
Den of Solitary Badassery

@ladytaurii / ladytaurii.tumblr.com

OOC and sometimes IC Tumblr for Taurii of Wyrmrest Accord on World of Warcraft.

How many servers could it take to turn on a light bulb. Lol.

Philips: hold my beer:

Anonymous asked:

You are a good cookie don't change.

my ex would not agree, but thanks.

edit: apparently, my ex does agree. what the fuck.

Anonymous asked:

Where's the truth bombs? We were waiting.

ah. Right. I had other things distract me.

It turns out that going over old drama isn’t very interesting, and like a cat, i get distracted by shit that is more interesting.

BASICALLY though, all Ulysseys bullshit comes off as to me is his anger over being ignored or some other bullshit. Recapping the last 5? years or so of bullshit on wra in one lengthy summary isn’t very useful. His anger at one person over being ignored and attempting to drag people through the mud makes him no better than anyone he is upset with.

How many of the things that he got upset over were already addressed in private? I’m pretty sure the answer is “most of them”. What is the fucking point? Its like clockwork. Ya’ll get upset over something or another that is actually news, and then everyone moves on because you’re all mostly impotent, toxic assholes to one another.

Ulysseys on the other hand decides to dredge old shit up and present it as news, as something that requires attention. it really doesn’t, and all it does is get people who otherwise didn’t know or forgot up in arms again.

Question: To what end does he hope to achieve something? Has he presented something that he wants done, concretely, to resolve everything? As far as I can tell the answer is no. I think most of you just want to drive a guy off the server that just wants to be left alone to write.

Everyone gets angry at Blank but doesn’t get angry at any of the other number of things that get done to others on this server by people in more popular well liked guilds. No idea why. Most of it just comes off as hypocrisy to me.

Also, some of you actually need IRL therapy for your abandonment issues. Using the game for it is a bad idea.

Edit: That book he mentioned? It deals in abuse in romantic relationships. That he and others confuse romantic relationships with RP relationships where you kind of sometimes write cooperatively with others is a problem none of you are looking at. Get fucking help.

PS: I would tell you how to actually get your problems resolved, but it has never been about that. We all know all anyone wants to do is hurt Blank and the people around him.

tl;dr: Drama is drama and the truth is something none of you want. You’re all impotent, toxic shitlords to one another and I’m not impressed by his desire to dredge up the past. Ya’ll got played in an effort to hurt people. Again.


👉 Cards Against Humanity is sending billboard trucks to Net Neutrality protests around the country today. This is our last chance to make calls. Dial 202-759-7597 now to learn more.




If we lose Net Neutrality in the next 24 hours, blame congress. Call your lawmakers now:


If we lose it guys we’re not just getting charged for using the internet but were also losing these websites













-ALL online games and networks

-ALL online shopping services

-ALL online classes

-ALL the porn

Just 24 hours until the choice is made. Do your part if you already haven’t. Call the FCC and tell them you don’t want to pay for social media

-CALL: 202-418-1000

Or text RESIST to 50409 and get walked through the process of making your voice heard to your senator. They represent you and always will

But in the mean time Tumblr, BREAK THE INTERNET. Reblog these pics, post your own thoughts/blogs, spread the word, Join the Fight!

Don’t lie down and wait for results, make the results happen, we’re the people, we’re stronger than we know. Now let’s out and show it

NOOOO NOT TWITTER, Oh my GOD NOOO we have to act quick.

y’all should rb this to all of your blogs if you have more than one, just saying


Anonymous asked:

I abandoned WrA a long while back. It's amazing how peaceful your online tome becomes when you do. It's just an awful cesspool of circle jerking and hypocrisy.

Yup. I’m off enjoying the game and learning a new main class for the next expansion. Was raiding with someone I even met on here. people seem to think WrA is some bastion of good RP and writing and community.

newp. its a toxic shitstain of a server and pretty much everyone is fucking guilty of making it such. it turns out that people on pure pve servers and pvp servers are much more chill and relaxed.

Anonymous asked:

The witch hunt that took place years ago has nothing to do with what this new post is about. Did you forget how to read while you were away? Keep going. This. Is. Hilarious.

You miss the point.

The point being: pretty much everyone on wra, with little exception, are vile to one another. You are not any better than Blank. Blank might be awful, but you aren’t a paragon either. Stop fucking acting like its news.

Anonymous asked:

You should probably stop before you embarrass yourself further.

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