

@onigiriforears / onigiriforears.tumblr.com

studying towards the JLPT N1 (eventually) to be a Japanese translator
I track #onigiristudies note: this is a sideblog

Check out my ko-fi shop (pls lmao)

Hi friendos!

I have a ko-fi shop (named Kingyo Hut) with digital printables I'm currently making items for the shops in hopes of creating a physical product that I'll be sharing more info about later. I want to work out a few details before I share about that because there's been a worldwide shortage on what materials I want to use (according to local suppliers, i cry). Why did I make them digital? In hopes that you can reuse them as many times as you want and that they are able to be used on tablets, too. (I've noticed how many people in the study community have tablets.)

In the meantime, here's a listing of what's currently in my shop and what's coming soon:

Beginners Products (These products were broken into parts so that beginners can practice what they feel they need to target without feeling overwhelmed or buying something that they don't need. However, I did also combine them together in a lower-priced bundle for those that wish to purchase all of them in one go :D)

JLPT-related Products

Coming soon in JLPT-related Products

  • JLPT N3 Kanji & Grammar Checklist (currently being worked on)
  • JLPT N2 Kanji & Grammar Checklist (coming soon)
  • JLPT N1 Kanji & Grammar Checklist (coming soon)

Kanji-related Products

Coming soon in Kanji-related products

  • Grade 2 Jouyou Kanji Practice Printable (coming soon)
  • Grade 3 Jouyou Kanji Practice Printable (coming soon)
  • Grade 4 Jouyou Kanji Practice Printables (coming soon)
  • Grade 5 Jouyou Kanji Practice Printables (coming soon)
  • Grade 6 Jouyou Kanji Practice Printables (coming soon)

Reading Packets

Miscellaneous Products



名詞 // Nouns:

基調(きちょう)basic tone, basic theme 後年(こうねん)in (one's) later years 権現(ごんげ)incarnation 酸味(さんみ)sourness, sour taste 駄洒落(だじゃれ)bad joke 店内装飾(てんないそうしょく)in-store decoration 末裔(まつえ)descendant 装い(よそおい)outfit

動詞 // Verbs:

あやす soothe, comfort, humor 利かせる(きかせる)season (e.g. with salt), bring out, use 渋る(しぶる)be reluctant, be unwilling, balk なつく become emotionally attached 放る(ほうる)neglect, abandon, leave alone

形容詞 // Adjectives:

渋い(しぶい)bitter, sour, harsh, grim

その他 // Other:

後々(のちのち)later 機転が利く(きてん が きく)be quick-witted 散々(さんざん)severely, harshly 駄々をこねる(だだ)throw a tantrum





 火炎焱燚  this  燚焱炎火

 火炎焱燚   is   燚焱炎火

 火炎焱燚  fine 🐶 燚焱炎火






First Read of 2023 | New Shop Addition

I'm back! I've officially finished my first Japanese read of 2023: 花野井くんと恋の病 (A Condition Called Love) and I'm quite pleased with myself--it only took me 10 days.

☁︎ I opted to use this series to kick off the new READING PACKS section that I have added to my shop. There's no need to feel daunted when you're trying to read a series or trying to read your first book/manga in Japanese. These reading packs go line-by-line, word-by-word, with the goal of helping beginners read with ease. The goal of the Kingyo Hut shop is to make the unachievable achievable.

☁︎ Each reading pack will include a searchable PDF, as well as an Excel sheet (divided/sectioned by chapters) that you can convert to .csv files to import into Anki or any other SRS study tool that you may use.

☁︎ For this particular pack, there are over 1,000 entries, going line-by-line, word-by-word (in order). Each entry has: page number, kanji, kana, definition, and notes (if necessary). There are also grammar points notated in the files in the "notes" section. Keep an eye out for the next books in the series, too. There are at least 11 more 😉!

☁︎ What makes this different from a regular vocab list or the vocab lists that I sometimes share on my blog? These reading packs are made with beginners in mind, meaning that every. single. word. is on there in some way or another (yes, that means 私, どこ, あんな, この, 友だち and other words that many of us consider to be basics are included on there). This helps you start the journey and feel less daunted. No need to feel stupid when you look up a word--we all have to at some point or another.

☁︎ Currently, I'm using the series that I'm personally interested in reading, but if there's a series/book that you think you'd like to see a reading pack for, send me a message (on here, my studygram, or discord) or an ask (you can be anonymous if you want) and let me know! I can't guarantee that I can do every request (i.e., time, series/genres I may not be comfortable with, etc.), but I will definitely make an effort!

If you're interested, grab one now while they're at the low price of $9 USD.

number 2 is coming!!


Hello Onigiri!

Do you have a website recommendation on buying books, Manga and light novels from Japan? I am currently addicted to Blue Lock, and wanting to buy their novels.... And at the same time, I want to buy some reading materials (especially focusing on grammar).

Thanks in advance!!! (^o^)


Hi @haku2naomi420 ! <3 I'm a huge fan of your blog and I enjoy the kanji posts! Sorry this answer took so long!

  • I normally buy my physical copies of manga or Seitokai bookclub books from Kinokuniya USA online. Though Kinokuniya is a Japanese company, it does have some locations in other countries. I don't live near a physical location, but I am able to order through their website. > CON: Their shipping prices are ridiculous unless you reach the min amount of free shipping. CON: They hold your entire order if a single thing isn't available yet...I've had orders take weeks longer than expected before because a single item wasn't ready yet. > PRO: You can send inquiries about books that you may not be able to find on their website, as they might be able to order it for you anyways. PRO: They sell an assortment of things in English, Japanese, and Chinese including textbooks, cookbooks, magazines, stationery, anime merch, etc. (They didn't specify if it was Mandarin or Cantonese :,) )
  • I've ordered my N2 日本語総まとめ workbook series from them before I knew that Kinokuniya had an online store for America. The website has various textbook series alongside snacks, stationery, and graded readers. They even have textbooks for business Japanese
  • They have an array of everything! I can't remember if I've personally ordered from here when I was younger, but there are a lot of people in our server who recommend this is as well.

Amazon Japan (or Amazon [home country]) and eBay

  • Yes, the true evils...sometimes people are selling their used copies on there or the publishers of certain books are also posting their stores on there.

*🙋‍♀️I'm a hardcore cmoa user! They have digital copies of manga, light novels, webnovels and copies of novels on here as well. They also have some great deals and offer a ton of free manga and coupons.

@chouhatsumimi Also has a very helpful post on how to use honto.jp

  • I haven't used this, but @chouhatsumimi does as well as other people in our server!
  • I haven't used this site, but many others have! They are also ebook sellers.
  • This site has been recommended by our European server members. The website also boasts itself as the ideal shop for Japanese learners.

The infamous Z-library (lmao) for out of print things

  • Surprisingly, a book that Kinokuniya told me they couldn't acquire because it was out of print was available on Z-Library...somebody was willing to destroy their copy to scan and upload it on there.

If there's also a specific grammar book or series that you're looking for, message me because I might be able to find it somewhere online! (Or I might already have it.)

Shameless plug: starting Apr 2023, the Seitokai Server will be reading かがみの孤城 if anyone is interested


@lukrio99990 This post might have some helpful links too, though some might be physical only (not digital).



① tightly; exactly; precisely​

② close-fitting (e.g. suit); firm (body); lean

計画をかっちりと立ておく。 けいかく を かっちり と たて おく。 Make sure you have a plan solidly in place.


My Favourite Japanese Children's Shows

My son is 3 and I have watched a lot of Japanese children's shows with him (screen time is family time!). Here are some of my faves and why. These shows are all from NHK E-TV. Would I recommend to use these for personal study? I am using them to help teach my son Japanese, and for this it works doubly well as I learn how children's society operates in Japan and how Japanese people learn Japanese as well as social etiquette. If you don't have a child, you might get bored easily from these as they are not designed with an adult audience in mind, and you can find much better resources online. You also need a subscription to NHK somehow to watch them, which could be difficult or costly to obtain overseas. However, I like the stories and the characters, as well as the little things I learn from watching them. If you are thinking of teaching your child Japanese this might be a useful resource.

いないいないばあっ! Inai inai baa! (Peek-a-boo!) This show is designed for very young children and features the beloved dog Wan Wan, played by the same actor since it first started airing in 1996. Wan Wan is accompanied by a young girl, played by various actresses in a succession over the year, and other fun characters. There is singing and make-believe and crafts, as well as short segments featuring nature (animals, plants) or short animations. It's very slow as it is made for infants and toddlers, but that makes it very cute. A group of specially selected young toddlers appears for the dances and songs. Why I Like It: The animation is fun and visually appealing, the activities are play based and you can do them at home, and you learn some new vocabulary. Age: Infants to young Toddlers Clip: DVD Advertisement

おかあさんといっしょ Okaasan to issho (With Mother) This show is designed to be watched with mom (it comes on in the mornings and evenings on NHK E-TV). There are a male and female singing talent, and a male and female athletic talent, who participate in singing and acting clips. There are also a group of costumed characters that have a short story that is continued each week. It has a variety of songs, short skits, a collection of human and costumed actors, and a predictable flow that changes slightly based on the day of the week (e.g. teeth brushing days, story days, etc.). It also shows real kids doing real activities, which kids like to watch. Why I Like It: The songs are easy and catchy, the stories are easy to follow and the words are spoken clearly and precisely. Age: Infants to Toddlers/Preschoolers Clip: DVD Advertisement

アンパンマン Anpanman (Anpanman) This cartoon is a long running cartoon for children (since 1988!) with an incredible line of every toy imaginable to supplement your love for the red-bean bun man (anpan = red bean bun pastry). The story lines are simple and predictable, there are a variety of "fairy" characters that are composed of different Japanese food items, plants, utensils, and animals; and in the end the villains are just really hungry. Anpanman works to help people who are in trouble or hungry (sometimes even the villains), or being bullied by the hungry villains and the story always ends well. Why I Like It: The plot is easy to follow and you can learn about Japanese food and drink specialties via the endless supply of characters, and the songs are catchy. Age: Infants to Toddlers/Preschoolers Clip: Ending TV Theme Song

ピタゴラスイッチ Pitagora Suicchi (Pythagora Switch) Pythagora Switch is a 15-minute long show involving devices (Pythagora Switch) that are equivalent to the American Rube Goldberg machine and the British Heath Robinson contraption - basically, a sequence of events made from household objects that end with (usually) the words ピタゴラスイッチ being revealed. The idea is to encourage children to augment their way of thinking and to solve or understand what the machine will do before they see the movements happen. There are also other segments in which mechanisms are explained and shown visually. And usually there is rock-paper-scissors via a Pythagora Switch where you work out what the device will throw and try to beat it! The language in this show is more complicated because it is geared to a wider, older audience. Why I Like It: It helps me to think and enthralls my son with the moving parts. It's puzzle solving and sparks interest in the way the world works. Age: Toddlers to Elementary School Students Clip: 4 3 2 1 2 1 そうち


N4 文法: はずがない

はずがない= cannot be (its impossible)

How to use:

verb stays in dictionary form + はずがない

For な-adjective you な before the はずがない, for nouns you add の before.


彼はそなことを言うはずがない- he would never say that

そんなはずがない。- That cannot be true

彼女の話は本当のはずがない- her story cannot be true

そな大きな量を全部食べられるはずがない- there's no way you can eat that whole portion


related: はずだ = should be the case that

トイレはあそこにあるはずです。 = the bathroom should be over there.

もう帰っているはずだ。 = she should be home by now.

あの人は、きっと試合に勝つはずだ。 = that person should win the match for sure.


訓令式(くんれいしき): the kunrei romanization system

i saw people in the japanblr community talking about this recently, so i thought i'd post a quick explanation in case anyone wasn't already familiar with it!

in any case, you've probably noticed that there is not a consensus on how to write japanese using latin letters, whether it's what letters to use, whether to spell out long vowels, or even where to draw word boundaries. nowadays, people (especially non-japanese people) mostly use the hepburn system, which is quite phonetically intuitive. but there's also an older system called the kunrei system (訓令式)

the kunrei system was invented by the japanese government for official usage inside japan in the 1930s. unlike hepburn, kunrei is NOT based on the sounds of the japanese language but rather the strictest interpretation of its syllabic orthography (that is to say, the kana).

to my understanding the kunrei system is still taught in japanese schools, but it definitely feels old-fashioned (it's actually especially common to see in writing by japanese linguists!). you also may have heard that recently the japanese government is changing their official romanization rules, for exactly the reasons that most people prefer the hepburn system, i.e., kunrei doesn't make much intuitive sense compared to the actual spoken language. but it's still useful to be able to read it!

if you're interested, here are the general rules of the kunrei system:

  • whichever consonant precedes /a/ in the /aiueo/ vowel order, that consonant should precede all the other vowels as well. so, さ is /sa/, and therefore し is /si/. は is /ha/, and therefore ふ is /hu/. わ is /wa/, and therefore を is /wo/.
  • in words with little ゃゅょ, that whole kana is always spelled out. so しゃしん becomes /syasin/.
  • the diphthong おう is interpreted as a long お vowel. so とうきょう becomes /tookyoo/. this reanalysis does not happen for the えい diphthong (for some reason?? lol).

here are some wacky kunrei romanizations:

  • サーシャ → saasya (my name lol)
  • 不可欠(ふかけつ) → hukaketu
  • 手作り(てづくり) → tedukuri
  • 充実(じゅうじつ) → zyuuzitu
  • 故障中(こしょうちゅう) → kosyootyuu

anyways yeah the kunrei system is nuts....as i said, transcription of any language into a new writing system is never easy, and i think it's really cool to see what the first official steps were towards romanization back in the 1930s!



しわ - wrinkle, crease
  • スーツを着る前に、しわをアイロンで取りましょう
  • Before wearing this suit, let's remove the wrinkles with an iron.
  • 最近、顔にしわが増えてきた
  • Recently, the wrinkles on my face are increasing.
  • 私は40歳けど、しわがない
  • I'm 40 years old, but I don't have wrinkles.


せいうち; セイウチ




fairy; sprite; elf

誰かがあなたの部屋のドアをトントンした時、その相手が海象の時と妖精の時とだったらどっちの方が驚きですか? だれかがドアにトントンしたら、せいうちようせいだったらどっちのほうがもっとおどろきますか? If someone knocked on your door, would you be more surprised if it was a walrus or a fairy?

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