
What's on second?

@zombiechameleon / zombiechameleon.tumblr.com


Yall know THE song 😜 I’ve recently (digitally) painted for a freelance gig, a technique I never use, and took a liking to it. Might even reconcile me with traditional ! The last of the spider spaming, I promise !!! 


Chain chomp evolution is weird because they barely changed anything but now their much cuter and way less scary.


chain chomps lost their vestigial forward facing eyes after generations of forced domestication led them away from their predatory nature


Kind of gives you chills .

Good Lord, how delicious! I wanna do that! The next time I’m in a cathedral, I’m doing it. 

As she stood inside an ancient and empty church in Montefrío, Spain, Malinda Kathleen Reese belted out one of the best Christmas carols of all time-“O Come, O Come Emmanuel” and the end result was just heavenly.

I’m obsessed with this because A. Victorian Christmas Carols B. European Cathedrals C. It’s gorgeous and fuckin choristers are my favorite


a japanese guy who made a bunch of creepy pasta videos a long time ago (you’ve probably seen Youtube666, he made that) is playing through minecraft for the first time and he’s not using any guides or anything other than the in-game guidebook and he’s fucking. doing it in such a buddhist way.

like, he’s so patient and detached from all of the stuff he’s gotten.

in the newest episode he destroyed 14566 blocks of bridge and blew up his original house just because he learned about xyz coordinates by accidentally pressing F5 and he wanted his house to be at the X:0 coordinate.

also look at this quarry. it’s his 5th quarry.

look at this absolute fucking massive hole.

and it’s not like “HELLOOOOO EVERYBODY WHAT IS UP, TODAY WE’RE GONNA BE PLAYING MIIIIIINECRAAAAFT” he’s just like. a quiet 30 year old japanese man who speaks very precisely and politely. and he even does his own english captions which are overlayed on the video and he uses emoticons like (0u0)/

he’s so wonderful and cute.

please watch at least like 5 minutes of this.

i PROMISE you you’ll smile.


i’ve been keeping track of piropito’s minecraft series since the beginning and i can promise you all 76 episodes and counting are well worth the watch because it’s incredible the LENGTHS this guy goes to learn and explore without help from others.

some highlights:

-spends literal HOURS upon HOURS building these long, seemingly endless bridges because he wants to reach “the ends of the earth”

-around episode 40, he’s learned the ins and outs of redstone but doesn’t realize you can sleep in your bed.

-the noises he makes when he’s afraid of enemies/dies are precious and gentle and not at all what you’d expect from a famous horror artist

-spends hours trading resources with villagers to get glass only to find out almost 50 episodes in that you can make glass from sand

-destroys several mountains of sand in the desert to not only fuel his love for glass, but also because “explosions are sugoi 0u0″

-sees a silverfish and

-builds a giant “machine” that runs on redstone, minecarts, and pistons that pushes colored sand through a massive glass window. it doesn’t do anything, it just pushes all the blocks to the bottom and breaks after a few minutes. piro seems very pleased with it.

-makes these complex shapes/structures in an attempt to create a nether portal, doesn’t realize it’s just a rectangle

-a fan made a skin just for him, complete with 0u0 face

-falls in lava multiple times, never gives up

-builds a giant coin pusher game for funsies


-in short i beg of you to watch this gentle man play minecraft blind it’s so fascinating

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