
My Clexa Stories


Love the 100. long live Clexa ❤First time fanfic writer. Check out my stories below:D http://archiveofourown.org/users/fuzzy/pseuds/fuzzy
Anonymous asked:

Hey! Really need help😂Cant find this clexa fic on ao3. Read it before but can't rmbr the name. Don't rmbr much of it, but it's ab Clarke and Lexa being married and they adopted (?) Aden, or smthin like that. But there's this part where this foster care worker asks Clarke if they want to foster two little girls (sisters), Tris and (?). The girls mom left & didn't come back & Tris had to take care of her sister by herself. They say yes but Tris has hope that their mom will come back. Help!!

Can anyone help? This seems familiar but I can't remember the name 🤦🏽‍♀️


The final chapter will be a big one just can't seem to stop writing.

Thank you for your patience 🤗

Anonymous asked:

I always read only preath/krashlyn fics. And yesterday I found yours and seeing you mention Orlando Pride made me smile and then the vows?! Hi ATeam friend lol


For my first fic One Night as you can tell it was inspired by Ash 🤗

Anonymous asked:

Are the vows in I'm Home ispired ti the krashlyn wedding? Love It♥️

Yep! Welcome aboard my fellow Ateam fan ❤ x

Anonymous asked:

neutral: Devin, Alex(junior :P), Riley Girl: Chloe, Valentine, Spencer, Zoe, Rya Boy: Benjamin (Benji is a cute nickname), Luke, Wyatt, Roland, Ezra

Interesting 🤔

Anonymous asked:

It's not published yet, but I'll hit you up when it is. It's gonna be book 1 of my Olivia Rose series (she's a spy who had to get out of the game and go underground, now she and her soulmate are raising their niece while using their spy skills to help people who can't go to the cops)

Nice definitely up my street. Keep me updated x

Anonymous asked:

Oddly enough, I wrote a book where the child's name is Rowan Skye... So it's weird to me to see both those names come up...

Oh what's you book called? I'll give it a read quarantine vibes an all 😁


I’m looking for clexa Fanfiction where they grew in a small town on the ocean and they dated throughout college and then broke up when Lexa though that Clark was cheating her with Bellamy when she was really practicing her proposal and so lexa left and got with costia she is a CEO park and Clarke is a doctor they meet back again in their hometown I do not remember which platform it is on


Just seen this can anyone help?

Anonymous asked:

Boy: Rowan, Japser, Flynn, Caspian (there's a reason I shouldn't have children), Michael. Girl: Violette, Rose, Eleanor, Fiona, Archer, Harper, Flyer✈️ (again, reason I shouldn't have children)(also the airplane emoji tacks on whenever I type 'Flyer✈️' I can't turn it off)

Hehehe thanks x


Hi All

There will be NO update for this week. Hopefully week after I can do 2 chapters to make up for it.


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