
Jojo Ass Nerd


i like space and computers! 𝟐𝟔
she/her/hers or ey/eim/eirs

As someone who was recently in Fukui, this isn't even scratching the surface of how mad the town is for dinosaurs.

For example, here is the outside of the train station:

If you thought that they were only outside the station, think again!

The last dinosaur has a crab, because the region is known for seafood.

You can even buy coffee emblazoned with dinosaurs!

And that's not even getting into how you get to the nearby Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum. Behold, the Dino-Liner:

And if you're like, man I don't know how the museum will top all of these dinosaurs, boy do I have news for you.

And then you get to the cafe:

But, eventually, it was time to head back to the train station...on the dino bus.


the idea of eternity in utena is so interesting. initially "there is no such thing as something eternal" is the thought that sends utena spiraling into suicidality, which is understandable, since the idea that everything will end someday is terrifying. especially to a child. especially to a child who just encountered one of the most traumatizing and violent "endings" possible, the deaths of her parents. but then she's shown that apparently something can be eternal. and that something is pain, which is even worse, but at least gives her something to live for. and then by the end of the show it's like. no, pain isn't eternal either. "there is no such thing as something eternal" is reframed as a positive. eternity is Not Good. eternity is everything staying the same forever, never changing for the better. it's the opposite of revolution. it's what akio wants, perpetuating the system that benefits him at the cost of everyone else forever and ever. and no matter what utena might have thought, it is not what she wants.



/don't like the shading BUT anthy's outfit makes up for it i guess/

/also a fun fact utena's shirt is basically a copy of the one i wear irl/


Another thing I really liked about Anthy is how her lack of empathy and desire to socialize isn't treated as an obstacle she has to overcome to be worthy of Utena. in fact it's Utena who's written as a bit naive to demand that Anthy makes friends. Nothing like the media that says, hey, maybe demanding love and altruism from the Most Hated Girl In The World is ridiculous.


— If the meds were switched, then when I got them mixed up, I… I accidentally switched them back, so… I gave Harlan… — The correct doses, yes. But not accidentally.

KNIVES OUT (2019) dir. Rian Johnson

I love this moment, not just because of the twist, but also because Marta has been dying the whole movie with not only fear and grief, but guilt at having caused the death of her patient, her friend.

For Benoit to take the time to reassure that this was not her fault, in way that is so kind and so clear, was lovely.

“You are a good nurse.” You can tell when he says that the he truly understands what is paining her the most. Just beautiful.

I have so much love for this film, and for the moment following this where Benoit tells her that, if Harlan had listened to her, he would still be alive. The blame is taken from her, in the kindest possible way, by someone she trusts. After all the goalpost moving and ‘ah, gotcha!’ and obsession with spoilers in cinema over the last decade, with characterisation abandoned and plotlines left unresolved, knives out is a kind film. It isn’t obsessed with tricking you or catching you out, just wants you along for the ride

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