
Rose Petals on My Sketchbook

@artsyramblingroses / artsyramblingroses.tumblr.com

My artblog, mainly fanart, and Ocs, with the occasional fandom related post. Sensitive materials will be tagged. Please ask if you would like to use my art and reblog instead of reposting. (Grace, 24, female)

I was just about to spiral into a bad panic attack, and my boyfriend goes "Stick an ice cube in your mouth." I'm not really sure where he got the idea, and I kinda laughed at it because I didn't see how it would help, but he was insistent. So I did it.

And now I'm on my second cube, because it worked.

He explained his reasoning to me when he got home.

1. I would initially think "what the fuck" and be distracted from the anxiety. (Correct.)

2. The cold of the ice would shock my system, bringing me back to the physical world and reality, drawing my focus to the cold in my mouth, and keep my brain away from thinking "I'm panicking, I must be dying." (Correct.)

3. He assumed I hadn't drank much water today and wanted to keep me hydrated. (Triple correct.)

It also forced your mouth to make saliva!

When you go into fight or flight mode, non-crucial body functions stop working so you have more energy to do what you need to do to survive (oooor to spiral into a panic attack). By forcing yourself to make saliva it helps calm you down because since fight or flight is an all or nothing response, they can’t happen at the same time.

Learned that from my old therapist, who would use it with veterans with ptsd


if ur a terf unfollow me and know that i hate you

It’s fine if you hate someone for what they believe, but maybe don’t just flat-out say it? You could phrase it like ‘if ur a terf unfollow me and never speak to me again’ or something without the hateful shaming. I know it’s too late for this post but maybe in the future? :)

i do hate you though, and you should feel ashamed :)

My brain cannot comprehend TERFs in any way


I was gonna just talk in the tags but I changed my mind because I have some stuff to say.

This test? The Mary Sue Litmus Test? I used this religiously. I would make a new character and then run them through this like my life depended on it. I was thirteen, and I thought that if my characters were Mary-Sues then no one would take me seriously. I bought totally into the popular idea that any woman who had more than two talents was a Mary-Sue. I was convinced that I was better than those other people who had OC’s that I saw as Mary-Sues. I would look at examples of Mary-Sues and try to avoid them, even if they were characters that I personally loved. I didn’t even need to click that link. I still had it bookmarked in my ‘writing’ bookmark folder from seven years ago.

It drove me to change my first ever OC’s. I was thirteen. Thirteen! I was an 8th grader in middle school utterly terrified of people seeing my sexy demon OC or my pretty immortal OC or my cool freedom fighter OC and the first thing they’d think was that they were too good. The culture around (mostly women) original characters needing to be watered down or having to have the character’s (mostly women’s) skills and talents justified were toxic as hell to me, and I’m sure to others.

Seeing this today was a major blast from the past, and I’m so glad that the creator changed their outlook on this whole thing. I hope that disclaimer will ward off another creative eighth-grader before they get tricked into buying into the shame culture that forms around the creation of original characters.


Reporter: What’s your name?

Hong Kong Protestor: Lee Chun Hei! I won’t commit suicide!


A reminder that Hong Kong police have been arresting children as young as 11. They have also fired at press and begun arresting reporters and aid workers with the excuse that they ‘might be protesters in disguise’. 

They have been filmed beating protesters that have already been subdued/cuffed, as well as using their weapons incorrectly (firing rubber bullets at close range) and driving into crowds

People are dying.This is wrong. 

A Hong Kong newspaper had its printing press lit on fire a couple days ago.

Please don’t forget or get complacent about Hong Kong! They are still fighting!

In 2016, everyone was taking online personality quizzes to find out what superhero, Disney princess, or 90s sitcom character you were. I took one of these myself (I’m Batman, if you were wondering).
In 2017, the fad suddenly vanished. Then we found out Cambridge Analytica had been using online personality tests to secretly mine user data and create personality profiles to divide Democrats against each other, manipulate swing voters, and help elect Trump.
Now it’s 2020, and suddenly these quizzes are back. And I see even many of my most politically astute friends are taking them. If we’re not going to learn from the past, I guess we deserve whatever we get.

While we’re on the subject….

Your birthdate and month will get you your stripper name AND tell the whole world information that can be used to steal your identity.  Same for quizzes that ask about your first pet, the street you grew up on, etc. A couple of years ago I started working on a parody of those quizzes, where it was your mother’s maiden name, and a different value for each of the last four digits of your SSN, but decided not to finish it because some jackass would reblog it unironically.


yanno how every january everyone writes the wrong year for a while ?? that’s like how it is when u come out as trans and still misgender or deadname yourself. you’re not faking it, u just gotta get used to the change just like we all do every january.


a wholesome post


it’s #notmyariel bullshit all over again 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ *a certain demographic* can go choke


Eartha Kitt played Catwoman I’m 1967.

And there is also

She played Catwoman in 2004.

So fake fanboys can shut the fuck up. Not only are you wrong but you’re racist.

i was literally gon say??? catwoman been black longer than she been white lmao


“Cat woman been black longer than she’s been white.” A WORD.

Hot tip: if you have to follow-up a sentence with “I’m not racist”, you’re probably fucking racist.


Not to unleash evil but who remembers snapewives and snapeism. I wonder how many snapeists still consider themselves sister-wives to snape's spirit.

wish i could tell all of you i was joking but i was there, gandalf-


who the fuck is surprised tho

 Cults, Cryptids and Conspiracies cover this further in their episode “Snape at the End of the Universe.”

If you like learning about any of the above, I’d suggest you check it out, it’s really good!


The Tories now going full on anti-Gaelic.

Educate yourself on their arguments, and learn how to counter them.


So a political party wants to ban the native language of the country's pre-colonial peopleand culture, in favour of the language of the people who colonised them, arguing that it would harm academic achievements to just keep teaching both. That's... that's great. That doesn't remind anyone of the English effort to destroy Welsh culture (and their resistance to being colonised) by banning the use of Welsh in schools. That's not indicative of anything deeply worrying or anything. Great stuff.

God, what a horrible way to discover that there are such loathsome things as Scottish Tories. You learn something new every day and sometimes that thing sucks.

Technically they’re the tory party branch in Scotland. There’s no official ‘Scottish Conservative Party’.

Same goes for labour and LibDems as well.

As an American, with no skin in the game, may I recommend to Scotland that you immediately PACK THE CONSERVATIVES UP AND SHIP THEM TO FINLAND BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE?

Look at the mess we're in!

Wouldn’t want to inflict that on Finland, wouldn’t mind catapulting them all into the sun though.


into the North Sea ought to be far enough, honestly

That would endanger the sea life, can’t have that!

"It'll harm the education of the children" is exactly what they said about Welsh. That was literally the findings in the Treachery of the Blue Books, which led to the Welsh Not.

Fight them.


Fucking Conservatives...


*pretends to be shocked but also maybe this will make people realize that Indigenous People Know What The Hell They’re Doing and Deserve Respect*

3 other fun/cool facts about the Inuit:

1. They also invented kayaks and dog booties.

Dog booties are actually really important for working sled dogs in winter to protect their paw pads from iceburn and keep ice from getting in between their toes and burning them that way.

2. The traditional Inuit diet is one of the healthiest in the world, and the most balanced for the ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 consumption

Most modern diets consume way too much Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3.

3. Inuit is a plural noun. When speaking about a single person the correct word is Inuk (always capitalized)

For example, “This Inuk woman is wearing traditional Inuit tattoos”.

Oh gee, you mean to tell me that the society that’s been living in extreme cold weather have the best methods and clothes for keeping warm? *heavy sarcasm*




I’ve known many individuals who were never told by medical professionals to aspirate, which is unacceptable on behalf of endocrinology. This is an extremely important step because if you accidentally inject into a vein, you can literally die.

“I’ve never aspirated and I’ve been fine” until you’re not.  “My doctor never told me to aspirate” because trans healthcare has yet to be standardized and is a work in progress. “The area I inject in has little to no blood vessels” but there are so many people who don’t know which areas are safest and it’s better to be safe than sorry.

How To Aspirate: Stick yourself with the needle and then draw back on the syringe. If your syringe fills with blood, you need to reposition your needle. If it doesn’t fill with blood, you’re safe to inject there.

Signs that you’ve injected into a vein: — Stroke — Shortness of breath — Coughing — Chest and/or abdominal pain — Low Oxygen — Blood clots — Slurred speech — Headache — Swelling — Tenderness

Literally just aspirate because it takes 2 seconds and can save your life.

Please share this post so that this practice becomes more common!

This is extremely important, I personally know several people who were never told this and had pretty dangerous experiences because of it.

Jesus Chriiiiist.

This thread is all wack. First, the proper amount of pressure as taught to IV specialists is an “upward thumb flick from the top of the plunger” That’s it, you do not need to try to pull a bowling ball through there… Excessive aspiration may unintentionally cause problems. Second. The medical practice has been teaching to NOT do this unless it’s in the dorsogluteal site, Specialists are literally NOT teaching people to do this anymore for IM Leg injections. There is an easier way, listen to the doctor/IV tech that taught you… If they did’t teach you to aspirate, it’s because it’s not a factor there. They did NOT forget to teach you… Did you decide to inject somewhere else??? Then you altered your injection information the second you did that…


Reblog for the last post ^^^


My friend just sent this to me and said "you will appreciate this" and she was VERY correct

The whole “original Hebrew” thing irritates me.  I’ve been in many Bible studies in which instructor claims to have studied Hebrew and then goes on the explain the “real meaning” of a passage. 

Really?  If that’s what the passage means, why wasn’t it translated that way to begin with?

Because... Politically motivated editing and doctrinal differences and imperfect matches between language are a thing?

Like. Just a few offhand examples:

The KJV is pretty famously homophobic as hell at every opportunity... As a result of political tensions between Church and Crown over James's increasingly blatant and flamboyant relationship with his boyfriend.

The Akedah (the Binding of Isaac) is, in my experience, upheld by Xians as an example of Abraham's faith and dedication, something to aspire to. I have never seen this take coming from a Jew; we generally regard it as a great tragedy. This massive difference in meaning comes about without any change to the text at all.

Language mismatches: Is chesed love or kindness? Is tzedekah justice, righteousness, or charity? Do we lose important information by divorcing these concepts in this way? (I would argue so - replace every instance of "righteous" with "just," and a lot of modern conservative Xian belief just stops making sense.)

There are plenty of reasons that no translation - no matter how excellent - can perfectly capture every nuance of the original. This is even more true when you're dealing with entirely different language families, with different approaches to processing and capturing information.

Also, sometimes translators didn't know what a specific phrase meant, but had to translate it anyway.

For just a few examples -

The KJV has many mentions of unicorns in it, because Greek scholars and the later English translaters didn't know what an aurochs was, or that it corresponded to the Hebrew word "re'em."

In the case of specific nouns (for example, the specific gemstones on the High Priest's breastplate, or the list of unkosher birds), no one knows for SURE what those words meant, but at least in Judaism we have thousands of years of the best and most informed opinions being recorded in the Mishna, Talmud, and Mishnei Torah.

Yaakov gave Yosef a coat, usually translated as a "coat of many colors." The Hebrew phrase used was actually applied to various different types of fancy robes, but most notable to a long sleeved robe. At the time the Torah was written, a long sleeved robe would be been fanciest. When the Septuagent was translated, that style of fashion was long gone, and the translators knew that in their time, a dyed coat would have been the most costly. Technically either translation is arguable from the original phrase, but one is more accurate to the original context and one more strongly reflects the context of the translation.

There's many other times when the context of the Septuagint introduced inaccuracies, by adding or removing meanings. For example, in Isaiah, the king of Judah is afraid because of an alliance between the kings of Israel and Assyria. He is told that G-d will give him a sign. That a specific young woman ("the" "young woman," not "a virgin") is pregnant (already pregnant at the time of speaking). And that before her son is old enough to know right from wrong, both the kings of Israel and Assyria will be deposed. Christians take this verse out of its context about ancient middle eastern politics and warfare, and mistranslate it to read "behold, a virgin shall give birth." Very different meaning than "that young woman is pregnant."

Translation matters, because translation is political. The original text IS the original text. It is what it is. It says what it says. You might not like it, or agree with it, but that's what it is. As soon as you translate it from one language to another, you are inescapably making choices, changing things, emphasizing things, gendering or ungendering, adding or removing subtext.


As a translator myself... THIS.


Kent State University

“The Kent State shootings (also known as the May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre)[3][4][5] were the shootings on May 4, 1970 of unarmed college students by members of the Ohio National Guard at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio during a mass protest against the bombing of Cambodia by United States military forces. Twenty-eight guardsmen fired approximately 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis.[6][7]

“There was a significant national response to the shootings: hundreds of universities, colleges, and high schools closed throughout the United States due to a student strike of 4 million students,[10] and the event further affected public opinion, at an already socially contentious time, over the role of the United States in the Vietnam War.[11]

Student strike of 4 million students! Let’s do that again lol

Don’t forget that basically half the country thought the students deserved it…


Another picture from Kent State.

But it was not just Kent State, eleven days later Mississippi Police fired 150 rounds into a dormitory at Jackson State College, killing 2 and wounding 15 black protesters.

Btw half of the students killed at Kent State weren’t even protesting, they were just there

What in the absolute fuck


When the Irish guy has known about this since he was like 8, but it’s suspiciously hard for Americans to learn about…

I literally only know abt this bc my parents are hippies it’s fucked up


I only had a vague idea of what this was and what happened until I did my own research on it.

When I was 21.

i never heard of this…… and i live in this country……… WTF 

Welcome to America. If you want to learn some actual history, then research it yourself

History 101, day 1: forget everything you learned in high school and before because it’s wrong and skewed.


Why do I have a plastic hairbrush?

My friend was visiting me the other day and as she sat in my living room she noticed my plastic hairbrush on the table.

"Why do you have a plastic hairbrush I thought you care about nature and you try to avoid plastic!"

Why? Because I can still use it. I have had this brush for cca 12 years. It is not broken. It's fine. And I will have it for as long as it works and then buy a good alternative. We don't throw away things that work perfectly fine just to prove to other people, that we care. We use the things we have FIRST!

There is no need for buying a stainless steel lunch box if you can still use an old plastic one. It's fine.

USE WHAT YOU HAVE FIRST and when it no longer works like it should, dispose of it responsibly and then get a good alternative. You don't have to prove anything to anyone.



Also, durable plastic is not nearly as much of a problem as single use plastic.

Many people can’t afford a wood and bristle hair brush anyway...they’re like six times more expensive.


Reminder that the aesthetics of green living aren't the same as actually making good ethical decisions about the resources you have access to.


The Sacramento Public Library started a “Library of Things” last year, allowing patrons to check out, among other things, sewing machines and other items that patrons may find useful, but don’t need to own long-term.

what a fantastic idea


Londoners, we have a Library of Things too! It’s in Crystal Palace and you can borrow useful things from there. https://www.libraryofthings.co.uk/


See, this is a great way to give The Means Of Production to the community at large.



Portland Oregon has a tool library! I got leant a miter saw once and it was awesome.

seattle has multiple tool libraries around! usually most stuff is free to check out but some equipment has rental costs


There’s a lot of systems checking out stuff now, but the most impressive collection I know is Ann Arbor Michigan, where you can check out a thermal camera, a metal detector, a sewing machine, a hacked GameBoy dedicated to making chiptune music, and a lot of other crazy stuff. Cake pans are common, and a lot of places are starting to check out toys and games.

Where I work we have a few bizarre things that don’t get much publicity for some reason: a trunk full of historical reenactment stuff, electricity meters, and thanks to a grant from the Smithsonian we have a set of reproductions of early hominid skulls.

Source: sacbee.com
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