


I’m Mila (MEE-la) Artist, cartoonist, animator-in-training, doesn’t follow that much trends, kind of a life enthusiast, asexual, Does NOT want to get married, BOTS DO NOT INTERACT! NO HARASSMENT ON MY BLOG!! I WILL SERIOUSLY BLOCK YOU! #nospam

Introduction/Rules for my blog

Name: Mila

Name pronouncing: mee-la

Gender: Female (she/her)

Username origin: Got it from the side of a Kellogg’s Unicorn cereal box where you search for your “Unicorn Name”. My name begins with an “M” and it was next to the word “Violet”. My birthday is in October, and that was next to “Feather Wind”. It’s also where I got the idea of giving myself purple feather earrings, even though I don’t own any.

Goals: Creating an independent animation studio where I can create original projects/becoming an animator

Personal animation preference: 2D animation that is traditionally hand drawn/detailed. Doesn’t matter the art style or medium. Nothing rigged, puppeted, or limited.

Likes: Cartoons (mostly western), animation, Hot Topic, comics, alternative styles (like grunge, goth, scene, punk, etc), boys’ clothing, animals (such as puppies, frogs, manatees, small birds, axolotls, Guinea pigs, etc), cyberpunk style, sci-fi, techno music, big band music, jazz music space themes/aesthetics, musicals, original songs, creating original characters, hanging out with friends, talking about interests to my friends, when people respect my likes and boundaries, soda (no diet or zero), junk food, cheese pizza (depends on where it’s from, I’m picky), going to the movies, traveling, sketchbooks, art stores, soap, having my hair straight, when my face is clear, singing, and plushies (there’s tons more, but here’s what I can think of😅)

Dislikes: When people don’t respect my dislikes and boundaries, making noises/showing me stuff/talking about stuff I don’t like/playing something just to tick me off or see my reaction, being taken advantage of, people being ***holes online (and irl), when someone says their opinions are facts, when people use their race/ethnicity as an excuse for how their parents raised/treated them (or just about anything that has nothing to do with their race), people pushing their agenda on to people, corporal punishment, people forcing their religion or beliefs onto others, politics, when people don’t take me seriously, being ignored, when people say my opinions and preferences are wrong, when I say that I have never seen/heard of/been interested in a certain genre/food/movie or show and they say “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! SERIOUSLY?! HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW/LIKE THAT?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!”, feces humor, creepy crawlers and insects (like spiders, hornets, bees, flies, wasps, yellow jackets, beetles, roaches, etc), getting water in my ears and nose, acne, when something I wanted to buy being sold out, when I can’t find what I’m looking for at a certain store, needles, rude people, ableist people, when people tell me: “Well, that’s life for ya” or “That’s just life, get used to it” and stuff like that, when people don’t flush the toilet or don’t wipe the toilet seat, artificial intelligence (AI), when bots follow me, creepy people online leaving weird messages, untrustworthy people, and promotional comments (oof! That’s a long list!😅)

Do’s and Don’ts:


  • Reblog and like my posts including my work (if you want)
  • Type down a nice comment (if you want)
  • Be respectful to others in the comments
  • Share my work around with friends and family (just NO reposting my work even if you give credit)
  • Keep stuff here mostly SFW


  • Harass me and others
  • Follow me for no reason (or without taking the time to know what I post)
  • Go into direct messages and send me NSFW content, comments, and links
  • Critique my work when I didn’t ask for it
  • Reblog with a hateful, negative, gawking comment
  • Be an ***hole
  • Send death threats
  • Be a creep
  • Be racist, hateful towards LGBT people and topics, or ableist
  • Repost my work and claim it as your own
  • Send promotions
  • Interact if you are a bot or support AI

What I post:

Original art

Fan art







Cartoons and movies

And more

Franchises I talk about:

Invader Zim

Sonic the Hedgehog

NiGHTS Into/Journey of Dreams

Balan Wonderworld

Hazbin Hotel

Helluva Boss

Murder Drones

Nightmare Before Christmas

Poppy Playtime

Bendy and the Ink Machine/Dark Revival

And more

(Note: might edit this post later!)


Peach Riot in minga London, I couldn’t decide which background I liked best so here’s all of them


To clear the air peach riot is not fan art, they are my girls (but if anyone did make fan art of them that’d be sick) 💖


I saw a post of ur girls and you saying you wouldn't mind fan art. idk anything about Frankie besides her name but! I think she'd skateboard, know how to embroider/likes fixing up older clothed and doodles on her shoes.

I haven't drawn anything in a very long time but your drawing made me so interested in these characters I had to draw one

you put so much personality into ur art


oh my god I love this!!! Frankie would def skateboard <3 and thank you so much!


I’ve added 4 new Pride cakes to my LGBT+ collection this month to celebrate!!! The new cakes include the new lesbian flag (the one I’ve seen the most of at least), the abrosexual flag, the agender flag, and lastly the gender fluid flag. 

In total I know have 12 cakes in total on sale on both my online stores.       

You can find me on Etsy under Darkmagic Sketchbook and on Redbubble under darkmagicswh!!!

I hope this will be one gay artist you feel like supporting either by buying, sharing, or even liking this post. :3




Gender Fluid: 


How to spot signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer 


Reblog to literally save a life


whish they told us this in school, all they did was say “feel for lumps, you will know when you feel it”


This is important, even if it doesn’t work with your blog theme REBLOG IT!!!!

Women need to know this, not all of us have ever been told what we need to look out for!

yeah reblogging especially for my transmasc fellows who (like me) might be real uncomfortable with their chests and not know what to watch out for because we try to avoid this kind of thing (just me? okay)


Cis Men need to know it too.  They can get breast cancer even though the odds are lower.

Everyone needs to know Breast cancer symptoms

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