
@howellpov / howellpov.tumblr.com

cyrus, 18, they/he


  1. The meaning behind my url:
  2. A picture of me:
  3. How many tattoos i have and what they are:
  4. Last time i cried and why:
  5. Piercings i have:
  6. Favorite band:
  7. Biggest turn offs:
  8. Top 5 (insert subject):
  9. Tattoos i want:
  10. Biggest turn ons:
  11. Age:
  12. Ideas of a perfect date:
  13. Life goal:
  14. Piercings i want:
  15. Relationship status:
  16. Favorite movie:
  17. A fact about my life:
  18. Phobia:
  19. Middle name:
  20. Height:
  21. Are you a virgin?
  22. What’s your shoe size?
  23. What’s your sexual orientation?
  24. Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
  25. Someone you miss:
  26. What’s one thing you regret?
  27. First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:
  28. Favorite ice cream?
  29. One insecurity:
  30. What my last text message says:
  31. Have you ever taken a picture naked?
  32. Have you ever painted your room?
  33. Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
  34. Have you ever slept naked?
  35. Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?
  36. Have you ever had a crush?
  37. Have you ever been dumped?
  38. Have you ever stole money from a friend?
  39. Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?
  40. Have you ever been in a fist fight?
  41. Have you ever snuck out of your house?
  42. Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
  43. Have you ever been arrested?
  44. Have you ever made out with a stranger?
  45. Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
  46. Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
  47. Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?
  48. Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
  49. Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
  50. Have you ever seen someone die?
  51. Have you ever been on a plane?
  52. Have you ever kissed a picture?
  53. Have you ever slept in until 3?
  54. Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now?
  55. Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
  56. Have you ever made a snow angel?
  57. Have you ever played dress up?
  58. Have you ever cheated while playing a game?
  59. Have you ever been lonely?
  60. Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?
  61. Have you ever been to a club?
  62. Have you ever felt an earthquake?
  63. Have you ever touched a snake?
  64. Have you ever ran a red light?
  65. Have you ever been suspended from school?
  66. Have you ever had detention?
  67. Have you ever been in a car accident?
  68. Have you ever hated the way you look?
  69. Have you ever witnessed a crime?
  70. Have you ever pole danced?
  71. Have you ever been lost?
  72. Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?
  73. Have you ever felt like dying?
  74. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
  75. Have you ever sang karaoke?
  76. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
  77. Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
  78. Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?
  79. Have you ever kissed in the rain?
  80. Have you ever sang in the shower?
  81. Have you ever made out in a park?
  82. Have you ever dream that you married someone?
  83. Have you ever glued your hand to something?
  84. Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
  85. Have you ever gone to school partially naked?
  86. Have you ever been a cheerleader?
  87. Have you ever sat on a roof top?
  88. Have you ever brushed your teeth?
  89. Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
  90. Have you ever played chicken?
  91. Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
  92. Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?
  93. Have you ever broken a bone?
  94. Have you ever been easily amused?
  95. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
  96. Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?
  97. Have you ever cheated on a test?
  98. Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?
  99. Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?
  100. Give us one thing about you that no one knows.

hot take: jake peralta is bi and john mulaney plays his ex boyfriend from high school in season six of brooklyn nine-nine

john mulaney plays a rockin’ twink

John Mulaney: *to himself* What would Leonard Bernstein do?

Captain Holt: *to Jake, quietly* I support your and Amy’s relationship with my whole heart but why on earth would you give up a man like that

“look, it’s not like i hid anything, it just never came up!” 

“You called yourself out for ‘straighsplaining’“ 

the whole bi thing goes completely over charles’ head and he keeps getting really aggro like “oh you and jake were real close huh?? too bad, sucker jake is MY best friend!” 

everybody else is like “charles no” 

at the end john mulaney turns out to be the embezzler they’ve been looking for


The only way Jake Overshare Peralta, Jake TMI Peralta, Jake Heart-On-His-Sleeve Peralta would fail to bring up the fact that he is bi, is if he himself were oblivious to the fact. 

Come on @morthils this isn’t Gina Linetti we’re talking about. Stay in character.

The only way Jake would have had a high school boyfriend and not told Amy and Holt is if Jake himself did not realize that this dude was his boyfriend.

He would describe the relationship to Amy and she’d be like, “So you guys were dating” and he’d be like “It wasn’t like that that” and she’d be like:



Lots of “practice kissing” was involved.


Jake’s mom is absolutely That Overly Supportive Parent with the bumper sticker and the flag who never actually like, talks to her son about it.

“I just thought she was really liberal!”

“Look, everyone has celebrity crushes! Like the entire cast of Infinity War. And some male models. And random good looking people on the street. And sometimes you’re handcuffing a guy with his hands in front and you lock eyes and your faces are close and you can smell his cologne and aftershave and ohhhh ok yup I see it now. Cool. Cool. Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool. Yeah, I’m definitely bi.”


i once saw a system who had like a notebook filled with information and questions where their alters communicated with each other - how do you guys communicate when you aren’t cofronting?


we have a lot of internal communication! we can generally communicate with anyone who’s close to front while we’re fronting, and then once there’s a switch internal communication is even easier. aside from that, we have a private discord server that only has us and the PluralKit bot in it where we leave notes sometimes if it’s important

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