
Porn Blogs and Sketchy Messages Get Blocked (TM)


If you need to adress me, just call me Elle ig | 13 | If it's no trouble, could you use They/Them pronouns to refer to me? Thanks bihh | Biracial | Gay af |Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder AND executive dysfunction disorder all for the price of one | Ex-Truscum, I'm remaining apolitical on that shit | Antis feel free to message me! | If you need some cutesy acronym to hide what you really are, that's probably not a good sign | Debate if you want, pedophiles are still fucking creeps | Maps don't interact without being interacted with| Raising a chihuahua with @maps-are-wrong | If you're just gonna spam bs instead of having a civil convo get tf outta my dms bitch

You arenā€™t ā€œdeceitfulā€ for not telling people about your attraction when you feel they can react badly. You just care about your safety.

Especially when youā€™re confident in your own self control.

when pedophiles donā€™t tell people theyā€™re pedophiles because they favor their own safety over children'sĀ safety

Unfriendly reminder that the sick fuck above maps-are-wrong fucking harassed a minor, but y'know. Map positivity. Honestly, this community is so sickening, y'all wildin



Like, I think every tumblr ever has covered the overall shittiness of op's post, but I gotta say

This shit is just straight up ugly, morally and aesthetically

like what the fuck

Radfems: Women are more than just vaginas! Stop reducing us to our sexual organs!
Trans woman: Hi
Radfems: Wait no
Radfems: We need to abolish gender!
Nonbinary person: Hello
Radfems: No not like that
Radfems: Women should be able to do whatever they want!
Bisexual woman: I have a boyfriend.
Radfems: Hold up
Radfems: We should be able to do whatever we wish with our bodies!
Sex worker: Hey
Radfems: What no
Radfems: We donā€™t need to please men! Itā€™s okay not to like sex!
Asexual people: Hi
Radfems: Yeah no not like that
Iā€™m confused guys. What is it that they want?

To hate men lmao. That's been their whole point.

Anonymous asked:

Man, I'm hella conflicted. I'm nonbinary + bisexual but I'm only attracted to men and women, not other nb people and now it makes me feel like I'm being a bad nb for not being attracted to other nb's.

,,,,,,,i honestly have no idea on how to respond to this sorry my dude (and no ur not a bad nb)


Nope, you're not a bad nb! Attraction is attraction. If you're not attracted to other nb's, that's fine! Orientation isn't a choice and you shouldn't feel bad for it.


something to consider

honestly?? i donā€™t think we should call maps ā€œmapsā€ anymore

why canā€™t we just call them what they are??

pedophiles. gross, disgusting, pedophiles.

ā€œminor attracted personā€ is exactly what they wanna be called. itā€™s a cutesy little acronym to hide what they really are. pedos.

iā€™m probably gonna change my url to ā€œpedos-are-fucking-grossā€ tomorrow. they donā€™t deserve to be called ā€œmaps.ā€ theyā€™re not harmless nomaps. theyā€™re pedophiles. no pedophile is non offending. because as long as theyā€™re on tumblr, interacting with minors and making up excuses on why pedophilia is okay and should be normalized.

if you talk with minors/interact with minors at all, work with children as your job, have sexual thoughts about children willingly without trying to stop it, or worst of all: HARM children in any way, youā€™re not non offending. youā€™re just a sick pedophile. no more, no less.

now, as bad as it sounds, i actually appreciate pedophiles that have intrusive thoughts about minors and try to get help so they can stop it. those are the only kind of pedophiles that are okay, because theyā€™re getting treatment for their paraphilia. props to them.

but getting back on track again, i think we should just call them as they are: pedophiles. donā€™t sugarcoat it. theyā€™re pedophiles.

this shit should be everywhere



My dad told me recently that the most important public health workers are garbage collectors and janitors. So much of our health relies on a clean environment. These people do some of the most important work in society. If we learned in dirty public environments full of garbage, weā€™d all be sick. I cannot thank these people enough for the valuable work that they do.

Shout out to all garbage collectors, janitors and housekeepers!


Got a five yard penalty cause of this chubby baby. Smh >:0 Stop snoozing you cutie, you gotta play man.

Let him snooze


Heā€™s snoozing in the middle of a game >:0

Wigglesworth derserves a nap


Itā€™s the Puppy Bowl-

I said he derserves a

Fucking nap
Thereā€™s no napping in the Puppy Bowl smh
I want my team to win >:0

Itā€™s fucking puppies when puppies are involved everyone wins itā€™s a law

My teams fucking winning, Dovah. Stop being jelly about me winning lol
Iā€™m eating so whoā€™s winning now
You ainā€™t winning unless you got that Skinny Girl popcorn, hon

Oh shit u right


stop shitting on Mr. Wigglesworth u thot

šŸ…±ļø you know how sports are like.

Mr. Wigglesworth did nothing wrong you hoe

He gave my team a five yard penalty, let me give the adorable dork some shade.


If you are a MAP, NOMAP, or hebewhateveridontfuckincareophile, you do not deserve positivity or validity for restraining yourself for raping or harming children. Get off of our fucking website. Youā€™re not acceptable anywhere. Get help.

@gender-offender But yeah, the antis who don't want this shit on a public 13+ website should be ashamed of themselves. Fuck you.


Why do sharks attack?

A lot of arguments I get from people when talking about shark conservation is: ā€œBut wait, sharks attack and kill people all the time! Theyā€™re violent!ā€ Nope. In fact, the average amount of shark attacks that happen a year is 16, with majority not even being fatal. Like all animals, sharks never attack without a reason.

Your chances of being attacked by a shark are just one in 11.5 million. It is easier to win the lottery, get struck by lightning, killed by a cow, killed by a falling coconut, or get killed by a vending machine than it is to get attacked by a shark.

Hereā€™s a list of things that may cause a shark to check you out or attack you:

  • Bright clothing. Sharks have sensitive vision, and see colors differently than we do. Bright or colorful swimsuits can resemble a fish or some other prey. And when youā€™re splashing and swimming, you very much look like prey in distress, which is a quick meal for opportunistic hunters like sharks.
  • Jewelry. Shimmery jewelry like gold and silver look like scales from a big fish. A shark may get curious and check you out.
  • Splashing. Sharks have special organs in their snout calledĀ Ampullae of Lorenzini, which are small, jelly filled pores that act as electroreceptors. These organs are sensitive to movement, and can even sense splashing from miles away. Excessive splashing resembles a large fish thatā€™s in distress, which is another easy meal.
  • Surf boards. Sharks may be sensitive to colors, but they donā€™t have the best sight in the animal kingdom. A human being on a surf board looks like a seal to a shark. Seals are a Great Whites favorite prey, and they will certainly check you out. Hereā€™s an example of how this looks to sharks from below.
  • Territory. Some sharks are known to claim large areas of water and reefs. Simply swimming in these areas can agitate a shark. Be aware of where youā€™re swimming.
  • Smell. Sharks have a very good sense of smell. They can be attracted to the smell of blood or even the smell of a restaurant you ate in. Blood, again, resembles a fish that has been injured.
  • Curiosity. Sharks are naturally curious. They do not have hands to touch you with, they explore and check out things with their mouth. A shark may nibble your foot to check you out, not eat you.

What to do if a shark is near you or nibbles on you:

  • Stay calm. This is the best thing you could possibly do. A shark will remain calm if you do as well.
  • Move slowly or not at all.Ā Slow, gentle movements keep the shark calm. Fast, panicked movements scare the shark and provoke it, this is when a shark may attack you in self defense.
  • Donā€™t hit the shark. Unless the shark is full on attacking you, keep your hands off of it.

How to fend off an aggressive shark:

Itā€™s said the best way to fend off an attacking shark is hitting itā€™s head with your fists. While this is one way, itā€™s not the most effective. Hit these areas instead

  • Eyes. Use your fingers and thumbs to pierce the eyes. The shark will immediately back off and swim away, this is a time to escape.
  • Gills. Shove your fingers into its gills. The gills are the sharks only way of breathing. The shark will back off and swim away.
  • Snout. The snout is the most concentrated area of electroreceptors. Use your fingers or fist to aggressively rub this area. This will temporarily put the shark into a state ofĀ tonic immobility.

Things to remember:

  • You are in their territory when you swim.Ā They were here first. In fact, theyā€™ve been here for over 400 million years.
  • We kill over 11,417 sharks AN HOUR. Finning, fishing, and consumption of seafood all contribute to the killing of sharks.
  • Without sharks, the world would essentially fall apart. Sharks play one of the biggest roles in the oceans ecosystem. If theyā€™re gone, the ocean is effected, and when the ocean is effected, we are too. Check out this video that explains how important sharks are.

How do I help?

  • Avoid the consumption of seafood. Hundreds of sharks are killed in the process of catching fish. While this isnā€™t intentional, itā€™s a big problem. Be sure to purchase fish from sellers that protect sharks.
  • Avoid ā€œscaryā€ shark movies. It is so important to educate people on the effect these movies have on shark populations.Ā 
  • Avoid cosmetic products with squalene. Squalene is a low density compound found in the liver of sharks and other cartilaginous fish. Recently it has become a trend for sharks to be hunted to process their livers for the purpose of making squalene health capsules. Squalene is often a common ingredient in lipsticks.
  • Research. Find shark activism groups and petitions. Participate in whatever you can.
  • Make them one of your interests! Sharks are amazing, and thereā€™s over 400 kinds of sharks to learn about. Knowledge can encourage others to protect sharks as well.


One of my friends has gone missing.

her name is candida gomez. 5'2", 15, curly dyed blonde hair, birthmark above her lips, brown eyes. if youā€™ve seen her or know anything PLEASE contact me!! weā€™re so worried about her!! she was last seen in South Jersey in a suburb of Camden.



Got a five yard penalty cause of this chubby baby. Smh >:0 Stop snoozing you cutie, you gotta play man.

Let him snooze


Heā€™s snoozing in the middle of a game >:0

Wigglesworth derserves a nap


Itā€™s the Puppy Bowl-

I said he derserves a

Fucking nap
Thereā€™s no napping in the Puppy Bowl smh
I want my team to win >:0

Itā€™s fucking puppies when puppies are involved everyone wins itā€™s a law

My teams fucking winning, Dovah. Stop being jelly about me winning lol
Iā€™m eating so whoā€™s winning now
You ainā€™t winning unless you got that Skinny Girl popcorn, hon

Oh shit u right


stop shitting on Mr. Wigglesworth u thot

šŸ…±ļø you know how sports are like.

Mr. Wigglesworth did nothing wrong you hoe


Hear that cracking sound in the distance? Itā€™s my hEART BREAKING

why take their rosaries??? what the fuck does that accomplish? Youā€™re already taking everything else from them, at least let them have god

But what about their religious freedom? No outrage from the cloistered wealthy mega churches and their team of lawyers?


so why are Christians in the US not getting into a huge snit about this??


This is sickening

Abolish ICE

Heres the article. Its about a janitor who took the confiscated items that were thrown away and turned it into a photography project. It says heā€™s keepimg them in hopes that one day theyll be housed in a museum dedicated to migration

where are all theĀ ā€œreligious freedom !!!!1!ā€advocates tho šŸ‘€ -šŸ’

Y'all really took a bunch of peopleā€™s rosaries

This is absolutely repulsive what the actual F U C K

Do they feel like big men now? They took a bunch of ā€œillegalā€ immigrantsā€™ ROSARIES. Not drugs, not guns, not alcohol, not contraband, their fucking ROSARIES.

They didnā€™t have much already, and you take something thatā€™s important enough to make it with them, a symbol of their hope.

Imagine taking an old, handmade rosary from a little abuelita, she hands it over of course, not wanting to cause trouble. Sheā€™s had that rosary for 60 years, she made it as a child out of little wooden beads, and you take that beautiful thing from her.

The people who took ROSARIES away from children, mothers, fathers, ANYONE, should feel ashamed. Unless they had a fucking gun to their head to ruin someoneā€™s day, week, month, year, etc, thereā€™s no excuse. You didnā€™t help anyone.

Itā€™s not like they were made of some illicit drug, you absolute demons. Literally fucking terrible ā€˜humansā€™. You disgust me.

^^^ holy shit, this x 10

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