
Who are you to judge my blog? Blogger.

@taehyungsgirl-blog / taehyungsgirl-blog.tumblr.com


if someday we all go to prison for downloading music i hope they have the mercy to split us by genre

Kpop gonna have to be split up by company.


The signs may say...

Bad things about you but they don’t really mean it: Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn

Nice things to you but they don’t really mean it: Gemini, Virgo, Libra

Bad things about you and they actually mean it: Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius

Nice things to you and they actually mean it: Taurus, Leo, Pisces


If Attack on Titan was a live action movie…

Are we not going to talk about how perfect this cast is? Because it’s unbelievably perfect. 

i think everyone just agrees erwin is chris evans 


me to myself: why the fuck you cryin? why you always cryin? mmm oh my god, stop fuckin cryin

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