



to any new people on here PLEASE for the love of god at least put on an icon or human-sounding bio before following anyone cause now i think half the people i blocked are fucking real

god yeah sorry i probably should have clarified. for the new people: there’s been an influx of bots recently appearing alongside the growing userbase, so a lot of you might be hardblocked by someone if you follow them with a completely empty blog because they assumed there’s not a real person behind your account


everybody just latched onto “terf = enemy” and then never again put any thought into why that is, and what transmisogyny is, so they just make a big deal out of being an anti-terf instead of understanding the problem in the first place


Some stuff to know:

TERF - Trans Excluding/Erasing Radical Feminist:

Someone who believes that trans women are not women and don’t belong in women’s spaces. They believe that trans women are predatory cis men pretending to be women in order to have sex with lesbians.

SWERF - Sex Worker Excluding/Erasing Radical Feminist:

Someone who believes that sex workers (those who make money from pornography or prostitution) are not feminist / not valuable / should not be welcome in feminist / women’s spaces. They believe that women participating in pornography or prostitution are upholding patriarchy and damaging the feminist movement.

Truscum aka transmedicalists:

Someone who believes that you must experience body dysphoria in order to be trans. They also tend to be attached to the gender binary and erase or exclude anyone who does not conform to a male / female gender identity (genderfluid, non-binary, agender, bi-gender, etc)

Ace exclusionists:

Someone who believes that ace-spectrum people are not inherently LGBTQ+ and do not belong in LGBTQ+ spaces. They see ace people as secretly cis/straight invaders and leeches to LGBTQ+ programs and resources. They also tend to believe that the definition of LGBTQ+ centres around those who experience discrimination for same-sex attraction, and therefore ace folk do not belong.

Trans women are women. Non-medical trnas people are trans. Ace people are LGBTQIA+.

Know why we do not welcome these people.


All of this (ye gods I am tired)


besties, french results for the european elections are kinda disgusting (as expected) and the president just dissolved the national assembly (unpredictable and stupid) which will probably lead to more far right ppl in the parliament (expected and horrible) so my french besties lets go vote on june 30 pls (im begging)




We will be voting to renew our Parliament on the 30th of June and the 7th of July.

Yes. We are voting the day after Pride. Trust me, I am aware I will go vote with a hangover of some sort.

If like me you live abroad or you have french mates who live abroad then THIS IS THE LINK FOR YOU

It will tell you if you are still registered on the consulate list, and what to do if you are not. This way no need to get your parents to vote proxy for you - you can go to your nearest consulate AND VOTE.

Plus last time we voted for Parliament you could vote electronically so from your own computer.

Image! You go out for Pride, you have the best night and then the next morning, while nursing that hangover, YOU CAN VOTE in your pyjamas. Honestly hope they do it again this time.

If you happen to not be able to vote because you are nowhere near your voting station on the day - YOU CAN VOTE BY PROXY.

Every voter can carry ONE PROXY for a person voting in the same polling station as them. It can be your friend, your neighbor, your parent, your coworker - as long as you trust them and they are registered at the same polling station YOU CAN HAVE THE VOTE ON YOUR BEHALF.

Abroad some consulate will be holding information sessions (Dublin is) to explain more about what is happening and how you can vote and do your due diligence.

I can answer some questions you may have - and if i don't have the answer I can redirect you where needed.

We will vote for the first round on the 30th and then on the 7th the second round.


Your polling station will be opened from 8am to 6pm (unless you are in Paris, Marseille and other cities where they close at 8pm)

You will need an ID document to vote. THIS IS IT. You forgot your voting card? It's OK. All you miss is getting your little stamp. YOU CAN STILL VOTE. As long as you can provide an ID as per this link.

I will, as usual, do a rideshare to Dublin because in Ireland there are only 2 polling station (Dublin and Cork) and people like me live nowhere near Dublin. In the past we've been able to pile up at 3 people in my car and have a wander to the queue at the embassy. I will also offer my proxy so if someone need me to vote on their behalf, I will do so.

Even if you live in France, offer that to your friend who can't vote that day. Be a proxy. Tell your neighbor and friends they can be.

Register to vote in your local mairie.

Or ask for a proxy (or offer yourself as one)


For the love of everything, vote.

Vote not for yourself but for the sake of everyone who would be QUICKLY AND DIRECTLY impacted by a fascist party in power: the LGBTQIA+ community (they are homophobic and transphobic AF), women (they want to prevent access to abortion and family planning), people of colour (they're fucking racist), poor/homeless people (they have consistently voted against any law/bill that would raise the minimum wage, enable better access to decent housing or otherwise improve basic living conditions), disabled people (they are also in favour of cutting disability benefits and health public spending in general).

We now have a united left front, the difference is yours to make.


tumblr SHIELD. for 3 bucks a month, whenever a blaze post would appear on your dash, a pre-loaded post of yours instead appears on the dashboard of the person who tried to blaze you

tumblr BLAST. for 5 bucks a month, whenever a blaze post of yours would be blocked by tumblr shield, it instead appears in all caps at the top of the shielded person’s dashboard for an hour and flashes violently whenever they try to block it

tumblr POSSESS. for 200$ a day you can post using another person’s blog, though you cannot change their blog in any other way nor delete their previous posts. at the end of the day they receive half of the 200 dollars

tumblr TRUE SIGHT. for 6$ monthly you can see when a blog is possessed. tumblr SCRY. for 30$ a day you can read other blogs’ private messages

tumblr POWER WORD KILL. for a one time payment of 6,666 bucks, you can delete another blog entirely. tumblr notifies all of that blog’s mutuals that you killed them. each user can only use this feature once, and thereafter loses the ability to use any of the other tumblr spells. you must have been a user for at least 10 years to use this feature

tumblr UNDENIABLE SUMMONS. for 35$ you enchant a blog such that they cannot post again until they answer your ask. alternatively, you can simply set a price point of your choosing which they will receive if they choose to answer the ask (though they are not obligated to)

tumblr ENTHRALL. for 4$ a month you can use gifs as your icon again

tumblr FAMILIAR. for 5$ a month, you summon a small, cute familiar—such as a crab, snail, owl or frog—which can carry small messages onto your mutuals’ dashboards for you. owning a familiar also protects you from being tumblr POSSESSed by anyone but your own mutuals

tumblr REFLECT. for a one time payment of 100 dollars, the next time someone attempts to use POWER WORD KILL on you, they are deleted instead. there is no way of knowing whether someone has this feature active




I hate seeing tweets like this because they all present the issue as "privileged cis people getting a taste of the trans experience and wanting out" instead of "intersex people being discriminated against" because the latter is what's actually happening. you cannot write a tweet like this and fail to acknowledge that these people are cis, yes, but they are also intersex and are being discriminated against because they are intersex.

intersex people and trans people should be holding hands on this issue and fighting for each other but perisex trans people continually erase intersex cis people from the discussion.

I'm literally begging y'all to use the word "intersex" when talking about this


Stone cooking supports used to grill skewers of meat by Minoans on Santorini, circa 3600 years old. The line of holes in the base supplied coals with oxygen. Many consider modern "souvlaki" street kebabs a direct descendant of this portable food system. Museum of Prehistoric Thera, Greece. More: https://thetravelbible.com/museum-of-artifacts/


i fucking love this so much


Peace and love on planet earth


Okay, everybody, I did it! I have a book! (An e-book, to be precise!) (And to be more precise, my girlfriend and I have a book!) It’s called The Emperor’s Mirror, and it’s a YA novel about magic! Mystery! Monks! Other things that don’t start with ‘m’, up to and including dragons! I would like to take a moment to shamelessly plug it and say if you enjoy reading my fanfiction, please go take a look! It’s the first in a series which is intended to be 5 books, the rest of which should be coming out in no time (metaphorically speaking) and the e-book is $4.99.

Here’s the back of the book (so to speak):

A valuable artifact has been stolen from an isolated monastery, and Tallis will have trouble finding it when the temple elder won’t tell him what it is.
The monks have good reason to be secretive, given the centuries of religious persecution after the fall of the Emperor who represented their gods. That’s to say nothing of the cult leader enchanting disciples in the next town over, or of the boy they keep hidden underground while they prepare him to be the new Emperor. Tallis, an orphan himself, feels an instant connection with Brannon, the young boy who can channel the power of the gods but is deeply resentful of the monks who have imprisoned him to keep him safe. Tallis soon finds himself struggling to unravel not only a theft, but the murder of the last Emperor, which fractured the world a thousand years before.

You can read the complete first chapter for free here if you’re so inclined, or if you don’t feel the need and you want to buy it sight-unseen, you can do so right here! (It should be available from Amazon/iBooks/etc shortly, but you can buy it direct from Lulu right now.)

Even if you can’t afford it/can’t buy things on the internet/don’t have an e-reader (this file works with most basic e-reader extensions for chrome and firefox)/et cetera, even just reblogging the post (and talking about how cool my stuff is) would be awesome. *blows kisses* Thanks for reading!


to be honest it would make me a lot more comfortable if you guys would show a little concern about trump running for president again. Do not inbox me and say you don’t like joe biden omg i already know. but can we show a little concern. about donald trump. being the republican candidate for president. for the third election in a row.


always remember gay men are the reason we dont have to pay for public bathrooms in canada


two gay men got arrested for fucking in a public bathroom but they argued since you had to pay for it it was a hotel and it was fine. their defence worked and we dont have to pay for bathrooms anymore

Ok guys I know we want to celebrate victories in queer history but

1. Googling "Canada gay sex pay toilets" just brings up a bunch of reblogs of this post

2. There does not seem to have been any sort of norm of public toilets in Canada charging money to use in the 20th century

3. I am neither Canadian nor a lawyer but I find it extremely hard to believe that there is any jurisdiction on earth where charging money to use a public toilet makes it legally constitute a hotel room and therefore OK to have sex in.

thats because i lied about this


Some free or inexpensive comprehensible input, audio and video lessons, and listening practice stuff for popular languages because idk I felt like googling some stuff today

Greek (ancient): Easy Latin (Greek Course), Alpha With Angela (biblical [Kione] Greek), Chihon Teaches, Ancient Greek in Action, Athenaze


I don't know which of you needs to hear this but "narc" is not short for "narcissist" when someone calls you a "narc" for snitching they are calling you a "narcotics officer"

I think you did know which of us needed to hear this. I think you did know, but didn’t want to @ them, on account of them being a terror.

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