@z2okm / z2okm.tumblr.com


If you’re blocked by me on Twitter, please send me a message. I run blockchain(Chrome app) a lot so if you followed some very hardcore nsfw artists or weirdo prick who are into pedophilia stuff, you’re blocked as well. But just remind you, if you’re one of them I won’t un-blocked you.

And for the record, I’m S.Korean so I’m mostly tweeting in Korean of course. I won’t delete my Tumblr tho, even if they’re going to erase some of my works.

I keep using here for uploading my stuff (Not all) Eng version as I did.

그럼 이만!

Anonymous asked:

Do you have a Twitter that we can follow?

I don’t think some amazing Artists mentioned their twitter on Tumblr so let me introduce two of my mutual friends.

If you don’t know this Artists called Dugong( http://twitter.com/nhyu0909 ) and Mashe( http://twitter.com/M_MaR_cHe_E ), highly recommend you should visit them as well :) 

esp, you love Shimada Brothers and CAT, you won’t regret to follow Dugong. And Mashe...they are Lesbian ships of the lord. they have Tumblr tho ( marceline2174.tumblr.com/ )

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