
cali boy & pretty boy

@twoprettyboys / twoprettyboys.tumblr.com

23, she/they || kinda back || prompts: closed || billy comeback maybe? please?? || dni if u hate billy, thx

Billy came out to Steve while they are on drugs on the bathroom floor at Starcourt. They had just escaped from the Russian base under the mall floors.

They were still a tiny bit high from the truth serum and telling each other secrets.

Steve said something about how he wished that they had become friends sooner. Which prompts Billy tell him that he wished Steve would’ve looked at him the way he still looks at Nancy.

Steve is taken back and a smidge disgusted and asks why he would ever say anything like that

Billy didn’t seem disappointed, like he already knew what Steve’s reaction would be. “I just wanted you to know,” he mumbled pushing himself off the bathroom floor.


Wish we could get to a point where the ST fandom collectively understood that trauma isn’t just something that happened to Billy, but that it was in progress the entire time he was alive. There was no definitive end point. He didn’t have a traumatic childhood. He was having a traumatic childhood. He wasn’t abused in the past, and then just decided to hurt other people because of it. He was being abused, and he had no healthy coping mechanisms to deal with it. Billy’s life is a trauma response. He was always reacting to trauma, because he was always being traumatized. It wasn’t just incidental, and even Billy’s attempts to escape it had negative consequences. You can’t overcome something that’s still happening to you.


everyone has a ship thats just: theyre perfect. they hate each other. theyre married. they havent spoken in 15 years. they have date nights three times a week. theyre divorced. theyre pining, its unrequited. its requited. theyre starcrossed. theyre meant to be. theyre doomed by the narrative. they love each other. theyve never held hands. they wont stop making out at parties. they cant look each other in the eye


tumblr needs a “not for you” page where it just has things that you disagree with and make you angry


the for you page


steve building up this idea of billy in robin’s mind and making him out to be this big scary asshole who just goes around punching people and then robin actually meeting billy and being like .. this guy? really?

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