
Welcome to my Wonderland

@cellinemarie / cellinemarie.tumblr.com

~Inside the creases of my mind~ •20• *Bipolar & Bisexual* {Slytherin} -Aries Sun/Gemini Moon- |-/ I'm Semi-Autømatic |-/

The real Infinity war


anyway jeff bezos could eradicate homelessness. he could literally give each homeless person 100k and it would only take less than .5% of his entire wealth. what the actual god giving fuck

Why do you think they deserve it

Well shelter is a basic need, and would at the very least allow them a place where they can get back on their feet. Food water and shelter are necessary for a healthy body and psychology. There’s also the fact that they’re people too, and a little help goes a long way in making a decent community. There’s plenty of reasons

Yeah they need stuff, but why does every homeless person deserve 0.5% of someone’s income


You have five hundred apples, and just one day to eat them all. 

You pass by a small crowd of hungry children, and decide you’d rather 455 apples go rotten than give them to some snotty brat who isn’t your problem.

It doesn’t matter how hard you’ve worked for your 500 apples, or that you aren’t the parent of any of those kids. in the moment you decide to walk away, it doesn’t matter why they’re hungry, or who owes who what.

You had the opportunity to help people, you had the ability to help people, you had the resources to help people. You had everything you needed to make a small, tiny little difference in someone’s life, and you decided not to.

What are you going to buy in your lifetime that’s worth more to you than your own humanity?

What are you going to buy in your lifetime that’s worth more to you than your own humanity

Reblogging for the very, very important lesson

Sometimes I wish there were a Hell if only for the visuals of a bunch of rich shit heads wandering around on fire asking “Where’s my money?!”

“Please don’t expect me to always be good and kind and loving. There are times when I will be cold and thoughtless and hard to understand.”

— Sylvia Plath

“I love the fact that I can make people happy, in any form. Even if it’s just an hour of their lives, if I can make them feel lucky or make them feel good, or bring a smile to a sour face, that to me is worthwhile.”

— Freddie Mercury 


Reblog if you’re a celestial kid

or an empath, crystal lover, magic practitioner, psychedelic dabbler..

or a generally spiritual and/or spooky person.

i want to follow some more like minded people!

**** lets come together **** xx


golden eagle having a relaxing time


This is the world’s largest flying Engine of Murder marveling at the fact that it can actually have its tummy rubbed.

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