

@mocktugboat / mocktugboat.tumblr.com

I do things sometimes but not really.

Proud of @mocktugboat for accomplishing his first armor cosplay!


1st Group Picture

Made new friends with an awesome Scaramouche and DJ Stylbator! Rod and I actually saw her progress pictures that someone posted in the Fanime group. Our goal was to run into her at Fanime but Jess and Dave actually come up to us instead when they saw Rod’s armor from far away! Then we started nerding out about Samurai Jack and planned a meetup the next day because they weren’t in costume that day. It was so much fun! 

@mocktugboat as Samurai Jack

@kaleidraws as Scaramouche

@djkvesper as DJ Stylbator 


2nd Group Picture

We found Mona! Here’s how we met: Went to a different fabric store with Rod because it’s bigger and we couldn’t find what we needed. While we were getting fabric cut, the older lady working there asked what we were making. We showed her pictures of Samurai Jack and Ashi, she said people come in all the time for cosplay and she thinks it’s amazing. Mona, the older black lady she knows behind us overhears and we start talking. Mona: “You guys make cosplays?“  Me: "Yes, do you?"  Mona: "Yeah, I make costumes for my kids and husband. The older one doesn’t like it as much though. We go to Comic Con, Fanime, etc. I’m making Overwatch for me, my husband and two boys. I have pictures here.” Me: “Omg, that’s amazing! Family goals.” ❤️ Rod: “Ugh, this is my first time working with armor. That looks awesome!” Me: “He’s making the Samurai Jack armor and I’m doing Ashi."  Mona: "OMGGG I love Samurai Jack! I was going to do that but I don’t know how to make her one shoulder top go over my fat body.” Me: “Aaaw."  Mona: "No because my boobs are big!” Me: “Does your husband make stuff too?” Mona: “No, he just gives me money.” Me and Rod:  Mona: “You guys going to Fanime?” Me: “Yeah! We’ll look for you."  Mona: "Oh, they called my number to cut fabric. Nice meeting you, I’m Mona."  Rod: "You too! I’m Rod.” Me: “Nice meeting you too! I’m Kaylyn.” Forget being a soccer mom or dance mom. I’m going to be a cosplay mom. We love you Mona! ❤️


More cosplay things we did. 


I made my friend a #deathstroke mask for secret santa. I was too poor to pay someone else to do it so I decided spending more money trying to figure out how to make a cosplay mask was the financially responsible thing to do. It started out as an #arrow version of Deathstroke and ended up somewhere in between some comic version and Arrow's. All inaccuracies aside I'm pretty happy with it, and so is he. I only cried a little while a making it. So that was my major accomplishment.


Cotton Candy Mom Makeup Test 

My magenta paint is on the way but I wanted to test a few things like the third eye. I’ll be making the eye more detailed and the wig is gonna get reconstructed but this was fun!


Why has this got so many notes what the fuck Tumblr

1) It’s title says something 2) The pictures provide what the title says 3) It ends with someone dramatically looking toward the camera

cause its funny look how thin that watermelon is its just flapping in the wind thats absurd

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