
Enjoy My Shittastic Blog

@auberan-blog / auberan-blog.tumblr.com

You. Me. Sweats. Netflix. Think about it.

my friend is studying for the mcat and was just trying to explain to me about heat transfer and she said ‘you know, like the reason you get cold when you go outside on a freezing day is that your tiny human body is trying to warm up the entire universe’ and i think that’s the best thing i have ever heard


I kind of needed this today. Thank you.


I want to wish all my Catholic followers a blessed Lenten season! For those of you who’ve ever used (or could use) Lent as a form of self-punishment driven by mental illness, please know how loved you are. This is not the time to let your distorted perceptions of your self-worth win. You are good enough for God. Blessed be.


once a boy let me borrow his jacket and after i gave it back i heard him gushing to his friends bc it smelled like me

nice to know boys do that too


just in case you need to be reminded

  • dont check up on your ex partner
  • dont check up on your ex friend
  • dont do it
  • it is not productive
  • you are better than that

Pooping while on break = liberal cowardice

Waiting to poop after clocking in = anticapitalist radical action


If you add two pounds of sugar to literally one ton of concrete it will ruin the concrete and make it unable to set properly which is good to know if you wanna resist something being built, French anarchists used this to resist prison construction in the 80s

I’m just gonna go ahead and reblog this for purely educational purposes.

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