
Luxury Fangirl Trash™️


Dominant genes - The Vamps, Tom Holland, Haz Osterfield, Dylan O’Brien, Logan Lerman
Recessive genes - Sebastian Stan, Zac Efron, nearly every boyband and basically every white boy of the month
Tags are my specialist subject.
URL courtesy of nhclubsandwich back in the stone age.
Psst this is a sideblog -
Mainblog that I never use but has some quality taggos @mylittlelifeinquotes
(@thatbandroadtrip is my old archived bb)
Come fangirl with me you beauties ✌️😎

kurt vonnegut wrote "so it goes" and didn't even care that it would live in the back of my mind for the rest of my life

kurt vonnegut: and Lot's wife, of course, was told not to look back where all those people and their homes had been. but she did look back, and i love her for that, because it was so human. so she was turned to a pillar of salt. so it goes. people aren't supposed to look back. i'm certainly not going to do it anymore.

me reading that at 15:


I’m a millennial, so I didn’t grow up with social media. The fact that the access to information and the ability to constantly be joining in a huge conversation of things going on in the world is a really huge difference. Kids now are so much more engaged from such a young age, in a way that was harder to come by when we were kids. In a weird way, it’s become cool to care about that shit in a way that never was, which is a really great thing. I think something else that the film talks about is how far someone is willing to go, and how much are they willing to lose sight of themselves, in sacrifice of this longing to exist online, or have a viral moment, or be relevant.

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