
Muse play time start!

@love-live-dogs / love-live-dogs.tumblr.com

Welcome to the dog blog! Please read up on the girls before asking them questions~ (LL Dog AU, mod is @ Nozoroomie )

hey folks! been a while huh?

I guess the long story short is this blog is gunna be permanently inactive. I just have no time to draw pictures for it anymore and if I’m honest, drawing the dogs doesn’t make me as happy as it once used to.

which, sucks, but it happens. 

To those still into the blog and who supported it- thank you! It means a lot and I’m so happy that my doodles made people happy sometimes.

I may occasionally post a dog or two here and there on my main blog but it’s unlikely. 

Thanks for sticking around and I’m sorry it got so inactive so fast, but if there’s any questions you may have relating to it all you can still hmu at my main blog @nozoroomie and I’ll answer any ll dog related questions I can.

Thanks for the good times! 


it’s been way too long!

Life is busy but I still love this blog and the love live dogs!! quite a lot ;w;.

The ask box is still closed due to no time to actually draw (I’ve been hoarding those pictures i just posted for so long because I wanted to wait for a time when I’d be less busy but rn that doesn’t seem likely for a little while.)

that being said, I plan to move this blog onto its own! so instead of being a side blog attached to my main blog, it will just be its own! which is exciting to think about :’).

All the asks I have here will most likely be answered there on a later date, and I just ask if whoever is still interested in this blog to be patient! once the other blog is made, other asks from here will be reblogged there and we’ll start anew! 

and well, for my skae I’ll probably just make a back story master post rather than wait at certain times to post about certain things (Like a-rise! who i still have yet to introduce!! SWEATS IM SO SORRY)

a-ANYWAY! the blog will be up again as soon as possible! Until then, just slowly sloowly get excited (if ur hyped about ll dogs that is)


Today at therapy was really hard. I was sitting here crying, and generally being miserable, when I felt a nudge at my knee. I looked down to see that Zeus, my service dog, was doing his job… and brought me a potato. it is very hard to cry with a gift of potato.

Remember this? I’m having a rough time right now. Zeus has a solution.

That would be an empty pill bottle, the *correct* pill bottle, a bottle of embossing powder, and two, TWO potatoes.


You’re worth at least 2 potato to him and that’s pretty special imo.

I would just like to remind you all that *I don’t own any potatoes* and I have no clue where he’s getting them from.

I don’t know if you saw my reblog, and I know you came up with a dog design for Tsubasa already, but I just thought I’d share my own take on Tsubasa dog (German shepherd/Shiba Inu mix)


She looks like she’s got more of a german shepherd build but I love it! If she were a taller character I probably would’ve gone with a breed like this too c:.

Thanks for the submission!


So my dog is a 210 pound Great Dane who has never had a toy smaller than a car tire before, and he always rips them to sheds within a couple weeks.

Recently my sister got him the biggest toy she could find in the doggy toy section, a toy owl about the size of my dog’s head.

He smelled it, took it delicately in his mouth, then just dropped it on the floor and has barely touched it since.

But I keep finding him with it near him while he is sleeping.

I haven’t put it there, and neither has my mum.

He never chews on it, like he is afraid to break it.

And it is always right near his head when he sleeps.

I think he has accepted the tiny owl as his pet.

When the fuck did this get notes Did someone famous reblog my tiny puppy boy

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