
To Be Continued...

@vahruto / vahruto.tumblr.com

Sage or Maria (either is fine) | 24 | She/Her | Swedish | Currently reading the Nightblade epic | Sideblog: Shepherdsoreydidnothingwrong

Rewatching atla episodes for Reasons and I just realised that Zuko found Appa the night after he found out he was missing. The gaang have been desperately searching for, what? A few weeks? And Zuko sees a poster saying Appa is missing and just squares tf up and finds him immediately. What a fucking madman. 

i mean he had already managed to actually find the avatar, whom literally the entire world (except katara lmao) had believed was dead and gone forever. im pretty sure if zuko decides he is going to Find Something the universe rearranges itself to put it in his path.


This comes in handy when he has kids.

Dude literally found:

🔥The avatar


🔥His lost uncle via a sweaty sandal

🔥A secret civilization thought to be long gone

🔥The last 2 dragons existing

🔥Katara and Sokka’s Father plus Suki

🔥Katara’s mother’s murderer

🔥His honor

🔥His entire nation’s honor

I mean the dude was wild. He was born to find stuff. I don’t really know if he found his mother but like…that too. You kinda get why the Gaang saw Zuko and thought, hey what if we use him to find stuff?


can’t wait for the final boss battle of duolingo when you fight the 50 foot owl armed with nothing but your wits, a sword, and your shaky grasp of verb conjugations

oh my god… duel lingo

Die Eule habe hat Hunger

True to form, I actually messed up the verb conjugation when I first put the words on this. XD

holy crap


i cant believe this. i cant fucking believe this. i meant to send this to my boyfriend but instead i sent it to my boss right after i told her i was quitting all i wanted to do was make an inappropriate cookie joke but no i got mixed up texting two people at once and literally sent a picture of a chocolate chip cookie captioned “ooh she thique” to the fifty year old suburban mother of two of whom i have nothing but a strictly professional relationship with. after knowing me for almost a year and a half as a hard working and respectable employee this is the last thing i will ever say to her i can never go back to that shop again all because of this god damn cookie blunder What have i Done


So to further out myself as a Fandom Old ™

I’m browsing ao3, as one does, and this one image struck me to the core and I just stared at the screen for like a solid 20 seconds

Oh how the world has changed

holy shit WHAT

I know this gave me anxiety


They did it. Those crazy bastards. Godsspeed, my friends. 

Braver than any US marine. 

“salutes the brave new writers, who know no fear, and the ao3 lawyers who made this possible”



“My cabbages!!!”

Avatar was hands down one of my favorite shows as a kid. I want to make something so great one day!


It’s often been remarked that Spider-Man’s schtick wouldn’t work nearly so well if he didn’t live in a town with so many tall buildings, but consider: how well would Batman’s “I am the night” routine work if he was operating out of a normal city where people actually live, rather than a perpetually twilit urban hellscape that looks like the Art Deco movement had a one-night stand with Soviet Brutalism in a wrought-iron-and-gargoyle factory?


That is my favorite description of the Batman aesthetic ever.


OMDFG that’s a perfect description.

Imagine Spiderman ballooning in wide open areas.  No, sorry, can’t get to that crime, its against the prevailing wind.

Also, Batman brooding on top of a Wafflehouse.


Batman: God, this stupid city with its sufficient lighting and lack of crumbling infrastructure to shoot grappling hooks into

Superman: Everyone for miles has lead poisoning, I’ve spent the entire night stopping crossword puzzle museum robberies and heists at the Second National Bank of Gotham on the corner of second street and second avenue, and earlier the wall of…clouds? smog?…cleared up for a minute and I’m pretty sure the sky was literally blood red


do you ever think about how the series of events that lead to Dumbledore’s death in HBP was literally set into motion by Oliver Wood’s passion for Quidditch

okay but literally I can’t stop thinking about this -

it is of course possible that Draco would have gotten the Death Eaters into the school some other way if the Vanishing Cabinet hadn’t created the perfect opportunity, but it wasn’t looking likely.

so like, it’s reasonable enough to assume that Dumbledore’s death (at the hands of Snape specifically, obviously I know he was going to die soon enough from the curse, but the timing does make a difference so I’m still focused on this) occurred because of the Death Eaters getting into the school. the reason the Death Eaters were able to get into the school was because of the Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement, which Draco repaired.

the Vanishing Cabinet ended up in the Room of Requirement over the summer of 1996, presumably (reasoning for this is in the next paragraph), and Draco discovered it there sometime in his 6th year. but the only reason he had even known what it was, and what it could do, was because he had spoken with….

Graham Montague, a Slytherin who was in 7th year in 1995-1996 (when Harry & co were in 5th year). Montague was shoved into the Vanishing Cabinet in that year by Fred and George Weasley, because he was a part of the Inquisitorial Squad and was presumably about to take points from the Weasley twins for doing something disruptive. and we know that Montague got stuck in a limbo between the two connected cabinets, due to one of them being broken - he could hear things being discussed in Borgin & Burkes, which is how he was able to let Malfoy know that the other “end of the tunnel”, or basically the other cabinet, was in Borgin & Burkes (which, Draco would already have seen as a 12-year-old, in the summer before his 2nd year, when he visited the shop with his father - fun fact, Harry hid in that exact cabinet while Lucius Malfoy was transacting with Borgin).

Montague would never have had this experience at all if the cabinet hadn’t been broken in the first place. but in fact, we know exactly how, when, why, and by whom the cabinet was broken.

it was in the fall of 1992, when Nearly Headless Nick observed that Harry had gotten in trouble with Filch, and prompted Peeves to drop that very same cabinet from a large height in order to cause a distraction for Filch, allowing Harry to get out of trouble.

why was Harry in trouble in the first place? because he was “tracking mud” in the corridors.

why was he tracking mud in the corridors? because Oliver Wood had had him out on the Quidditch pitch all day even though it had been literally storming outside. so Harry came into the castle drenched and splattered with mud.

Dumbledore literally died because of how obsessed Oliver Wood was with winning the Quidditch Cup.

thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

sorry, one more thing - people keep reblogging this with tags that imply they think that this is like a “headcanon” or just “plausible” and while I get why you would think that, I need you to really understand how canonical this is because it’s Very canonical which is Ridiculous

to clarify:

the bits about the Vanishing Cabinet being the only real way he had to get the Death Eaters in, having heard about it from Montague and how that made him realize he could use them as a passage, etc - that was all clearly laid out in HBP, chapter 27 (The Lightning-Struck Tower).

Montague being shoved into the cabinet takes place in OOTP, chapter 28 (Snape’s Worst Memory).

Draco seeing the cabinet and Harry being in the cabinet is all in CoS, chapter 4 (At Flourish and Blotts).

and the entire situation with the Quidditch practice and the mud and Harry getting in trouble and Nick getting Peeves to drop the cabinet is in CoS, chapter 8 (The Deathday Party).

it’s the lined-up-dominoes meme, and it’s ridiculous. and it’s all on the page.

It’s better than that.

Voldemort died because Harry was the master of the Elder Wand that Voldemort was trying to use.

Why was Harry the master? Because he overpowered its previous master, Draco, and won its allegiance.

Why was Draco master of the Elder Wand? Because he disarmed Dumbledore in the precise sequence being discussed, which relied on the vanishing cabinet.

Harry defeated Voldemort because of Oliver Wood’s passion for quidditch.

Technically, Draco lead to Dumbledores death twice. Both by getting the death eaters into the castle but also because if it weren’t for him stealing Neville’s rememberall, Harry wouldnt have ended up on the team at all, and consequentially, getting mud through the corridors

this is exactly the kind of hyper specific meme that I am here for!!!!

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