



Every single person saying "sex is real, it's gender that's not real" to support trans people needs to sit down and think about how that affects intersex people.

Sex is literally made up. Sex characteristics? Real. Genitalia is real, hormone levels are real, chromosomes are real... But dividing those into two boxes isn't real. We arbitrarily threw together the two most common combinations of these traits, called them male and female, and said fuck everyone who doesn't fit into that.

Sex isn't some holy thing that only the most radical people want to destroy, it's a farce used to justify the medical abuse of intersex people. If you want to be an ally to intersex people, please take the time to think about these things. Think about the way we talk about sex and how it might be hurting intersex people.

Using "assigned gender" language, legitimating the idea of a sex binary, calling intersex types "conditions"/"disorders"/etc., comparing intersex people to animals with diverse sex characteristics, and not listening to or acknowledging intersex people are all things people need to stop doing if they want to be allies to intersex people.

I'm trans as well as intersex, I know that supporting trans rights is incredibly important, but it should not be done at the expense of intersex people.


trump really rolled back healthcare protections for lgbt people during pride month AND on the day of the 4 year anniversary of the pulse nightclub shooting. i don’t know why i’m even shocked at this point but i still feel physically ill

while this is going to affect lgbt people in general because we are now at risk of being charged higher premiums or fees for being lgbt or at risk of being completely denied healthcare for simply existing it’s especially going to affect trans men and trans women. i know there is a lot happening right now but please don’t let this go unnoticed. they are purposely passing these anti-lgbt laws right now because they know with the protests going on it’s an ideal time to do so. it’s an evil, underhanded tactic. don’t let them get away with keeping us in the dark about this.




You guys are dangerously close to realizing specifically what kinds of people they keep from voting and why.


I want to drill this into everybody’s head:

  • The United States of America has the highest prison population in the world
  • Black Americans and Latin people make up the majority of this population (many of whom are non-violent offenders)
  • Federal Prisons in America require that their state keeps their prisons at a maximum occupancy at all times.
  • The 13th amendment did not entirely abolish slavery…just one form of it. It remains legal through industrial prison system

Oh and we have privatized prisons which allow companies to actually make money off of keeping people incarcerated 


Here’s what’s really perverse: prisoners, who cannot vote, still get counted in the U.S. Census. The more prisoners a county has, the more representation it gets, even though the prisoners cannot vote. See how that works? The more black and brown people they lock up, the more government resources and political representation they get. Even though those prisoners have no say and cannot vote.

If county-A has a population of 50 voters but no prisons, and county-B has a population of 50 voters and 50 prisoners, the county with the prisoners gets more government funding and more political represention. This is sometimes called “prison gerrymandering” and it is used in redistrictring.

Not so fun Fact: Southern states that reliably vote for Republicans also have the highest prison population in the United States. (source). So mass incarceration is a double whammy. It’s both a form of voter suppression and a tool to strengthen white people’s political power.

This is why we need abolition, not reform.


I doubt this will get much traction on here, but Puerto Rico’s governor has just passed Código Civil (Civil Code) that has loopholes regarding women’s and LGBT+ rights. This code was passed despite activists’ call for a veto, and was intentionally speedily passed so that public hearings would not take place

In a nutshell, women’s bodily autonomy has the potential to be restricted which can take away their right to abortions, and the discrimination bans against the LGBT+ community are able to be overridden. 

5 trans people have died violently in Puerto Rico since the beginning of 2020. 

I ask my followers and mutuals to please reblog. There is so much going on in America today and this is one thing to add. There are protests for #BlackLivesMatter in Puerto Rico and a significant black community there. As an Afro Latina and a member of the LGBT community, I ask you to spread this and help.

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