
im the infamous gendie anon

@gendieanonsideblog / gendieanonsideblog.tumblr.com

?_? anon is no longere accepting requests !! check recent post D:

unfortunately we have to make this announcement uhm ?_? went dormant and no one will be managing this acc for a while, we dont know how long but figured yall should know. no one else manages this acc besides gendie so thats why we figured making an announcement and having everyone know why were gone even though we know no one cares lmao. were not sure if we should mention xens close beings so we wont but if anyone wants to pass the message wed like epikulupu genderarryire kenochoric  orixngecrxsh  mimikyu meadows i-94-w-832-mi ordinaryishperson vessel-of-devils mogai sunflwers  mousesquared d0llh0use-c0ining  mogai place xyz syndicate cinnamogai solarwindsempire iciclebouquet quotegender drydameadows etchedstars dreams-your-smp r0ttingphantasm techno-with-no-blade and hilow meadows dont mention them but if they arent opposed to being told about the situation then by all means moonie would appreciate it thank you have a good timezone


for @epikulupu​​ s day six and seven of its five hundred event metalpolitanic !! [ meh - tuhl - paw - lih - tah - nihc ] what is it ?? - a gender related metal , neapolitan icecream , the gender being metal smelling or tasting like neapolitan icecream , the gender being neapolitan icecream smelling or tasting like metal , a mix of the two or related to the two - can be used as an add on [ metalpolitanic heartstimmic , metalpolitanic genderaloe ] , by itself , or however the being wants it to be used as !! who can use ?? - anyone can !! etymology : - [ metal from the word metal meaning any of various opaque, fusible, ductile, and typically lustrous substances that are good conductors of electricity and heat, form cations by loss of electrons, and yield basic oxides and hydroxides from the greek word metallon ] - [ politan from the word neapolitan a brick of from two to four layers of ice cream of different flavors usually strawberry vanilla and chocolate ] - [ ic from the middle english word for “ of or partaining to “  ]  

flag id : [ a vertical five sided flag and two circles one big and one slightly smaller inside it . colors are strawberry , light peach strawberry , vanilla , cocoa powder brown , and chocolate brown . the circles grey and light muted purple ] end id

- color meanings :

strawberry , pink , and brown : representing classical neapolitan icecream grey : metal  self and gender - req by no one , flag / term by me

angellovforemusica !! [ ayn - juhehl - luhv - fohr - meeyuu - sih - cah ] what is it ?? - a gender related angels , angelcore , love , lovecore , forests , music from the forest - can be used as an add on [ angellovforemusica genderfawn , angellovforemusica genderdoe ] , by itself , or however the being wants it to be used as !! who can use ?? - anyone can !! etymology : - [ angel from the word angel ] - [ lov from the word love ] - [ fore from the word forest ]  - [ musica from the word musica ]  

flag id : [ to be added ] end id - color meanings : white , yellow , gold : angels , angelcore pink , red : love , lovecore  muted green and grass green : forest , music from the forest - req by no one , flag / term by me my dni and boundaries :O


day four and five for @epikulupu​ s thousand event !! dangersunsetic !! [ dayn - juherr - suhn - seh - tihc ] what is it ?? - a gender related to watching the sunset in dangerous places like cliffs , breaking into private property , on top of roofs etc - can be used as an add on [ dangersunsetic cadeerian , dangersunsetic voidnevow ] , by itself , or however the being wants it to be used as !! who can use ?? - anyone can !! etymology : - [ danger from the word danger from the middle english word daunger meaning power or point of control , the word im using meaning something not good ] - [ sunset from the word sunset from the middle english word sonne set meaning sun set ] - [ ic from the middle english word for “ of or partaining to “  ]  

flag id : [ a sixteen striped flag with all stripes the same size but the middle one which is twice the size of the other stripes , on the top left hand corner is a muted cyan isosceles triangle with a skull on it the same on the top right . on the bottom left and right are the same signs except inverted . the stripe colors from top to bottom are deep dark ocean blue , dark indigo , rustic red , burnt orange , golden orange , gold , light pastel yellow , bubblegum , and light bubblegum ] end id - color meanings : blues , purples , oranges , and yellows : sunset cyan and grey : danger , opposite of the warm feeling you might get from watching sunsets  pinks : for a place to watch , watching - req by no one , flag / term by me phosialsunsetcandlic !! [ faw - see - uhl - suhn - seht - cahn - duhl - ihc ] what is it ?? - a gender lighted up but the candle light under the sunset  - can be used as an add on [ phosialsunsetcandlic mushpupgender , phosialsunsetcandlic nosleepupic ] , by itself , or however the being wants it to be used as !! who can use ?? - anyone can !! etymology : - [ phosial from epikulupus coined phosial system meaning a gender that is lighten up by another ] - [ sunset from the word sunset from the middle english word sonne set meaning sun set ] - [ candle from the word candle from the latin word candela which means small shine ] - [ ic from the middle english word for “ of or partaining to “  ]  

flag id : [ a flag with at the top and bottom four even stripes , in the middle is a vertically long diamond which looks like its pushing the middle two stripes to intersect the two stripes above and below it . the stripe that is the same color and passes through the diamond is the same size as the other stripes besides the part where it flows into the diamond . the stripe thats outside it is three times the size of the other stripes . colors from top to bottom of black purple , dark purple , lighter than dark but still dark purple , burnt orange , golden brown , and gold , golden brown , burnt orange ,  lighter than dark but still dark purple , dark purple , and black purple . in the middle of the diamond is a candle with metallic red with a fire burning ] end id - color meanings : blues , purples , oranges , and yellows : sunset , light of the sunset red and candle fire : the candle  - req by no one , flag / term by me my dni and boundaries :O


- discportic & disportoan

( respective flags )

definition: discportic is a gender related to the discoporto in Barra do Garças, Brazil, which is an airport for UFOs. /srs

disportoan is an orientation related to the discoporto. they can also be related to space, aliens, UFOs and such.

these can be ironic identities or not. go wild with these.

( ID: a flag with five stripes, in the following colors: light green, green, brown, black and green-ish gray.

A flag with four stripes, in the following colors: light green, leaf green, dark brown and light gray. /End ID )


for @epikulupu​ s day two and three of its thousand event !! joygendieuseic !! [ juhoy - gehn - dee - yuu - sihc ] what is it ?? - a gender related to the joy of seeing someone use a gender you made !! the joy can feel like a million stars in the sky or your heart soaring to be with the stars - can be used as an add on [ joygendieuseic airzeigender , joygendieuseic estogirl ] , by itself , or however the being wants it to be used as !! who can use ?? - anyone can !! etymology : - [ joy from the word joy ] - [ gendie from the word gendie ] - [ use from the word use ] - [  ic from the middle english word for “ of or partaining to “ ]

flag id : [ a flag with a semi dark cerulean blue with circles shriking towards the middle , the circles becoming a much more darker shade as it shrinks , six circles . theres a slight static effect making the flag blurry with thick black lines going left to right the ends rounded lengths vary as they are put randomly on the flag thirteen faded opacity black lines in total ] end id

- color meanings :

to be added - req by no one , flag / term by me blunothstatic !! [ bloo - nawhth - stah - tihc ] what is it ?? - a gender related to static blue nothingness , static gender , blue gender , nothing gender , a gender that is blue nothing but also feels static - can be used as an add on [ blunothstatic buttoneuphoric , blunothstatic aniseromic ] , by itself , or however the being wants it to be used as !! who can use ?? - anyone can !! etymology : - [ blu from the word blue ] - [ noth from the word nothing ] - [ static from the word static ] - [ ic from the middle english word for “ of or partaining to “ ]  

flag id : [ to be added ] end id and simplified version !! flag id : [ to be added ] end id - color meanings : to be added - req by no one , flag / term by me my dni and boundaries :O


@epikulupu​​ s five hundred event day three four and five cvetzlodobroliac !! [ svet - zuhloh - doh - broh - lee - ahhc ] what is it ?? - a gender related to the evil laying deep in the earth , when it blooms it temps everyone who sees it , its meant to be seen but it hides and waits for the right moment to blossom into joyous immorality , looks lovely and beautiful but its dark and foul underneath - can be used as an add on [ cvetzlodobroliac tulivia , cvetzlodobroliac bibernatio ] , by itself , or however the being wants it to be used as !! who can use ?? - anyone can !! etymology : - [ cvet from the slovenian word for flower ] - [ zlo from the slovenian word for evil ] - [ dobro from the slovenian word for good / angel ] - [ liac from the middle english word for “ of or partaining to “ but i added l and a to spice it up ]  

flag id : [ to be added ] end id

- color meanings :

pinks and dark purple : the disguise of good and beauty , blooms / blooming , love for evil the flower with muted purple and faded yellow : watching / waiting , temptation greens and brown : the earth , hiding , patience black : the hidden evil , foulness , immorality - req by no one , flag / term by me artforweaponic !! [ awrt - fohr - weh - puh - nihc ] what is it ?? - a gender related to the art and detail of weaponary . the intricate effort and detail that goes into each craft . the hilt , head , handle , every part of the weapon is created with care and the art that comes with it is what this gender is related to - can be used as an add on [ artforweaponic lasvencatic , artforweaponic asillmasc ] , by itself , or however the being wants it to be used as !! who can use ?? - anyone can !! etymology : - [ art from the english word art from middle english for craft, principles of a craft or a field of knowledge, one of the seven fields of study comprising the medieval school curriculum, practical knowledge, code of behavior ] - [ for from the english word for form as in artform a type of art ] - [ weapon from the english word weapon from the middle english word wepen  ] - [ ic from the middle english word for “ of or partaining to “ ]  

flag id : [ to be added ] end id - color meanings : purple : art  grey , off white / ivory , gold , dark red , cocao brown , light muted green : colorpicked from a sword that i found on google which represents the colors of strength , power , detail , fine works , etc light brown of the palette : working , creating  dark muted blue : royalty off white : spectrum of how youre being percieved in identifying with this gender - req by no one , flag / term by me cafeconvodestrucic !! [ cah - fay - cawhn - voh - dehs - truhc - ihc ] what is it ?? - a gender related to the talking about destroying things in cafes , conversations of destroying things in general while being in a cafe , or a cafe for destroying things - can be used as an add on [ cafeconvodestrucic demisunboy , cafeconvodestrucic bigenderlunic ] , by itself , or however the being wants it to be used as !! who can use ?? - anyone can !! etymology : - [ cafe from the word cafe ] - [ convo from the word conversation which means to talk about something with another being ] - [ destruc from the word destruction which means to destroy or make things come apart ] - [ ic from the middle english word for “ of or partaining to “  ]  

flag id : [ to be added ] end id - color meanings : browns : cafes  greens : the want to destroy , the energy of conversation red : the feeling of wanting to destroy - req by no one , flag / term by me my dni and boundaries :O


euphoristargendie !! [ yuu - foh - ree - stawhr - gehn - dee ] what is it ?? - a gender related to the euphoria of beginning to make and physicalize your gender idea !! when you feel that rush of creativity and excitement of the beginning of a gender idea and the joy of starting to make it !! - can be used as an add on [ euphoristargendie unicornsproutial , euphoristargendie mindfantasian ] , by itself , or however the being wants it to be used as !! who can use ?? - anyone can !! etymology : - [ euphori from the english word euphoria meaning a feeling of intense excitement derived from the greek word euphoros meaning health ] - [ star from the english word start meaning to do something derived from the middle high german word sterzen meaning to move quickly ] - [ gendie from the english word gendie , a fun way of saying gender ] 

flag id : [ a vertical seven even striped flag that is pastel rainbow from left to right , a wave with four bumps facing up and three facing down at the top of the flag and the bottom , the bottom wave being inverted of the top . two large dots one purple on the left anad one green on the right the purple dot showing the green dot something that is interpreted as insert gender the purple dot is working on and the green dot clapping . a black lined star showed to the left of the purple dot and another identical to it but smaller is seen top left of the green dot . on the wave bumps facing downwords including the inverted wave are golden heart on each bump ] end id

- color meanings :

pink : euphoria , happiness , love pastel rainbow : shows colors that gender flags can but are not limited to be made from gold : talent , creativity - req by no one , flag / term by me - for @epikulupu​ s day one of its one thousand event !! congrats broski :DD prompt was beginning !! my dni and boundaries :O


luckyrush !! [ luh - kee - ruhsh ] what is it ?? - a gender related to getting a lucky power up that makes you rage whilst also gaining special things , a gender being lucky fueled by spite - can be used as an add on [ luckyrush deversorgender , spacearcadic tumblhotman ] , by itself , or however the being wants it to be used as !! who can use ?? - anyone can !! etymology : - [ lucky from the word lucky ] - [ rush from the word rush ] cw for neon , bright colors

flag id : [ a flag with three green gradient stripes at the top and purple gradient stripes at the bottom both are the same size . in the middle is a bright red zig zag with four points going up and five points going down three golden circles in the middle of the zig zag ] end id

- color meanings :

green : money symbolizing luck purple : luckiness red : rage , rush , anger , fueled by spite gold : luck , power up - req by no one , flag / term by me - for @epikulupu​ s five hundred event luck or rage i did both B]  my dni and boundaries :O


dark elf and mudskipper otherkin pronouns !! rq by @let-v3nom-rayn !! under the cut thanks for rqing !! getting your other rqs done :DD

Adding to hoard
  • Dark elf pronouns
  1. ru / ne / rus / nes / runeself
  2. noi / noir / noir / noirs / noirself
  3. mag / ik / mags / iks / magikself
  4. mag / magi / magik / magiks / magikself
  5. sta / star / star / stars / starself
  6. sae / saem / saer / saers / saerself
  • Mudskipper pronouns
  1. mud / skip / muds / skips / mudskipself
  2. mud / mudski / mudskip / mudskips / mudskipself
  3. muds / mudskip / mudskipper / mudskippers / mudskipperself
  4. mu / mud / mud / muds / mudself
  5. ski / skip / skip / skips / skipself
  6. mud / ski / muds / skis / mudskiself
  7. bwa / bwah / bwah / bwahs / bwahself
  8. gob / bii / gobs / biis / gobiiself
  9. gob / gobi / gobii / gobiis / gobiiself
  10. fi / sh / fis / shs / fishself
  11. sa / nd / sas / nds / sandself
  12. di / rt / dis / rts / dirtself
  13. trop / tropi / tropical / tropicals / tropicalself
  14. goo / oob / goos / oobs / goobself
  15. land / sea / lands / seas / landseaself
  16. fr / og / frs / ogs / frogself
  17. ski / skip / skippe / skipper / skipperself
  18. flo / flop / flop / flops / flopself
  • Other
  1. En / chant / ens / chants / enchantself
  • Yes i would love some emoji pronouns

alrighteo !! :D dark elf emoji pronouns !!  💀 / 💀 / 💀s / 💀s / 💀self 🐱‍👤 / 🐱‍👤 / 🐱‍👤s / 🐱‍👤s / 🐱‍👤self 🐍 / 🐍 / 🐍s / 🐍s / 🐍self 🕷 / 🕷 / 🕷s / 🕷s / 🕷self 👤 / 👤 / 👤s / 👤s / 👤self ✨ / ✨ / ✨s / ✨s / ✨self 🎨 / 🎨 / 🎨s / 🎨s / 🎨self 📚 / 📚 / 📚s / 📚s / 📚self 🖋 / 🖋 / 🖋s / 🖋s / 🖋self 🍵 / 🍵 / 🍵s / 🍵s / 🍵self 🏴 / 🏴 / 🏴s / 🏴s / 🏴self 🗻 / 🗻 / 🗻s / 🗻s / 🗻self 🌇 / 🌇 / 🌇s / 🌇s / 🌇self 🌪 / 🌪 / 🌪s / 🌪s / 🌪self ⚔ / ⚔ / ⚔s / ⚔s / ⚔self mudskipper emoji pronouns !! [ sorry there arent a lot of options T__T ]  🐟 / 🐟 / 🐟s /  🐟s /  🐟self 🐡 /  🐡 /  🐡s /  🐡s /  🐡self 🧤 /  🧤 /  🧤s /  🧤s /  🧤self 🧱 /  🧱 /  🧱s /  🧱s /  🧱self 🏖 /  🏖 /  🏖s /  🏖s /  🏖self

Pirate Terms and Phrases
  • Cutlass - A type of sword
  • Dance with Jack Ketch - To hang; death at the hands of the law (Jack Ketch was a famed English executioner)
  • Davy Jones's Locker - A mythical place at the bottom of the ocean where drowned sailors are said to go
  • Dead Men Tell No Tales - The reason given for leaving no survivors
  • Give No Quarter - Show no mercy
  • Keelhaul - A punishment where someone is dragged under the ship
  • Maroon - To leave someone stranded on a deserted island with no supplies, typically a punishment for any crew members who disrespected the captain
  • Mutiny - A situation in which the crew chooses a new captain, sometimes by forcibly removing the old one
  • No Prey, No Pay - A common pirate law that meant crew members were not paid, but rather received a share of whatever loot was taken
  • Privateer - Government-appointed pirates
  • Run A Shot Across The Bow - Fire a warning shot
  • Scurvy - A disease caused by Vitamin C Deficiency
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