
I'm dead inside!


I am but a young gay

sending “I hope you get that job” vibes to the people out here tryna get jobs

reblogging for yall bc the shit worked for me lol

Karma will pop me if I don’t



Guys, if you’re a K-Pop Stan, you may have heard of an app called Mydol, right? The premise is you input a call name and choose a K-Pop star to chat with, who is ‘AI’

This app is run by human traffickers

They will begin to ask you oddly specific questions, back into your camera and mic, and mask what they’re really doing by saying ‘the AI get smarter the more you talk!’

This isn’t true. You aren’t talking to AI, you’re talking to REAL PEOPLE!!

It makes you create an account, preferably by linking your twitter, google, or Facebook. If you have linked any of these social media platforms to a Mydol account, deactivate them right now

If you don’t trust me, just look a little more into the app online. Look at the screenshots. Tell me I’m wrong.

Spread. This. Please. I know you may not be into K-Pop, but I’m sure someone following may be, or know somebody who is. Even if you aren’t, you may have downloaded the app. This app is dangerous

TLDR; Mydol is an app run by human traffickers who pretend to be AI

(Reposting with more info and tagging more fandoms)

Not into k-pop but please don’t get trafficked

@infinityuserboxes I feel like you,should be aware of this for some reason…

I know this is a markiplier blog but any kpop fans please be safe!

i know this is a markiplier blog but any kpop fans please be safe

^Haiku^bot^9. I detect haikus with 5-7-5 format. Sometimes I make mistakes. Most of you are welcome, friendly Human®. | PayPal | Patreon


dunno how current this is but hey better safe than sorry

I know a few of my followers are k-pop fans. Better safe than sorry.

Any of my loves out following me who are kpop lovers, do NOT DOWNLOAD MYDOL!!!!

Suspicious of Lotor’s alliance with Voltron, Galra oppressors continue to invade and conquer vulnerable planets throughout the universe. A hyper-focused Team Voltron feels the need to liberate the helpless planets and begins a massive campaign to save millions of lives. But after the Paladins uncover some troubling information, they must engage in their most epic battle yet. …
The seven-episode sixth season debuts June 15 on Netflix.
EW: The Lotor-Voltron alliance is under attack in season 6 trailer

today, on june 5th 2017, i want to wish a happy birthday to one of the most amazing wizards out there. he’s turning 37 today and i’m so proud. he could’ve died so many times even before he came to hogwarts. he could’ve died because of his father’s acquaintances, he could’ve been killed by voldemort or even harry potter. he could’ve taken one hit too many from his abusive excuse of a father. 

but he survived. he wasn’t the boy who made all the wrong choices. he simply was the boy who had no choice at all. he could do what he had done or die, there was nothing else for him to choose. but he tried his best and he survived.

and that’s fucking amazing, let me tell you. 

happy birthday, draco malfoy.


peter retaliating against “baby monitor protocol” by changing the names of Tony’s Iron Man protocols

“hey FRIDAY, zoom in on that building over there”

“Old Man Bifocals protocol activated, Boss”

“what the fuck did you just say to me”

“FRIDAY alert the team that my thrusters are down and i can’t fly”

“sure thing, activating I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up Protocol”


Tony: FRIDAY, open these encrypted files we don’t have a lot of time-

FRIDAY: activating the Fr E Sh A Voca Do protocol



-Peter gets hurt in a battle- FRIDAY: Bone Hurting Juice Protocol has been activated - Mr. Parker is in distress. Tony: -stops- He’s what?  The what? Peter: -over the com- Oof, ouch… my bones…

Tony: FRIDAY! Engage autopilot!

FRIDAY: Activating Jesus Take The Wheel protocol.

Tony: Really, Pete?


IMPORTANT! The EU is About to Destroy The Internet #DeleteArt13

Sign the Petition: https://saveyourinternet.eu/

EDRI Article: http://ow.ly/VEpH101689Z Techdirt article: http://ow.ly/gs9b101689X


Hope this will spread as much as save net neutrality posts

it’s way worse than that law actually, in US they “just” wanted your money, here the EU goverment wants to take our freedom without even giving a choice



I’m just speechless. Dudes, this is wayyyy worse then The Net Neutrality bullshit in the US. Spread this like a wildfire! I don’t wanna lose everything I have thanks to this law!

Oh my gosh why am I only hearing about this now? Please everyone, spread this! Most of the time we talk about problems that are happening in the US but this time it’s in the EU and we need to stand against it!!

Please help if you can it’s going to make so much damage!  Just for an example, both of my blogs will disappear if it isn’t stopped, ao3 will also disappear for european countries just like every website like these ones.

So please, help!!

Actually reblogging that one because 1) I checked the original poster and 2) I felt doubt when no french media outlet that wasn’t obviously alt-right dwelved on the subject, so here I go with a list of reasons this post is dead wrong.

1) made by a self-proclaimed fascist with a blog called “Think-critically” whose blog is full of racist, transphobic, fascistic, mysoginist content. Allow me to doubt.

2) the guy in the video is a friend of the EDL. You can see another of his videos from 2 days ago where Tommy Robinson, leader of this islamophobic group which is on numerous hate watch list, supports this channel’s messages.

3) EDRI and Techdirt are also websites associated with the alt-right.

4) From everything I’ve gathered about said article 13. It’s actually meant to stop, block and disable fake news campaigns. Like the ones Russia did in France in 2017, the UK during brexit, Italy, Germany, Poland, etc…. It’s a way to also put responsability on websites that host the information (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook. All 3 having a pretty tulmutuous relationship with European countries (Read: don’t comply with the law and refuse to pay taxes)) as a deterrent to make sure they’re careful during election season (Which, to their credit, they were during the Irish referendum, blocking foreign media outlets). That means

5) The alt-right just got 30k Tumblr users to sign a petition against blocking Russia’s interference in our elections, dressed it up as a brave struggle for freedom (This will END the internet guys. Trust me on this one. They want to destroy it because….. BAD. Not GOOD.) And y'all not checking your damn sources played right into their hands.

In conclusion: Fuck Putin and fuck the Alt-right, go out and vote, check your sources.

Okay, so I did my own research on this. Even though the guy in the video might be a ‘racist, transphobic’ etc, some of the information presented is actually true.

“Article 13 creates an obligation on information society service providers storing and giving access to large amounts of works and other subject-matter uploaded by their users to take appropriate and proportionate measures to ensure the functioning of agreements concluded with rightholders and to prevent the availability on their services of content identified by rightholders in cooperation with the service providers.“ (source)

I am screenshotting this bit uploaded by the Austrian Parliament for obvious reasons (and yes, it’s an official document)

Anyway, Article 13 is not to stop, block and disable fake news campaigns, although the technology that has to be adopted to realize this could definitely play a role in countering it. 

I highly recommend everyone to read this document as Article 13 might change the internet as we know it. 


happy pride to everyone who’s still closeted

happy pride to everyone who’s been kicked out

happy pride to everyone who lives somewhere where it is illegal to love who they love

happy fucking pride to all of you, i love you with my whole heart and i promise you it will get better


💕🏳️‍🌈💕🏳️‍🌈💕🏳️‍🌈💕🏳️‍🌈💕🏳️‍🌈💕🏳️‍🌈💕🏳️‍🌈💕🏳️‍🌈💕HAPPY 1ST DAY OF PRIDE MONTH 🏳️‍🌈💕🏳️‍🌈💕🏳️‍🌈💕🏳️‍🌈💕🏳️‍🌈💕🏳️‍🌈💕🏳️‍🌈💕🏳️‍🌈💕


i love how loki spends all previous movies going “i deserve to rule. i would be the perfect king.” 

and then once he actually becomes king he goes “hmm my first royal decree will be a giant statue of myself looking heroic.” and proceeds to spend his time watching matt damon on stage and sipping wine. you didn’t need to become a king to do that, you useless twink. 

that’s just how theatre kids are


Tony: We’ve only been off of Earth for a few days… you miss your friends, huh, Peter?

Peter Parker: Well, yeah.

Tony: I’ll see when a return trip is feasible. In the meantime, you can sext or meme them.


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