
I'm not sorry


✨I'm bi bi bi 'till the day I die✨

don't you just love horror that doesn't rely on sexual violence or vilify mental illness or use jumpscares? don't you just love horror that creates an unsettling atmosphere and an intense feeling of wrongness even after you've suspensed your disbelief to accept that this kind of supernatural exists in that universe? don't you just love horror that's well written


Why does every fantasy series gotta have a hot woman-only group like “Sisterhood Of Summer Spies” or “Ladies Of The Twilight Ball” or “Women Warriors Of The Waters” and never a himbo-only group like “Blue Rose Brotherhood” or “Manwhores Of The Realm” or “Bastard Sword Bastards”

Their NAME is the Fellowship of the Ring


i realize that trump will most likely be acquitted by the senate but it is still a massive statement that he is the third president in history to be impeached. whether or not he is removed from office, this will leave a huge stain on his time as president for all of history, and that’s nothing to be scoffed at.



The lady is a succubus, which in this setting is mostly human but with superpowered pheromones that passively make humans aroused just by being in the same room and essentially drug people out of their minds if she touches them directly. [The effect is so strong that there’s an entire government agency devoted to observing (from a long distance) all known succubi to make sure they aren’t starting suicide cults or going on murder-rape binges or whatever.] This causes her a variety of problems in life; she has to get up extremely early and stay at work late to take mostly-empty trains in order to avoid being in a crowded metal box full of humans, for example. But worst is her nonexistent love life, because how can you ever be confident that somebody has genuine romantic feelings for you if you’re supernaturally attractive to everybody? Is it ever morally acceptable to have sex if holding hands is effectively a date-rape drug? 

The guy is a perfectly ordinary biology teacher, who crashed into her in the halls on his first day and got a huge dose of aphrodisiac. But she is a Respected Colleague so it would be Highly Unprofessional to think of her that way, not to mention how Inappropriate it would be for a high school teacher to do or say anything while there might be students around, and wait a minute wouldn’t treating her differently just because of her biology be Super Racist? so obviously it is his Duty to act Perfectly Normal and pretend that he Feels Nothing.

She sees that he seems to have no reaction, and this sparks her interest. Is he immune to her powers? Clearly this requires further investigation! For entirely scientific purposes, not because if he falls for her he’d be the first guy she could trust to do so for legitimate non-chemical reasons (and totally not because she might be able to bone him without feeling bad about it).

So you’ve got the world’s dorkiest succubus clumsily trying to seduce this guy and he’s trying very hard to drink enough Respect Women juice to make up for over half his blood travelling south every time he sees her. Then for added fun several of their students catch on to these shenanigans and they ship it so they decide to “help”.

you know I can respect that premise.

It’s a good show.


This sounds fucking brilliant


Interviews with Monster Girls needs another season.


we need the opposite of nihilism. Everything matters.

im not talking about anxiety im saying every piece of art you draw adds to the world. im saying the lone bumblebee pollinating flowers is important. im saying to appreciate people’s smiles and small charming mannerisms. to know everything else has the right to exist and be part of the world.

and on the other side of the coin, i’m saying even friendly banter can hit someone’s insecurity. that even something small can be hurtful so always try to be considerate. 


Controversial opinion but any appearance-based gotcha will always be pickme shit

calling a shitty, bigoted girl ugly bc of her physical features isn’t subversive. this isn’t about whether or not it’s justified, i’m not saying bigots themselves deserve better, but when you call a physical feature ugly you are calling everyone with that feature ugly. also it’s 2019 do we really need to get into why it’s not progressive to call women ugly when they suck for actual legitimate reasons


Love my grandparents.... on the phone just now my papa was dead serious like “i just think it’s so terrible to kick your child out for being gay . This is a union family and the ONLY thing i’d ever kick any of you out for is crossing a picket line.” okay working class hero!


the boys in taz balance: *has a 50% chance of killing any NPC that they come across, with the other 50% being “make fun of them so much that our DM has to call us out on it in-character”*

the boys in taz graduation: *eats school lunch with an NPC that they barely know bc they’re scared of coming across as rude*

Griffin: “[Fitzroy] is a beefy boy... beefier than your average fellow... a barbarian”
Every single fan artist:
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