion rings and Funyuns are acceptable substitutes. Make sure to take the time to thank Bast for all her gifts and especially for the onions she loves so much.

“If you see anything today, it will be good. The gods and goddesses are satisfied when they see the children of Geb, sitting in their thrones.”

Taken from the Ancient Egyptian Daybook.

Honestly I couldn’t find a more fitting gif. Thank you Funyuns marketing team.


Dua Bast! Today marks the day of Chewing Onions For Bast holiday. In celebration I have given her a devotional tattoo offering. I placed her name on the 4th finger of my left hand, connecting her to my heart, bringing my spiritual oath into the physical. Now that's some heka! Love you, Cat Mom. May you keep my heart light with Ma'at. Also my birthday is tomorrow. I'm truly a Bast kid 😸


And remember, this is 2016. The government itself starves Native Americans who just protect their own land. 

The media is silent, as usual.

God bless these warriors. 

#NoDAPL #NoJusticeNoPeace


The anger in me just wants to blow up the pipeline, but I know Tribal Elders would disapprove.


The Zodiac Mood Cycle

Aries: With their outstanding energy surges, Arians feel emotions with ultra intensity. They have an exaggerated sense of joy and impulse; than an exaggerated sense of rage and impatience. The Arian mood changes often. This can cause random outbursts and impulsive behaviors before the reaction is completely forgotten. Aries are are naturally hyper sign.

Taurus: Taurus is one of the zodiac’s most emotionally stable signs. Their moods tend to stay neutralized and consistent. When provoked, Taureans can get defensive, or when experiencing many forms of instability; they may become irritable or even easily enraged.

Gemini: Gemini experiences mood swings with their ‘personality’ shifts. The changeable Gemini experiences many different personas in a day, each responding to the world with their own values, mannerisms and mood. The emotional state of a Gemini changes frequently, and they rarely remain in a ‘melancholy’ or ‘introspective’ mood for long. Nerves and anxiety are frequent.

Cancer: Cancerians experience some of the most intense mood swings of the whole zodiac. Being ruled by the Moon, they are at hostage to her lunar cycle and her waxing and waning is the compass for their mood. Cancerians can feel an exaggerated sense of both joy when they have a sense of security, and melancholy; requiring a certain amount of introspection to attenuate.

Leo: Leo’s experience an exaggerated sense of both euphoria and melancholy. Everything in the world of Leo is larger than life and they are prone to random outbursts; with arbitrary triggers. A sense of theatrics in the Leo often leads to dramatic displays of emotion, especially when they are critiqued. Leo are easily frustrated with themselves; thanks to their inner critical voices.

Virgo: While Virgo may experience fluctuations in mood, it would be rare for them to display it. Instead, the Virgo will repress the emotion, which can manifest in them needing a sense of order, and nerves and anxiety. The innate reflex to worry and their negative inner voices can cause mood changes, irritability and nervous tension. They tend to isolate themselves in their own bubble and reject the whole world

Libra: Although Libra seeks a lifestyle of tranquility, when they are out of equilibrium their mood swings can be intense. Librans are prone to random outbursts of rage (relating largely to repressed emotions) and become agitated about events that cause little response the day after. A frustrated Libra can be spiteful and vacillating.

Scorpio: Scorpio experience some of the zodiac’s most intense mood swings. Scorpio experiences periods of joyous euphoria and devastating melancholy. When in a low mood, Scorpio is prone to extremely dark thoughts, paranoia and introspection; on the contrary, a happy Scorpio is tremendously loving, curious, energetic and prone to delusions of grandeur.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius is a naturally energetic sign who tend to experience joy and exhilaration over gloom. They usually surprise themselves with their intense emotions, but would never intend to show them. With all their energy and restlessness, Sagittarius are prone to anxiety, stress and self deception during dark periods

Capricorn: The Capricorn aura is geared more toward melancholy than any other sign. Although they may have a stoic and calm expression; the inner Capricorn is often racked with nerves, anxiety and an impending sense of doom. Pronounced ‘over thinkers’; Capricorn can literally ‘think’ themselves into a depression

Aquarius: Aquarius receive the air sign mood volatility; but their moods are so hard to analyze because they are so unpredictable. What sets of a response in Aquarius one day; may not worry them the next. Although detached by nature, Aquarius still have changeable emotions and racing thoughts which can take introspection to attenuate. It can take months for anger or agitation to build up in the Aquarian

Pisces: Pisceans are vulnerable to a both exaggerated sense of joy and melancholy as a result of their porous absorption in the collective unconscious. People born under this sign are also susceptible to nerves and anxiety thanks to their inner critic. The external moods, vibrations and whims of others is also absorbed by the Piscean; who may experience inorganic streams of emotions.

Capricorn is spot on lol


Same with Pisces. This is why I have social anxiety. I literally cannot handle the influx of everyone's emotional and vibrational clutter.


Go big or go home 

So I tried to recreate this, because I knew the responses would be different, and consequently realized that it’s either extremely old or faked, as Cleverbot auto-capitalizes and auto-punctuates your sentences for you if you do not. Oh well.

In light of that fact, here’s my go at cybersexing Cleverbot.

So I decided to try it

alrighty, let’s go one more step



Story of my life


that’s a first.


I wasn’t gonna reblog this but I lost it at the last one



Source: mockinggrass

Tarot Interpretation Master Post!

-Major Arcana:                                

🔸0- The Fool                                       

🔸I- The Magician                                

🔸II- The High Priestess                      

🔸III- The Empress                                

🔸IV- The Emperor                               

🔸V- The Hierophant                            

🔸VI- The Lovers                                  

🔸VII- The Chariot                                 

🔸VIII- Strength                                     

🔸IX- The Hermit                                   

🔸XI- Justice                                       

🔸XII- The Hanged Man                      

🔸XIII- Death                                       

🔸XIV- Temperance                            

🔸XV- The Devil                                   

🔸XVI- The Tower                               

🔸XVII- The Star                                 

🔸XVIII- The Moon                              

🔸XIX- The Sun                                   

🔸XX- Judgment                                

🔸XXI- The World    

-Suit of Cups:

-Suit of Wands:

-Suit of Pentacles:

-Suit of Swords:






Had a dream about Bast last night. I cried out to her as Mother and she came from the Duat to me as her child. I was so happy and could feel her magnificence. She was beautiful and powerful. If she was not my Mother, I would've been scared, but instead I felt safe as she came to protect her kitten.

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