
Vituttaa, väsyttää ja ahdistaa


Heterot on vaan joku laji jota en ikinä tuu ymmärtään. Syntynyt -96, autistinen, they/them, yhden kissan äiti jolla on mt-ongelmia vaikka muille jakaa. Kissakuvia löytyy #kissa tuli taloon

fascinating that when you tell people "you have to learn the rules to break them" when talking about drawing/painting etc everyone nods and agrees but the second you say "you have to read books if you want to write better" there's a horde of contrarians begging to be the wrongest people ever all of a sudden


"unalive" should just mean the opposite of undead. if undead means a dead thing thats alive, unalive shuld mean an alive things thats dead. no i dont have any examples. ☝️yet

Frankenstein's monster


Millennials and Gen Z'ers that were forced to miss out on all their adult life milestones due to the economy and can't even have a shred of hope for any quality of life in their future (and are also keenly aware that their country is falling apart at the seams and the world is burning)


don’t worry about why i had to google this but this example sentence is killing me



Karkki voi olla sentään kovaa. Kermaa ku vatkaa liikaa se muuttuu voiksi.

Tää metafora meni outoon suuntaan.

mut jos kermaa keittää sokerin ja voin kanssa nii siitä tulee karkkia

Perhana, oot oikeessa.

Meen keittää karamellia

kovaksikeitetty kermaperse olis hyvä urli



kuka ehtii eka


Marlene Dietrich is detained at a train station in Paris in 1933 for violating the ban on women wearing trousers.


As with all german actors in the 30's, you always gotta check the World War II section of their Wikipedia page. Well im happy to report that Marlene Dietrich was in open opposition to the Nazi regime, and in 1937 donated her entire salary for a film (over 9 million dollars in todays money) to helping Jewish refugees :)


actually here's another thing i found on zoopla that actually kind of fucks:

so this is a former hotel that's been converted into flats. unsure of age of building.

eaves are very Present but some people are into that aesthetically!

but wait why is there a staircase in the master bedroom

damn you get the tower!!

have to say this doesn't actually look super practical. there's not a lot of floor space up there so 'study' seems like a bit of a stretch. more of a reading nook. but like who cares whoever gets bedroom 1 gets their own private Wizard Tower. AND an en suite bathroom. £265k waaaay out of the city.


The most popular browsers in different countries in 2012 and 2022.

Nope! When Chrome first came to popularity, people switched over to it cause it was “faster” (turns out, it just eats through your device’s CPU) but since then Firefox has upped its game in a major way. Chrome just doesn’t measure up anymore. Plus, nowadays Chrome is just a data harvester designed to show hyper targeted ads - so even if Firefox ain’t for you, it’s still worth ditching Google for a different browser.

Legit though I switched to Firefox and it’s so so so much better

i’m gonna keep reblogging this ad infinitum so yall might as well convert now

remember that all chrome based browsers will no longer allow adblockers starting this june

the modern internet is literally unusable without one, so switch to firefox


Finally finished: field sweater!

I'm so happy this is done! This was my first time knitting a top-down sweater as well as using mohair. The top-down construction I'm a big fan of, the armholes and arm decreases look a lot neater. Not sure about the mohair yet, it is very nice and fluffy but I think the sweater would have also come out just as nice without it. I changed many parts of this pattern to make it fit better for me. The needle size, the body-to-arm stitch distribution, the neckline, the short rows, the sleeve decreases and pattern... but it was nice to add all these little tweaks to make it more for me!

After I did the yoke I started researching more about tension and decided to tighten my tension by quite a lot, which isn't great to do halfway throughout a project ':) the rest of the sweater came out a lot smaller compared to the yoke! But nothing some half-and-half blocking magic couldn't fix luckily :)

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