
Steeped in the phantasy


MFMM madness...my "unnatural habit"     California, USA

From the collection of award-winning Australian costume designer Marion Boyce (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries and The Dressmaker) and developed in conjunction with QUT, comes an exhibition of 45 bridal gowns from the 1880s to 1970s, The Bowerbird and The Bride.

If I was in Brisbane, I know I’d be doing my best to get to this show! 

And just because we KNOW how very talented Marion Boyce is, may I remind you of this beautiful wedding gown:

And it had this gorgeous train…

I mean, he really obviously thinks she’s beautiful…

And don’t even get me started on the look on the bride’s face, because this is meant to be about the dress and I’m not crying, you’re crying…

And oh, the happy couple are so happy - likely because of that dress. And maybe a few other things, but mostly the dress.

*happy sigh*


Carry You | Phryne / Jack

Song: Carry You Artist: Novo Amor Show: Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Ship: Phryne Fisher / Jack Robinson Edited by Ellie


Ohhh, this is absolutely brilliant.


This? Is fabulous! So well done ❤︎ 


Beautiful @ellie5192!

Source: youtube.com

the way he looks at her!?!?!?

As much as I love the pull in and “Almost kiss” from this scene… I think this is my favorite moment, and I haven’t seen it gif’fed a lot. It’s after she runs off to look at the blue glow and Jack just has this resigned, slight smile. Like, “Well, we’re in it now…I should always expect this.”


“Of course she would…”


Yes!  I’ve always loved this moment too @inzannatea !!! He made his grand gesture, and she accepted it in the most Phryne way (first sarcastic and then soft), but then of course is distracted by evidence, and he loves that because he loves her, and he’s proud of himself for having declared his feelings, but also amused by the fact that this is his life being involved with Phryne Fisher, detective dynamo, and he’s not in the least annoyed or disappointed, he did what he came to do, and there will be another time, he knows there will be another time, because he got that soft and heartfelt “more than anything,” and so onwards with the thrill of the chase, he loves their teamwork and working together as well, and he’ll have a chance to improve on it, when they crack the case together and see justice done together, and they’ll keep building towards something together with their cheekbones glowing in the moonlight…


The Merman and The Moon

read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MpdRgy

by 912luvjaxlean

Midnight, after Jack has been visiting in Phryne’s boudoir.

Words: 872, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MpdRgy


My MFMM Calendars 2018: May

May is for the magnificent Mr. Butler. The quote I chose for my custom-made calendar to the right is “That’s when I hear Mrs. Butler’s voice telling me, persevere.” Beside every good man is a good woman, so she must have been a wonderful match to her angel-incarnate husband. I have been reading the Phryne Fisher book series and quite like Mrs. Butler, who is an excellent cook and loves to feed Bert and Cec. Like her husband, she is calm, collected, and unperturbed by Miss Fisher’s escapades. It’s understandable that the show chose not to feature her character to keep the storylines simpler, but I would have loved to know a bit more about her, like how and when she passed away and what’s the backstory of the “persevere” quote.

On the left is the MFMM official calendar, featuring Phryne from S3E1 Death Defying Feats. The episode centers around the Miraculous Mermaid water tank story, so this ensemble with blue, green, and white color combo and the flowing material fits the theme perfectly. If I must nitpick, the leather gloves seem a bit too heavy. The mesh ones she wore with the red cheongsam in Murder in the Dark may go better in my amateurish opinion.

(Posted 01-May-2018)


Ramblings about After Dinner featuring Nathan Page

Set in the Crest Hotel somewhere…

The set at the end of the play. The table on the left was Dympie, Paula and Monica’s table and the one on the right, Stephen and Martin’s.

The painting according to Martin was a Matisse. Raised one of the biggest laughs of the evening.

The doors saw the many comings and goings of the evening - visits to the toilets and the bar and the magnificent entrance of Monica later in the evening.

Before Stephen arrives Martin and Paula have chatted and seem to hit it off.

Here we have Stephen and Martin meeting for the first time. Both are mutual friends of Brendan who was to join them. He never came. Martin apparently had been waiting for almost 2 hours, drinking just water. Stephen amazed, asked “You sick? On antibiotics? ” Martin “No”. It seems Martin is not a drinker but as Stephen said “One or two can’t hurt”. Stephen goes off to get beers.

Back to the ladies …. Paula has passed comment on Dympie’s wrinkled stockings and Dympie has told Paula her make-up is too bold and the hood on her dress is most odd! Monica is finding it all too much and rushes off to the toilet. Paula follows to make sure she is OK

Stephen returns with beers. Martin has already been introduced to the ladies so Stephen decides he will introduce himself to the one left at the table - Dympie. His swagger and chat are a joy to behold. Unfortunately he gets it wrong - he thinks Dympie is the widow. He goes back to Martin happy that their evening is sorted, after all that’s what he came for - ‘to chase some skirt’ !! So smooth - “If you need anything we’re just over here” - sexy voice.

Martin then unburdens himself to Stephen saying he was so looking forward to going out with Brendan and Stephen - happy to have men to talk to. Stephen panics saying he didn’t come out on a Friday night to talk! Another misunderstanding - Stephen believes Martin is a homosexual. Martin puts him right but unfortunately Dympie has been listening and tells Paula when she returns. Paula is disappointed.

Meanwhile, Monica appears to have disappeared but when she returns - magnificently I might add - she is drunk!!

She tells of her adventures …. falling into the most beautiful green rock pool where fishes swam and of the fishermen with their fishing rods. She was in a room where men were twirling her round and round, back and forward until she was sick on one of them! ….. She sits and something falls out of her bag - a pool ball. Asked what is that she replies “ a fish” and then kisses it. The dawning on the audience that her pool is a pool table complete with balls and cues is great. A truly great performance by Elena Carapetis. A highlight!

What follows is her revealing her thoughts on her marriage in all its explicit glory. There are tears - not for the fact she has lost her husband, but that she didn’t lose him sooner.

Then Monica decides she wants to dance - no music yet - but she wants to dance so she grabs Paula and on the other side Dympie grabs Paula’s other hand to stop her and a ‘tug of war’ follows. Enter Stephen and Martin. Stephen tries to grab Monica and Martin likewise with Dympie. Monica lets go and Stephen is thrown backwards over the table in the corner, rolls over (congrats to athletic Nathan) and lands on top of Monica. Unfortunately I only ever watched these two, totally unaware of what happened to Dympie and Martin. Apparently they ended up in a similar position.

Curtain closes.

Curtain rises.

Dinner has been served and eaten. Paula has cream on her face after dessert. Stephen goes across to the ladies to see that all is OK and has a chat about dinner. He had the oysters …

Monica has made her choice. … and will soon remove her wedding ring. Hope you don’t mind me borrowing your photo @geenee27. It is rather good!!!

Back to revelations from Stephen and Martin. Martin talks of his failed marriage. Stephen feels able to talk freely to Martin about his own ‘problems’ of premature ejaculation and his way of trying to prevent it by fantasizing about Mrs Hazelmere, his teacher at school. Just as she was about to touch him his mother would turn up to collect him and he would lose his erection. As Martin said “at least that solves your problem of premature ejaculation!! Martin was getting bolder as the drink flowed.

Stephen, also emboldened, asked Martin about the size of his penis. Martin indicated length and confessed to being ‘average’ and this being one of the reasons his wife left him. Stephen smugly declared he was apparently ‘above average’ !!!!

Back to the ladies … Paula discovers she has cream on her face from her dessert and is upset that Dympie hasn’t told her. She lashes out and tells Dympie what she is known as at work….. Dumpy Dympie…. and that no one likes her.

Music finally strikes up and Monica and Paula decide to ask Stephen and Martin if they could join them as they have a better view of the band. They leave Dympie on her own. Stephen is quick to rearrange the chairs and pour the wine. Martin is sent for a new bottle.

Great scene follows with the band playing 'Boys light up’. Some great moves from Stephen and Monica, who voices all the words.

Then the band strikes up with 'Lady in Red’. Paula looks expectantly at Stephen but Monica asks him to dance with her.

This follows…. look at those hands holding her safely! Paula and Martin have been watching and chatting. She broaches the subject of Martin’s homosexuality! “Everyone thinks I’m a homosexual today” but he tells her is not. Happy result. They decide to dance too but as they get to the dance floor the music stops. Meanwhile …. smooching! Other things may have happened elsewhere - but I wasn’t aware! I happened to be sitting in the smooching corner … albeit the smoochers were on stage. I was close though!

New song - 'I wanna be where love is’ or whatever the title is. Everyone dancing except Dympie. Well, I say dancing - Martin had to be seen to be believed.

Dympie, abandoned and complaining about not being able to see, clambers up onto her table and shouts “I can see the band ……I am the loneliest person in the world..” She climbs slowly down and sits sadly at their table.

The kindhearted Paula asks Martin to dance with Dympie, who still believing him to be a homosexual, comes up with the line “ as long as you don’t get any saliva on me”

Meanwhile Monica has decided to take Stephen to his bed - dirty sheets and all. (He does have clean ones if she changes her mind)

As they leave Stephen tells Martin not to do anything he wouldn’t do - Martin pointedly agrees and tells Stephen to give his regards to Mrs Hazelmere. Stephen laughs it off and he leaves with Monica.

The play ends with Martin dancing with Dympie but looking all the time at Paula.


PS After the production on Friday I had been invited backstage by the Stage Manager for a brief tour of the set.

Writ large on paper at the point where they entered the doors on to stage:

'Nathan. Have you got your credit card?’ - Stephen takes a credit card out of his jacket pocket to pay the bill

'Ellen is your hood up?’ - to make sure we could see the dress had a hood as this was a topic of conversation.

'Jude are your stockings wrinkled?’- The wrinkled stockings referred to the fact that Dympie’s stockings were always wrinkled and Paula tried to persuade her to get a smaller size and a different colour - black instead of bone!!

The markings on the stage where the 'slap’ took place. Dympie accidentally slapped Paula actually meaning to hit Monica to stop her crying uncontrollably.

Some of the tables were bolted down - the one Dympie climbed upon and the one Stephen rolled across. That one was also padded - fortunately for Nathan.

The 'Matisse’ was painted by the set artist.

A local carpet retailer was thrilled to get rid of so many lime green carpet tiles! Some were looking a little worse for wear with drink spilled on them.


I hope this makes sense and for those of you who were there too I hope I’ve got it more or less right and obviously I haven’t included everything! There were distractions - well just the one really.


It was also lovely to see Nathan’s partner there for the final performance on Sunday.

Thank you so much for this @izzyandlouie. Now what distraction do you mean, really? LOL. Love the bits about the credit card etc. Great photos too.

Thank you for sharing @izzyandlouie. Wonderful pictures too, affirming my belief that a. those hands can steady me any time and b. men dressed much better at the turn of the 20th century than they did in the 80s. Those pants give new meaning to the word “gaudy” :-)

Fun! Thank You for the excellent recap, I can imagine everything that you described.

Most enjoyable, @izzyandlouie! Especially since your “Ramblings” & accompanying photos are the only way many of us could be there.  I’m with @youarenotatelescope - those hands can steady me anytime ;-)


Tumblr Fic.... I guess?

I went to post tonight and AO3 was acting a fool. So, Tumblr friends get a bonus sneak peek before I try again tomorrow. 

I will never be satisfied with Jack’s amount of plot time in “Juana”. One moment, he’s begging Phryne to leave him alone and the next, he’s in her parlor drinking. I mean, fine but come on, I needed just a wee bit more, so here are two tiny scenes just to get a little closer look at Jack’s POV.  

Night And Day


Jack tried to still his shaking hands but he was furious.

He was also a fool.

Somewhere along the way, he’d become a plaything that she could pick up or ignore whenever convenient to her, and truth be told, he’d seen it coming a mile away but he hadn’t done a thing to stop it, which in turn, made him furious with himself all over again.

It was a cycle he wasn’t quite sure how to escape. Emotions were rendered useless in the face of her: being upset wouldn’t change the situation. There was nothing to fix, nothing to put back together. Their “partnership” had been tentative at best and purely a fiction at worst, a lie he’d constructed to ease his own guilt for not being able to deny her, for letting her get by with so much. If it helped to solve cases, then her interference couldn’t really be a problem, could it?

He took another long swig of whiskey, knowing full well the bottle would be emptied before the night was through.

Why did this keep happening to him? Why was he loyal to women who threw him aside when they ran out of use of him?

With Rosie, her goal had been a Proper Life. On the outside, she’d wanted a strong, well-liked husband with an impressive title, serving the community as a hero. On the inside, she wanted someone to build her a home, fill it with children, and protect the lot from the world.

Instead, Jack had chosen to protect his country and left her to fend for herself. She’d never forgiven him for the abandonment. By the time he’d come back, a family and a title were the last thing on his mind. He had settled for surviving each day without swallowing his pistol.

Naturally, Rosie fled to greener pastures and Jack hadn’t faulted her for it. They were both better off for the decision.

Phryne on the other hand, had come with a giant warning label. He’d known immediately that she was trouble. She was far too charming, like an anaesthetic that makes you feels so warm, you don’t even notice the knife slicing through your guts. He’d watched as she beguiled others, commiserating with the poor saps. Although, somewhere along the way, he’d convinced himself he was different, that at least knowing he was a victim had given him a status above the rest of the fools.

He wasn’t feeling so tall now.

A lesser man would have broken months ago but he’d held onto his pride and pushed back, which only encouraged her.

He was the one who’d made it a game.

He took another drink for his own stupidity.

If he hadn’t gone toe to toe with her, she would have gotten bored ages ago and moved on, leaving him in peace. But she laid out traps too irresistible to ignore, and he couldn’t stop the quick replies that fell from his tongue, the same ones that lit up her eyes with impressed curiosity and made that surprised smile tug at the corner of her red lips.

God damn it, he loved impressing her.

Looking back, the connection they shared was always stronger than he was. Even now, as he sat in the dark, trying to convince himself he’d made the right decision, it still thrummed inside him, calling out to her. It was a damn foolish thing to want her even when she’d turned him into this broken thing sitting here. But while he may have caved under the pressure, he had a feeling that the connection between them never would.


Jack Robinson had just chased down a spy on the back of a borrowed motorbike, with the very woman he had been fighting tooth and nail to avoid pressed to him like she had been molded to fit there. It was a scene ripped out of a goddamn adventure novel and still he felt uneasy. But he only had one final stop left before he was allowed to go home and soak his raw nerves in hot water and whiskey.

He headed towards Dr. McMillan’s office, stopping short as she walked out.

“Inspector, I was just on my way to find you,” she smirked. “We’ve been invited to drinks at Wardlow. A tradition of sorts I’m told?”

“I see,” he smiled briefly, trying to make his escape as quickly as possible but Mac saw his reticence for what it was.

“What are you doing, Inspector?” Mac asked him quietly.

“I’m sorry?” He asked, refusing to say anything until she confirmed what it was she meant.

“You think you can outrun Phryne Fisher when it comes to matters of the heart?” Mac asked, a doubtfully raised eyebrow telling him everything he already knew.

Of course he didn’t.

Jack knew full well that there was nothing he could do to make the constant pain in his sternum dissipate.

Phryne Fisher would not be denied.

He could lock the door to his heart all he wanted, but she carried a lock pick in her hand bag. No matter what he did, or where he went, she would find him. She would work her magic and gracefully sway to the sound of his falling tumblers until he had no choice but to open up to her again and again and again.

Jack closed his eyes and sighed.

He might as well learn to stay in step.


‘He could lock the door to his heart all he wanted, but she carried a lock pick in her hand bag.’ - gorgeous! Lovely fic, damn AO3 for not posting properly!


Wonderful fic @rositalg ! Love the insight into Jack’s transition in this ep. Beautiful writing: “She was far too charming, like an anaesthetic that makes you feels so warm, you don’t even notice the knife slicing through your guts.” And then the “lock pick to his heart” metaphor @scruggzi called out. Both amazing images, the first bitter and pained, the second admiring, resigned, warm. Lovely!


Chapter 4: Phryne continues to investigate the murder that she just happens to be adjacent to while waiting for Jack to arrive.

For the quote: It is a strange thing to come home. While yet on the journey, you cannot at all realize how strange it will be. –Selma Lagerlöf

Also, holy moly. If I leave this any later next month, I’ll be posting the May chapter in June. I’ll try not to let it get that far!

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