

@asongoftasandfire / asongoftasandfire.tumblr.com

Tas's blog for game of thrones/ASOIAF characters (see the muse list in the right sidebar or /muses).Tywin Lannister, Rhaella Targaryen, Jeyne Poole and Gregor Clegane are my favorite characters to RP. Sideblog to @goblinflasked
"The girl was slim, and taller than he remembered, but that was only to be expected. Girls grow fast at that age. Her dress was grey wool bordered with white satin; over it she wore an ermine cloak clasped with a silver wolf’s head. Dark brown hair fell halfway down her back. And her eyes … That is not Lord Eddard’s daughter. Arya had her father’s eyes, the grey eyes of the Starks. A girl her age might let her hair grow long, add inches to her height, see her chest fill out, but she could not change the color of her eyes. That’s Sansa’s little friend, the steward’s girl. Jeyne, that was her name. Jeyne Poole."

also i was reading over agot last night and two sections of the same chapter stood out to me, jeyne poole’s #1 stan

The only time the door opened was late that night, when they thrust Jeyne Poole inside, bruised and shaking. “They’re killing everyone,” the steward’s daughter had shrieked at her. She went on and on. The Hound had broken down her door with a warhammer, she said. There were bodies on the stair of the Tower of the Hand, and the steps were slick with blood. 

so the hound found jeyne, and presumably delivered her to sansa’s room

“Everyone has been very sweet and pleasant, Your Grace, thank you ever so much for asking,” Sansa said politely. “Only, well, no one will talk to us or tell us what’s happened … ” 
“Us?” Cersei seemed puzzled. 
“We put the steward’s girl in with her,” Ser Boros said. “We did not know what else to do with her.” 
The queen frowned. “Next time, you will ask,” she said, her voice sharp.

but it sounds like cersei didn’t want any survivors

the hound likely would have known cersei didn’t want any survivors, but he still made an effort to get to jeyne, and either he or someone else put her in sansa’s room

sandor clegane, westeros’s #1 babysitter, y’all


But whenever Aerys gave a man to the flames, Queen Rhaella would have a visitor in the night. The day he burned his mace-and-dagger Hand, Jaime and Jon Darry had stood at guard outside her bedchamber whilst the king took his pleasure. “You’re hurting me,” they had heard Rhaella cry through the oaken door. “Youre hurting me.” In some queer way, that had been worse than Lord Chelsted’s screaming. We are sworn to protect her as well,” Jaime had finally been driven to say. “We are,” Darry allowed, “but not from him.”


*2021 asoiaf official Calender

"Arya Stark" marries Ramsay Bolton in the Winterfell Godswood.

👀 George choosing this as the opening scene for the calendar. He also has Arya in the bath house whispering a name in Jaqen's ear:

Jaqen with that long silky hair 😳


La reina Rhaella Targaryen fue hija del rey Jaehaerys II Targaryen y su hermana esposa, la reina Shaera Targaryen. A instancias de su padre, se convirtió en esposa de su hermano Aerys.

Cuando era aún una princesa, sus damas de compañía incluían a Joanna Lannister y a la madre del príncipe Doran Martell. Joanna había llegado a la capital en 259 d.C. para asistir a la coronación de Jaehaerys II Targaryen y se quedó como doncella de la princesa Rhaella.

Antes de casarse, la princesa Rhaella estaba locamente enamorada de Ser Bonifer Hasty, quien llevó su prenda y ganó un torneo, nombrándola Reina del Amor y la Belleza. Tuvieron un breve pero apasionado romance hasta que Ser Bonifer fue considerado de muy bajo nacimiento para una princesa Targaryen.

Por instancia de una bruja de los bosques amiga de Jenny de Piedrasviejas, el entonces príncipe Jaehaerys decidió casar a sus hijos adolescentes; el rey Aegon V, en desacuerdo, se lavó las manos frustrado. De acuerdo con Ser Barristan Selmy, no había afecto entre Aerys y Rhaella en el día de su matrimonio.

Tras la Tragedia de Refugio Estival, ocurrida en 259 d.C. y donde murieron el rey Aegon V y su hijo mayor, el príncipe Duncan el Pequeño, Aerys se convirtió en el príncipe heredero, con Rhaella como su futura reina. El mismo día de la tragedia, Rhaella dio a luz a su primer hijo, Rhaegar. Aerys y Rhaella eran jóvenes y se anticipó que tendrían muchos hijos, cuestión de vital importancia en ese momento, cuando los posibles herederos de la Casa Targaryen habían disminuido a un número alarmante.

El matrimonio entre Rhaella y Aerys fue muy infeliz. Aunque Rhaella hacía la vista gorda a la mayoría de las infidelidades de su esposo, la reina no podía soportar que convirtiera a sus doncellas en sus amantes. La relación entre el rey y la reina se hizo aún más tensa al ser Rhaella incapaz de dar a Aerys más hijos. La reina Rhaella tuvo abortos involuntarios en 263 y 264 d.C., seguido por la princesa Shaena, nacida muerta en 267 d.C. El príncipe Daeron, nacido en 269 d.C., sobrevivió sólo medio año. Luego vino otro niño nacido muerto en 270 d.C., otro aborto involuntario en 271 d.C. y el príncipe Aegon, nacido dos meses prematuro en 272 d.C. y muerto al año siguiente. Al principio, el rey consoló a Rhaella en su dolor pero con el tiempo su compasión se volvió sospecha. Para 270 d.C., el rey Aerys II había decidido que la reina le era infiel y que esa era la razón de que no pudiera darle otro hijo; afirmó que ninguno de los niños nacidos muertos, abortos y bebés muertos habían sido engendrados por él.

A partir de entonces, Aerys II prohibió a Rhaella salir del Torreón de Maegor y decretó que dos septas compartirían su cama cada noche para que la reina permaneciera fiel a sus votos.

Durante los años siguientes el comportamiento del rey Aerys II se hizo cada vez más errático, aunque pareció disminuir en 274 d.C. cuando la reina Rhaella dio a luz a un hijo. Tan profunda fue la alegría de Aerys que pareció restaurar su antiguo carácter. Sin embargo, el príncipe Jaehaerys murió más tarde ese mismo año, sumiendo a Aerys en la desesperación. En su rabia decidió que la nodriza del príncipe era la culpable de su muerte y decapitó a la mujer. No mucho tiempo después Aerys anunció que Jaehaerys había sido envenenado por su propia amante, la joven y bonita hija de uno de sus caballeros. El rey hizo torturar a la muchacha y a todos sus parientes; antes de morir todos confesaron el asesinato aunque los detalles de sus confesiones no coincidían.

En 275 d.C. el rey Aerys ayunó durante quince días e hizo una “caminata de arrepentimiento” por toda la ciudad hasta el Gran Septo de Baelor para orar con el Septón Supremo. A su regreso, el rey anunció que en adelante sólo dormiría con su legítima esposa, la reina Rhaella. Esta nueva fidelidad fue aparentemente bien recibida por la Madre pues al año siguiente la reina Rhaella dio al rey otro hijo. El príncipe Viserys, nacido en 276 d.C., era pequeño pero robusto y más hermoso que cualquier niño que Desembarco del Rey hubiera visto nunca. No obstante, el nacimiento del príncipe Viserys no logró cambiar el comportamiento del rey; se volvió aun más obsesivo y temeroso, llegando a poner caballeros de la Guardia Real para cuidar que nadie tocara al bebé sin su consentimiento, ni siquiera la reina Rhaella.

En 280 d.C., cuando el príncipe Rhaegar volvió a la Fortaleza Roja para presentar a sus padres a su primera hija, la princesa Rhaenys, la reina Rhaella acogió al bebé con cariño mientras que el rey Aerys se rehusó a tocar o sostener a la niña, quejándose de que “olía a dorniense”.

En años posteriores, la relación entre Rhaella y su esposo se deterioró. Sólo dormían juntos cuando Aerys había ejecutado y quemado a alguna persona; Jaime Lannister recordaba que quemar a alguien siempre excitaba a Aerys. La última vez fue cuando Aerys quemó a Lord Qarlton Chelsted; Ser Jaime escuchó a Rhaella llorar mientras era abusada. Al día siguiente fue enviada a Rocadragón para escapar del inminente sitio de Desembarco del Rey por los rebeldes durante la Guerra del Usurpador. Sus doncellas dijeron que había hematomas, marcas de mordidas y arañazos por todo el cuerpo de la reina.

En Rocadragón la reina se enteró que estaba embarazada. Cuando la capital cayó dos semanas después, ella, su hijo nonato y el pequeño príncipe Viserys eran los últimos sobrevivientes conocidos de la Dinastía Targaryen. Cuando se tuvieron noticias sobre el saqueo de Desembarco del Rey, Rhaella proclamó rey a Viserys. La reina pasó todo su embarazo en Rocadragón, donde dio a luz a su segunda hija, Daenerys. Murió poco después del estrés producido por el parto.

No tengo mucho que decir, ella merecía una vida mejor que estar con un hombre sin amor y que cada vez se volvía mas violento, mas paranoico y mas salvaje. Al menos tiene el consuelo de que su hija y su posible nieto lucharan por el trono que les corresponde, al final ella sembró el futuro de la Casa Targaryen.

Queen Rhaella Targaryen was the daughter of King Jaehaerys II Targaryen and her sister wife Queen Shaera Targaryen. At the urging of her father, she became the wife of her brother Aerys.

When she was still a princess, her ladies-in-waiting included Joanna Lannister and Prince Doran Martell’s mother. Joanna had arrived in the capital in A.D. 259. to attend the coronation of Jaehaerys II Targaryen and stayed as princess Rhaella’s maiden.

Before getting married, Princess Rhaella was madly in love with Ser Bonifer Hasty, who wore her garment and won a tournament, naming her Queen of Love and Beauty. They had a brief but passionate romance until Ser Bonifer was considered a very low birth to a Targaryen princess.

At the behest of a forest witch friend of Jenny of Oldstones, then-Prince Jaehaerys decided to marry his teenage children; King Aegon V, in disagreement, washed his hands in frustration. According to Ser Barristan Selmy, there was no affection between Aerys and Rhaella on the day of their marriage.

After the Summer Refuge Tragedy, which occurred in 259 AD. and where King Aegon V and his eldest son Prince Duncan the Younger died, Aerys became the crown prince, with Rhaella as his future queen. On the day of the tragedy, Rhaella gave birth to her first child, Rhaegar. Aerys and Rhaella were young and it was anticipated that they would have many children, a matter of vital importance at the time, when the possible heirs to the Targaryen House had dwindled to an alarming number.

The marriage between Rhaella and Aerys was very unhappy. Although Rhaella turned a blind eye to most of her husband’s infidelities, the queen could not bear to make her maids her lovers. The relationship between the king and queen was further strained as Rhaella was unable to give Aerys more children. Queen Rhaella had miscarriages in 263 and 264 AD, followed by Princess Shaena, stillborn in 267 AD. Prince Daeron, born in 269 AD, survived only half a year. Then came another child born dead in A.D. 270, another miscarriage in A.D. 271. and Prince Aegon, born two months premature in 272 A.D. and died the following year. At first, the king comforted Rhaella in his pain but over time his compassion became suspicious. By 270 AD, King Aerys II had decided that the queen was unfaithful to him and that this was the reason why he could not give her another child; She claimed that none of the stillborn children, abortions, and stillbirths had been fathered by her.

Thereafter, Aerys II prohibited Rhaella from leaving the Maegor Keep and decreed that two septas would share their bed each night so that the queen remained faithful to her vows.

During the following years, the behavior of King Aerys II became increasingly erratic, although it seemed to decrease in 274 AD. when Queen Rhaella gave birth to a son. So deep was Aerys’ joy that she seemed to restore her former character. However, Prince Jaehaerys died later that same year, plunging Aerys into despair. In his rage he decided that the prince’s nurse was to blame for his death and beheaded the woman. Not long afterward Aerys announced that Jaehaerys had been poisoned by his own lover, the pretty young daughter of one of his knights. The king tortured the girl and all her relatives; Before dying, everyone confessed to the murder, although the details of their confessions did not match.

In 275 A.D. King Aerys fasted for fifteen days and made a “walk of repentance” throughout the city to the Great Sept of Baelor to pray with the Supreme Septum. Upon his return, the king announced that he would henceforth only sleep with his legitimate wife, Queen Rhaella. This new fidelity was apparently well received by the Mother because the following year Queen Rhaella gave the king another son. Prince Viserys, born AD 276, was small but robust and more handsome than any child King’s Landing had ever seen. However, the birth of Prince Viserys failed to change the behavior of the king; He became even more obsessive and fearful, even going so far as to put knights of the Royal Guard to see that no one touched the baby without his consent, not even Queen Rhaella.

In 280 AD, when Prince Rhaegar returned to the Red Fort to introduce his parents to their first daughter, Princess Rhaenys, Queen Rhaella welcomed the baby fondly while King Aerys refused to touch or hold the girl, complaining that “it smelled of Dorniense”.

In later years, the relationship between Rhaella and her husband deteriorated. They only slept together when Aerys had executed and burned someone; Jaime Lannister recalled that burning someone always turned Aerys on. The last time was when Aerys burned Lord Qarlton Chelsted; Ser Jaime heard Rhaella cry as she was abused. The next day, she was sent to Dragonstone to escape the imminent King’s Landing site by the rebels during the Usurper’s War. Her maids said there were bruises, bite marks, and scratches all over the queen’s body.

In Dragonstone the queen found out she was pregnant. When the capital fell two weeks later, she, her unborn son, and little Prince Viserys were the last known survivors of the Targaryen Dynasty. When news of the looting of King’s Landing was heard, Rhaella proclaimed Viserys king. The queen spent her entire pregnancy on Dragonstone, where she gave birth to her second daughter, Daenerys. She died shortly after the stress of childbirth.

I do not have much to say, she deserved a better life than to be with a man without love and who became more and more violent, more paranoid and wilder. At least she has the consolation that her daughter and her possible grandson fought for their rightful throne, in the end she sowed the future of House Targaryen.

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