
YOU won't find out, HOWEVER

@waokevale / waokevale.tumblr.com

Welcome to Hyperfixation Hell. [COMMISSIONS OPEN!]

Banner by @waokevale

Icon by @pigeon-gryphon (hosting this year)

♫⋆qβ™ͺ β‚ŠΛšβ™¬ ゚. ♫⋆qβ™ͺ β‚ŠΛšβ™¬ ゚. ♫⋆qβ™ͺ β‚ŠΛšβ™¬ ゚. ♫⋆qβ™ͺ β‚ŠΛšβ™¬ ゚.

Hello! Wxwood week will last from May 22nd to May 28th. This time, the prompts are:








Once again, a prompt pair for each day. Feel free to pick one or both (or even your own, unrelated ideas, if you get stuck!) No pressure to stick strictly to the suggested schedule, either; just have fun! And remember to either @ this blog, or tag your work #wxwood week 2024

♫⋆qβ™ͺ β‚ŠΛšβ™¬ ゚. ♫⋆qβ™ͺ β‚ŠΛšβ™¬ ゚. ♫⋆qβ™ͺ β‚ŠΛšβ™¬ ゚. ♫⋆qβ™ͺ β‚ŠΛšβ™¬ ゚.


It's here at last!

Sorry you're informed this late guys, but the host from 2 previous years wasn't available.

I hope in spite of this, many of you could still participate, I'd love to see/read your amazing works regarding this underrated pair.


Ok I definitely took in more than I can chew and rushed it a bit, but I needed to get this out of my brain ok???? I need people to see my vision.

Anyway this two in particular belongs in @waokevale 's Doradilla Garden

Read it if you like Wxwood, it's good, check their art, it's very good also.

The song is Everything in You from Fionna and Cake btw. Wormwood is mainly singing along. What's that? He sang it wrong? Don't know what you mean.

Look, this post has been kinda a wreck to post with Tumblr removing the tags FOR SOME REASON, have this extra doodle I almost forgot to add


Legit this made me smile 😊 Thank you so much!!πŸ’•πŸ’•βœ¨ I love this and yes I see your vision πŸ‘€


hey there! I was interested in joining the wxwood Discord server, but the invite link you posted on the 5th expired. I saw you posted about some kind of discord security breach you experienced, so I'm not sure if the server was closed, but if everything is fine and you're still cool with new members, I'd love to join!


The server didn't close dw. While there was a bitter situation, it's mostly resolved now.

Here. βš™οΈ 🌿


Looks at you with my eyes sitting in front of you like I'm interrogating you (but it's actually a really nice cozy room). I have heard tale of this WXwood ship. Tell me what you find compelling about the ship I'm considering joining you in WXwood land. Literally just say words at me I'm listening


Alright, very well then, so I shall! 🫑

At first, it was kind of an ironic ship for me, because they seemed like the classic "opposites attract"

But once I got digging, I found they're not actually that opposite, they share plenty of things in common and neither is actually a black or white character. Inevitably I became enthralled with this ship and now it's one of my top 3 or so OTPs.

Here's my reasoning and what I found:

1. WX-78 is actually a bit of a softie if you dig through their quotes enough. They act tough and logical to presumably hide whatever ounce of empathy they have left, that didn't escape them completely. (But they're not doing too good of a job)

Etc. They either use this uncharacteristically soft tone or hide a kind gesture or well-intentioned thought behind robotically constructed sentences and insults.

And of course, I don't have to show the quotes for machines or metallic structures, since WX openly sees them as their family and acts basically the same as Wormwood does with plants.

Meanwhile, Wormwood isn't always an empathetic creature. He can sometimes be callous, apathetic and even have favorites amongst plants (and people too), though he doesn't directly state that. He also isn't as dumb as he portrays himself to be, he definitely knows something, but either has too limited English speaking skills or is actively choosing not to say much.

He often sobs or cries when a creature dies, but there are times he reacts with either "whoops", "oh" or "too bad" like it's a small inconvenience at best.

And those are only some of the examples (I can't show them all since I'm answering this on my phone and therefore there's an image limit)

2. Here's a reason why, despite being vastly different at first, they'd ultimately become friends:

WX-78 actually likes plenty of things that correspond to Wormwood, it's likely for them to eventually settle, once they know enough about him.

And what are those things they like, you might ask?

  • Bees (going back to their previous quote) since WX is frankly enamored by bees, and since Wormwood blooms, there's countless of them surrounding him. if they were to hang around him, they'd hang around bees too. πŸ‘Œ
  • Their quote for green gem is: "PRESSURE AND IMPURITIES HAVE PRODUCED PLEASING PERFECTION" which is. well. Something.
  • They're very fond of pumpkins, describing them as: "IT HAS A PLEASANT SHAPE" while their seed as "IT IS A SOURCE CODE FOR PLEASING PLANTS" And guess who just happens to have a pumpkin skin ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
  • The lunar affinity. WX practically WORSHIPS the moon, it wouldn't be surprising that, if they found about this aspect about him, they'd get very excited and embrace it, because c'mon, it's the moon. They have dozens of quotes describing how THE MOON IS SUPERIOR, I wouldn't be able to fit all of them into this post, just trust me on that.
  • WX-78 doesn't hate all organic life, besides they're just playing out a role. But they do certainly appreciate some plants, such as potatoes and lureplants. The former because they can relate to them (potato battery) and the latter because "AWW, IT'S JUST AS EVIL AS I AM". Would it be too farfetched if with his influence they'd grow to appreciate organic life more?

3. Wormwood's quote for W.A.R.B.I.S armor suggests that he admires WX and would like to mimic them. (Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery after all)

4. The survivors farming animation is quite charming, I certainly loved their small interaction there. They're also shown in the official Return Of Them vignette, farming on the side.

5. I like the fact that one of them is afraid of water and the other of fire. Adds an interesting dynamic.

6. They just work. Despite wanting to "DOMINATE ALL ORGANIC LIFE" WX-78 appreciates people who can stand up for themselves. I'd guess Wormwood would be a huge pushover at first, no doubt, but with their influence, he would certainly have to grow a spine (metaphorically speaking)

Likewise, WX-78 struggles to show kindness to non-robotic creatures, because they fear they might come off as WEAK and SENTIMENTAL. Things they loathe to expose about themself. Wormwood could help them show that it's okay to love organic friends and be nice to others! (sometimes at least.)

I'd say they balance out each other perfectly and that is quite rare to see in modern pairings. While they'd definitely struggle to get along at first, they'd surely grow fond of the other one day :)

I hope this convinced you. if not, I'll try and dig up some more stuff. Then again, keep in mind that there aren't many canon character interactions besides whatever crumbs we've got from their quotes and official animations.


Just found another one. Wormwood is visibly concerned for them (and is the only one to be, mind you) when examining a Nautopilot (essentially a huge magnet Wilson made to make the boat move following beacons; Curse of the Moon quay update)

My point still stands.


Reading amazing fanfiction, then forgetting to bookmark it

enter this into the Google search

site:<url of site where you read the fic> <a line you remember from the fic or character names plus a unique detail>

for example:

site:http://archiveofourown.org/Β Todd Margo pedicure

Google will search only AO3 and tell you which pages contain the words Todd Margo and pedicure.





Not sure how common this knowledge is, but I’d like to add that if you enclose a piece of text in quotation marks, Google will search for only the exact wording of it. So if you’re lucky enough to remember an exact quote, that’s also a powerful tool. I can’t count the number of obscure tumblr posts I’ve tracked down from screenshots with just those two techniques; I’m sure it’ll work for fic too.


hot artists don't gatekeep

I've been resource gathering for YEARS so now I am going to share my dragons hoard

Floorplanner. Design and furnish a house for you to use for having a consistent background in your comic or anything! Free, you need an account, easy to use, and you can save multiple houses.

Comparing Heights. Input the heights of characters to see what the different is between them. Great for keeping consistency. Free.

Magma. Draw online with friends in real time. Great for practice or hanging out. Free, paid plan available, account preferred.

Smithsonian Open Access. Loads of free images. Free.

SketchDaily. Lots of pose references, massive library, is set on a timer so you can practice quick figure drawing. Free.

SculptGL. A sculpting tool which I am yet to master, but you should be able to make whatever 3d object you like with it. free.

Pexels. Free stock images. And the search engine is actually pretty good at pulling up what you want.

Figurosity. Great pose references, diverse body types, lots of "how to draw" videos directly on the site, the models are 3d and you can rotate the angle, but you can't make custom poses or edit body proportions. Free, account option, paid plans available.

Line of Action. More drawing references, this one also has a focus on expressions, hands/feet, animals, landscapes. Free.

Animal Photo. You pose a 3d skull model and select an animal species, and they give you a bunch of photo references for that animal at that angle. Super handy. Free.

Height Weight Chart. You ever see an OC listed as having a certain weight but then they look Wildly different than the number suggests? Well here's a site to avoid that! It shows real people at different weights and heights to give you a better idea of what these abstract numbers all look like. Free to use.


Homie gonna share this


I gave Dwarf and Krobus some well deserved lore.

I haven't seen much content of them in SDV fandom, especially Dwarf, which is a bummer, so I'm taking the matter into my own hands.

So here's my take: They both appear to have lost a lot during the Elemental Wars, it's just one decided to go and hide, letting go of most of his resentment, while the other stewed in their own grief and hatred.

Consider this: Due to sustained severe injuries, the shadowkin's void essence sometimes gets chipped off, which results in the closest to the injury limb being dematerialized, they can also no longer heal on their own. Other times, they can lose their entire bodies, but as long as their void essence is intact, they can be revived by the Shaman. ...However, let's say if their void essence were to be completely destroyed, no reviving that one. I think it wasn't just the numbers alone that secured the shadow people's victory, but their ability to heal and revive themselves.

Another thing: The Smoluanu have the tradition of preserving their fallen members' helms since it's their most essential piece of armor; The curvature of the horns shows off their profession, experience, and identification. If they were to raise their rank, they'd get a new helm. Dwarf is technically a higher rank, than what their helm shows, but they weren't able to upgrade it, since most of their superiors are deceased and it would've been seen as disrespectful to do so by themself. The Smoluanu rarely take their helms off in front of others, unless they wholly trust the person.

That's what I got for now!


Anyone got recommendations for sites with similar features as discord, except they're much more reliable and safe?

You see, recentlyI've had a rather less than pleasant experience with discord and its shoddy security system, and I would like to move my chat activity somewhere else.


Rage. In my heart. All-consuming. FUCK AI.

For those who don't know, this piece is titled 'Unfinished Painting', by Keith Haring. He painted it about a year before his death of AIDs. I believe he actually finished other pieces between this one and his death. He left the majority of the canvas blank to represent his life and art career cut short due to HIV/AIDs. This was a deliberate choice and commentary about all that we lose (both personally and culturally) by ignoring the AIDs crisis at the time (1989). He was devastated he didn't have time to make more art. 'Finishing' Unfinished Painting is straight up spitting on Haring's grave and shows no understanding to the meaning behind the art. The AI interpretation doesn't even follow his extremely recognizable shape language and symbols. This is why people are angry about AI art. All commerce images and no meaning or humanity

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