
Friend of mine linked a 5.5 hour long Youtube video picking apart the entirety of Nickelodeon's 2010 series Victorious. And we all independently went "lmao hey what the fuck who would watch a 5.5 HOUR long video on Victorious"

and we all independently went on to watch the 5.5 hour long video on Victorious.

Bopping Friday night with me and the girls exchanging Ariana Grande lore over the discord.

We're ALL watching the 5.5 hour long Victorious video on this Bopping Friday night.

We are ALL watching the Victorious video


the crime the criminal


Your honor. It's true that a first glance at the evidence would suggest my client was responsible. But let's look a little further, shall we?


I have here a reverse image search for the crime scene as well as my client's photo.

And if you look closely at the results...

The blogs and dates don't match.


My client has been framed!

And why? Because their iconic "mischievous smile" makes for a funnier post, of course. But nothing, not even Tumblr notes, is more important than the truth!

I present to you: The original unaltered post and the true culprit!


back when the pewdiepie controversies were going on, i often saw people saying "who's pewdiepie" and i always thought that was weird bc who the fuck doesn't know who pewdiepie is. you have to be aware of his existence, not even by watching his content, just by being on the internet, he was famous as shit. but now i get it. i have no idea who or what dream is and i want to keep it that way

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