
May All Your Bacon Burn

@sigyncandance / sigyncandance.tumblr.com


Stan's Twin Theory

Hey, this is a new blog dedicated to Gravity Falls, and specifically to theories about Gravity Falls. We have some interesting (possibly far-fetched) theories. This is one of them.

Stan’s Twin Theory:

Stan has to have a brother (although not necessarily a twin), because he’s Dipper and Mabel’s Great-Uncle, and they all share the same last name, therefore he must have a brother. However, we believe he has a twin. Here’s why:

  • twins are genetic (and the gene can skip generations) 
  • There are some pieces of evidence found in the show that supports our claim

We also believe that Stan’s twin may be the Author. Here’s why:                            

1. The Hiding Spot

Look, a hole in the ground

In Tourist Trapped, Dipper found the 3rd book in the forest near the Mystery Shack. This may seem like a stretch, but think about it! where would you hide something important that you might want to access easily? By your house.                                        

Gideon’s factory

In The Hand that Rocks the Mabel it is shown that Gideon’s family factory is located on Gopher Road, the same street as the Mystery Shack. 

The Mystery Shack’s address via the Deed is 618 Gopher Road.

This could explain how Gideon found the 2nd Journal. 

And it’s interesting to note that Gideon was searching for the 1st Journal at the Mystery Shack. 

Possible hiding spots

There are possible hiding spots listed in the 2nd Journal, they seem to be located around a building similar to the Mystery Shack.

2. The Bunker

The Bunker is located underground, in the forest near the Mystery Shack.

There is a sign on the wall of the bunker that says that it is a nuclear fallout shelter. Now, where would you build a fallout shelter? Near your house of course! During times of bomb scares people would build fallout shelters in their backyard.

And since the Author did experiments in the bunker and was observing a shapeshifter, it would be more convenient for him to have the bunker close to the place where he lived. 

3. The Glasses              

In Carpet Diem, a secret room is discovered in the Mystery Shack, and Stan finds a pair of glasses.                                                                  

Stan finds the glasses

Later he is seen staring at the glasses, and he frowns at them in both scenes.

Stan contemplating the glasses

This could possibly represent an old memory of a friend or *cough* brother. It is obvious that someone lived in that room at some point, so why would Stan want to cover it up?


In Dreamscapers, it is shown in the 2nd Journal that the Author was surprised to see glasses on the Bill Cipher wheel, possibly because those are his glasses.Take a look at the glasses, they are similar to the ones found in the secret room.

We don’t think these are Stan’s glasses because his glasses are square with rims at the bottom, while the glasses found in the room and on the wheel don’t have rims at the bottom and are rounded.

Also in Dreamscapers, is a flash back of Stan when he was just a wee lad.

Notice his glasses are square and have rims at the bottom.
Here is Stan a little bit older. Notice that he still has square rimmed glasses.

But, in The Time Traveler's Pig, a younger “Stan” is shown with round glasses without rims at the bottom. His glasses look exactly like the one’s found in the secret room. 

Is this really Stan?

Also, this “Stan” has a cleft chin, whereas we have never ever once seen Stan with a cleft chin (not even in flashbacks). 

4. The Calender

Another small point: the calendar in the secret room has the date July 4, 1982 circled. It can be assumed that 1982 is the year the room was abandoned.

The room definitely looks like it hasn’t been touched since the 80’s

However, in the Author’s bunker, there is a calendar on the wall. Guess what year is on the calendar. 1982.

The calendar in the Mystery Shack and the calendar in the Author’s Bunker are from the same year, 1982. 

This suggests that both the room in the Shack and the Bunker were abandoned around the same time. 

5. Wrestling Match Flashback

In a brief scene in Stan’s flashback in Dreamscapers, we see young Stan at a wrestling match. There is a kid reading a book in the stands that looks very similar to child Stan, he even seems to be wearing the same clothing.

Could this be Stan’s twin?

6. The Swing-set 

In Dreamscapers, Stan’s mindscape is very creepy. One notable object in Stan’s mind is a dilapidated swing-set. This is the stuff of horror movies. 

Good times

Since we can assume everything in the mind is a symbol of a significant part of Stan’s life, then this swing-set is very telling. It likely symbolizes a broken childhood. Since it is a two swing swing-set, it could symbolize another person, likely from Stan’s childhood. A close friend… or sibling…

The fact that only one of the swings is broken is also interesting. In Into the Bunker, the Shapeshifter states that the Author “hasn’t been himself in 30 years” suggesting that he probably went crazy. 

Are all these merely coincidences? Maybe… But this is Gravity Falls we’re talking about. This show is filled with foreshadowing, plot twists, and secrets. There is just no way that all of this could be a coincidence. 

So, what do you think? Is this a stretch? Or are we on to something? Feel free to comment with your own theories. The more the merrier! :)

FRIENDS, look at this beautiful relic of a time long past. A time before Ford. A time where this was all speculation. Wow… what was it even like to live then? I can’t even fathom it, haha

It was amazing guys. I freaking LOST IT. It was just WE WERE RIGHT WE WERE RIGHT OMG WE WERE RIGHT

[ID: Screencaps from Gravity Falls.

1. “Look, a hole in the ground”: Dipper looks from the panel in the fake tree to the bunker Journal 3 was hidden in.

2. “Gideon’s factory”: Someone holds a notepad that says “412 Gopher Road” with Gideon’s factory in the distance.

3. “ The Mystery Shack’s address via the Deed is 618 Gopher Road.”: Gideon holds the deed to the Shack, which has the signature of Stanford Pines on it and the address 618 Gopher Road.

4. “Possible hiding spots”: Journal 2 open to pages titled “Possible Hiding Places,” which has marked spots around a wooden house and diagrams including the metal tree.

5. “The Bunker is located underground, in the forest near the Mystery Shack.”: The bunker, which has a fallout shelter poster in it.

6 and 7. “Stan finds the glasses. / Stan contemplating the glasses.”: Stan picks up the rounded glasses in the spare room and then looks at them consideringly in the living room.

8. “!!!”: Gideon’s hand rests on the page containing the Zodiac to summon Bill. The glasses symbol is labeled with an arrow and three exclamation marks.

9 and 10. “Notice his glasses are square and have rims at the bottom. / Here is Stan a little bit older. Notice that he still has square rimmed glasses.”: Stan as a child with the described glasses.

11. “Is this really Stan?”: The flashback to the Shack in “The Time Traveler’s Pig,” which shows “Stan” as described.

12. “The room definitely looks like it hasn’t been touched since the 80’s”: The calendar in the extra bedroom, as described.

13. “The calendar in the Mystery Shack and the calendar in the Author’s Bunker are from the same year, 1982.”: A calendar in the bunker also open to 1982.

14. “Could this be Stan’s twin?”: A flashback of young Stan in a boxing ring. A red arrow points out a kid with similar hair reading in the audience.

15. “Good times.” The grayscale, broken swingset in Stan’s mindscape.

I want everyone to appreciate that the date on the original theory post here is October 6, 2014.

For reference, that was a couple of days after “Little Shop of Horrors” had just aired, and a couple of weeks before “Society of the Blind Eye” would premiere.

Fantastic round-up of the thinking at the time!


Careful! This right here is a piece of history!!


How does anyone hate kids they are so funny I sold tickets to incredibles to this little girl and her mom and she’s like mom are we sitting next to each other and the moms like ya and the kid screamed YES so loud it broke my ears


The other day I was bringing an older gentleman up the hill in a golf cart and we drove past this huge YMCA group of kids like 100 kids and driving past the first chunk like 10 of them yelled out “let me on” in unison and then since I’m driving so slowly to be safe, halfway in some kid leaned up and said “do you play fortnite” and I told him I played a little and he just pointed and shouted “THIS GUY PLAYS FORTNITE” and then like 20 kids started talking to me all at once about fortnite

A kid asked me if I lived in the ambulance. I said yes.

The hero we deserve

When I was on register at Kohl’s a little girl came through with her grandma and she was so very excited to tell me the meaning of her name (I think it was like warrior of god) and she begged her grandma for her phone so she could google to find out what my name means too

i wear two spinner rings on one finger and one time at my last job a young girl (probably 6-8) said “your ring is very pretty” and when i showed her it was two rings she GASPED and said “does that mean you’re marrying two people?!”

I have this necklace with a mermaid on it that I wear to work a lot and I got asked by a kid if it gave me magic powers. I leaned in real close and told her in a low voice it gave me magical girl powers but it was a secret. She got this real serious look on her face and said to her mom “that lady has superpowers, don’t tell anyone or the government will take her away”.


The other day i had to give a speech at my school despite my horrific fear of public speaking and afterwards i had kid come up to me and say well done to me. It was so cute.

god I love tiny kids

there was a kid in one of our science camps and he spent the whole week in a lab coat and goggles screaming “CHEMICALS” at the top of his lungs. he wouldn’t even tell us his name for the first two days just screamed CHEMICALS instead.


I was watching these kids at church today and one of them screamed and threw a toy car into the wall and it broke and the other one looked over calmly and said “does your insurance cover that?”

I was taking the drink order for a family at work and I asked their kid what he wanted to drink and he just looked at me with a completely deadpan expression and said “vodka” and me and the parents just fucking lost it

kid I used to babysit asked why my lips were different (she was two), and when I told her that it was because I was wearing lipstick, she yelled, “MAYA, I WANT LIPITZ.”


I work in a school and every time I draw anything on the board (I am a terrible artist and usually resort to stick men), the kids will all go ‘I love your picture, that’s a great drawing Miss’. So blindly supportive.

One time my younger brother ordered a “non-alcoholic fanta” at a hotel bar and the bartender lost his shit and I was never the same man


When I was student teaching, I was taking my fourth graders back from lunch and noticed one little girl looking longingly at the playground, where the younger kids were having recess. She heaved a big sigh and said, “I used to be that free.”


oh my god little kids in the library are the BEST one time i was looking for a book and a little girl tried to help me cause we always help HER find the books she wants. sometimes when i’m helping them check out they’ll tell me about the books they’re getting. i know so much about dog man.

oh man! another hilarious thing kids in the library do! they will straight up TELL ON THEIR PARENTS!

mom: the book was like that when we checked it out

child, innocently confused: i thought (little brother) did that though?

dad: yes that’s our correct address and phone number

child, barely paying attention: we MOOOOVED!! :D

parent: we never checked that book out

child, trying to be helpful: yes we did, that’s the one we lost at grandma’s house, remember?

me, fighting laughter and trying to decide whether or not the enter the child’s testimony as official evidence or not

I know I’ve told this story on Tumblr before, but one of my favorite retail experiences was when I was stocking shelves once and dropped a couple of small plastic toys, and a little girl ZOOMED up, grabbed them, held them up to me, and when I thanked her, said “I’m closer to the floor, so it’s TEAMWORK! :D” and zoomed off back to her mom

I was telling a kindergarten class (4/5 year olds) that we’re hosting a book fair next week and they would need to ask their parents for money. One girl very excitedly told me she has “one money” in her piggy bank. Her classmate, vibrating with excitement, said, “I have TOO MUCH money! I have ten dollars!”

When I worked retail there were so many times that the kids just wanted to be INVOLVED– if their parents were chill sometimes I’d show the kids the security tag remover and they LOVED that shit. Other times they’d just help me bag stuff up.  There was also one kid who was CONVINCED that our steamer was a vacuum (it does look like one) and he was ENAMORED because he loved vacuuming.


I spent one summer writing in a local library (long story) and it was great to people-watch.

I was sitting near the family bathrooms. One of the doors caromed open and a kid maybe three years old leapt out.

He was not wearing pants.

He looked left and right, got ready to dash for the kids’ books.

An arm clapped down on his shoulder and yanked him back inside with a squeak. The door slammed shut.

The movement and timing was JUST as comedic and cartoonish as you’re picturing. Kids are awesome.

My friends toddler was singing about the window he accidentally broke the other day. No discernible words other than BROKEN WINDOOOOOOOW……..I love that goblin baby


every time my bf says “for the time being” i respond with “for the time bean” and then we say “all hail the time bean” and carry on the conversation like nothing happened


no seriously, tell me where you're from and if you read asterix and obelix as a kid because I thought those comics were universal

there's something so funny about 10 people in a row reblogging this saying they're from India and loved them as a kid, and then one person from India reblogging with a rant about westerners assuming their experiences are universal and "of course i dont know them"

From Greece and my dad would get the comics and DVDs mostly with magazines or newspapers. I LOVED them so much.


i learned a while ago that the whole “most of the stars we see in the sky are actually already dead because they’re so far away that we’re seeing them as they were thousands of years ago” thing is a myth because stars live so long that it’s unlikely many, if any, of them have burned out yet, but i’m still glad that myth exists because there’s just something about the thought of the sky as a graveyard of stars that gets to me

It’s interesting because one day that will be true for some people in some planet out there, but we are so young, the universe is so young, that we live in a time when we get to see more stars born than we ever will see die. There’s poetry in looking up and seeing a star graveyard, but I think there’s also poetry in looking up and seeing a star nursery.

Like, momento mori but also momento vivere


we live in a time when we get to see more stars born than we ever will see die


a rating of all the frogs in my neighbors’ frog-themed bathroom

very round and good! his face shows an emotion that i can’t quite describe. 10/10

here we have an arts and crafts frog! he has a nice figure but his lack of eyes is unsettling. 6/10

this is a truly excellent frog, he’s going places and he doesn’t care how long it takes. 12/10 for realism.

this frog looks like he’s having a cheeky little giggle at you for being in the bathroom for so long. something about him unsettles me. 2/10

this is the woodchime frog. he watches you smugly. i don’t like how he’s watching me, 5/10 because he’s kinda cute anyway

i hate it. 0/10

this fellow is perched right next to the toilet. one eye stares directly at your back, while the other looks at the wall. 6/10 good frog shape but still very unsettling

a truly excellent pair of comrades! double frog points 20/10

it’s Awful. -5/10


Put in the tags please if you answered yes lets have fun with this

For example my childhood dog was named Cher after the singer and yes she had a brother named Sunny

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