
Richie Tozier mouth with Big Bill trauma


Mattie | 21 | he/him | this fucking band au made me put out an EP
Stream Tuck Me In on SoundCloud!
squad up with mopisa, sapphicsansastark, and lone-star-tozier

He literally wanted to die down there with him huh. Like he would rather be crushed under an entire house, under hundreds of feet of debris, than live in a world without him like he LITERALLY wanted to die with him huh. Like I have to live with this information? What do I do with this. I hope I get fucking crushed by a house


the tricky thing about reddie is that eddie’s a sweaterboy-passing absolute nightmare and richie’s a nightmare-passing sweaterboy. eddie genuinely wants to be a functional human being but exclusively makes his life worse and harder when he tries. richie wants to fuck shit up but he’s a serendipidous, unkillable cockroach everything always mostly works out for. richie peer-pressured eddie to take adderall with him in high school and inadvertantly treated both of their undiagnosed adhd

based on that interview with bill and pj, richie would smack a ball against an office building over and over again, deliberately trying to break the windows while eddie shrieks at him to stop before they get in trouble. but when eddie snatches the ball away and throws it up on the roof so no one can get it anymore, he nails a corner and part of the gutter busts loose and he gets served with legal ramifications 2-4 business days later


it chapter 2 was like a Bad Movie but if you didn’t spend months agonizing over it you literally don’t get to say that. you weren’t there


*Caught in the gay deadlights from legendary lgbt icon the Babadook*

Never thought I’d be drawing this but I had the idea and was stuck in a cold sweat until I had drawn it out so here you guys go lol

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