love can ignite the stars

@abstractragedy /

whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination sonja / 🇫🇮 / twenty-three

that clip of the blues clues guy saying during the process of being hired to be on the show the kids were shown a "conventionally attractive" guys clip and his clip to some kids and they enjoyed him bc he looked like someone who would actually need help is how i feel about the main guy from that show the bear

i have to fucking help him and tell him where mr fox hid his spatula


 ― Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

[text ID: In the deepening spring of May, I had no choice but to recognize the trembling of my heart.]

Public transit be like your bus is due!! .....any second now.......okay now! Just kidding! Okay itll be 17 minutes ☺️ hope that helps. Aw shit we sent the invisible bus again

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