
URL is Ironic


All Lives Include Black Lives• Banner is by Shannon Cummings•
I'm Asari! Genderfluid; he/they/she pronouns please •
I'm not actually egalitarian. Not the BS
all lives matter white people say to ignore feminism, the poc LGBT+ community, and ESPECIALLY black lives matter.
"Egalitarians", wanna know what you're supposed to look like?

We really are a police state.

It’s worse than that. That wasn’t a rubber bullet, that was another tear gas canister–you can see it a few seconds later in the footage when the camera pans over to the advancing cops.

And they shot him in the crotch with it.

If I were feeling charitable I’d say that the cop who fired the shell was aiming for center of mass and miscalculated the distance and hit the guy low.

But I’m not feeling charitable. It’s clear that was a deliberate malicious attack designed to hurt the guy as badly as possible with the weapon at hand. The goal was to cause him pain and intimidate bystanders.

this really is dystopic, isn’t it?

Shout out to the dude who came and helped him up



Because the text can be hard to read




allow demonstrators to take action without fear of immediate identification. If you choose to wear a mask, do it right:


It’s not enough to cover half your face. Even if you get away, the police may use photos or video to charge you later. Cover your hair, face, arms, and hands. Cloth gloves are best.Take out piercings. Make sure there are no identifying features on your clothes, shoes, or backpack. If you bring any materials with you, wipe them down with rubbing alcohol first to get the prints off. Don’t bring anything you don’t need.


If possible, come to the demonstration with a small group of people you trust. Choose your crew based on shared intentions, not just friendship.You are there to have each other’s back in the street and follow up if one of you gets arrested or hurt. Strangers need to protect each other too. Stay physically close, not spread out, so that if police try to enter the crowd, you can “accidentally” get in their way. The front of the march might need to slow down while the back catches up. Stay moving, though: a tight, mobile crowd is difficult to sorround or disperse.


Always wear “civilian clothes” under your hoodie so that you can de-bloc and blend in with a crowd or smoothly walk away. Keep an eye out for danger zones and escape routes. If things heat up, stay calm and act decisively. Commit to your exit when you decide you’re done. Sometimes you have to sprint and hide; sometimes you just step onto the sidewalk and remove your mask. You can de-bloc in the middle of a friendly crowd if you’re sure you are well screened.


Bragging and storytelling are natural, but they’re easy to use against us. If you have to talk, choose someone trustworthy who was with you in the streets. Don’t post anything on facebook that you wouldn’t show a cop. The same goes for Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr. Remember that police will read your texts and call-log if they arrest you.


If you are arrested, invoke your right to remain absolutely silent. Name, address, and no more.




It allows us to take action without fear of immediate identification. It’s not enough to cover half our face. Even if we get away, the police may use photos or video to charge us later. It’s best to cover our hair, face, arms, tattoos, and hands. Cloth gloves are best because they don’t transfer print, unlike plastic gloves. Make sure there are no identifying features on your lcothes, shoes, or backpack; it’s nice to have a change of clothing. If we bring any materials with us, let’s wipe them down with rubbing alcohol to remove fingerprints. Bragging and storytelling are natural, but they’re easy to use against us. Don’t post anything on facebook that we wouldn’t show a cop. The same goes for Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr. Remember that police will read our texts and call-log if they arrest us. If you are arrested, invoke your right to remain absolutely silent; name, address, birthdate and no more.


Step 1: Put the shirt over your head inside-out, with the tag sitcking down, hold the sleeves to the side.

Step 2: Take the sleeves and tie them in a knot behind your head.

Step 3: Fold the top part of the collar up and under, close to your brows.

Step 4: Pull bottom collar over nose and folding the tag inside the shirt.


remember, black bloc is a tactic that keeps everybody safe. Even if the cops don’t try to identify you, internet fascists WILL try to identify you and make your life hell. Stay in a group, hold your ranks, and keep moving. NEVER EVER snitch.

Edit: Ironically, See how the cops are moving at around timestamp :30? That’s exactly what a black bloc should look like. Tight group, their faces are completely covered, they’re all moving together at a steady pace. They do that because it works, and that’s why you should too.


Yup, this guy is tooootally not a fascist. It’s just us cah-ray-zee leftists calling anyone to the right of Lenin a fascist. Just normal Conservative behavior, nothing to see here.

Milo is an ethnic jewish gay man who parades around his love for big black dicks. He’s also a master troll who’s job it is to offend and trigger people like you. He was trolling you scuzz-monkeys and you took the fucking bait. I do not understand how people can be this fucking retarded. 


hey anyone here remember that truscum post from chimera-bones


i’m reclaiming him. his name is now Connor and he loves pizza

—truscum don’t interact—

op’s art sucks lol

oh so now the transphobe cis truscum is trying to preach to me

anyway op’s art is adorable

Op is obviously still learning and also the transphobe is in the tcc

imagine you believe not needing to have dysphoria to be trans lol. Also who the fuck cares if I’m in the tcc oh my god so bad!!! I’m interested in learning about criminals. Ooga booga!

U romanticize murderers lmao ur cis don’t speak over trans people again ya nut go cry some more

I’m not that much of a degenerate to romanticize murderer lol, and I’m cis? Holy shit am I not allowed to have opinions omg I’m sorry 😢

Yeah actually! Cis people do not get to decide what makes someone trans! That’s transphobia baybey!

shit nigger, I’m trans now let’s finish this argument!

isn’t that how genderfluid works? I’m genderfluid cause apparently that’s how you think genders work.

The racist thinks it can speak

the racist transphobe need to shut their mouth before I pis in it

this person is literally your average republican type. they literally are just getting brownie points by saying they’re “cishet truscum” instead of a transphobe

THey literally have the word “fag” despite the fact that they’re a cishet. What the fuck were we expecting from this asshole



@kaiju-fag liking kaiju doesn’t make you gay, hettie.

kaijufag is my name on every website lol. Also why are you talking you’re clearly a cissie like me trying to be part of the lgbt+ 😃

Even if I was a cissie like you I’d still be lgbt+ because of my attraction to multiple genders, hettie.

So I went to check out her art account and this is her doodle account (ABLEISM AHEAD)

She also thinks she, a cishet, can tell a pansexual what pansexuals are. So yeah, she can fuck off.


please help, my boyfriends father was deported this morning

we all know hypothetically about the horrors of living in trumps america. we’ve all seen the same stories, we know how dangerous it is to be brown, that your whole life can fall down in an instant. we know this. I thought I knew this more than most, with my boyfriend being mexican. in the back of my mind I’ve had this anxiety for months, knowing what could happen - and today it did. 

we were stopped by what looked to  be a cop car in what I thought was an ordinary police stop (scary enough already) but it turned out to be anything but. behind the car were three  black vehicles with tinted windows, literally like you see in the movies. me and my boyfriend are both fresh out of teenager years, and there was just two of us against several armed government officers. 

this was literally the single most terrifying experience of my life. they told us to put our hands up and all I could think was that they’re gonna tell him to step out of the car, they’re gonna kill him in front of me, and I’m gonna have to call his family and tell them that I saw their son die and that he’s never coming home.  they laughed in my boyfriend’s face, asking several times for his name and jiggling the door handle and held us for what felt, to me, like a small and hellish eternity. I’m sure most people can understand what a traffic stop can be like as a brown person in america - i feel like i don’t need to say much more here and honestly just trying to describe everything that happens makes me want to throw up so I’m not going to.

eventually they let us go and somehow it only gets worse from there. we found out that my boyfriend’s father had been picked up by ICE. we believe at present that the point of the stop was to stop me and my boyfriend from driving past the daycare down the road (where his father was dropping off his 3 yr old son at) so that we wouldn’t be able to see what they were doing to his dad. the fact that they know our schedules so well means they must have been following us and watching us for a while. i would say that i’m paranoid except that honestly, this is entirely justified. 

currently, his dad is being held by ICE. because it’s immigration court, not criminal court, he is not entitled to free legal representation. we need at least $5000 for lawyer, not even including the bond. my boyfriend and I both work but there is no way for us to be able to raise this kind of money on such short notice. my boyfriend is basically in shock right now, as I think is very reasonable, and this entire situation feels beyond hopeless. the only chance we have of keeping his family together is through this lawyer, and through asking for help from others.

i know you are all tired from everything you see on the news. i know that there are many stories like ours. but please, this is ours. this is the man I love. this is his father. this is our future together. I never thought this would actually happen and it honestly still feels like a surreal nightmare but it has happened, and we cannot get out of it ourselves. 

you can donate to our paypal here. every penny helps and if you can’t donate i completely understand, just please please share this post. if we dont raise enough and it becomes too late we WILL be refunding the money to whoever donates.



If you would report an undocumented immigrant to ICE you would have reported me to the Nazis and I don’t fucking trust you

A note:

I live in a state where you “have to” report anyone you suspect of being undocumented (that wonderful hellhole of Arizona). Now in practice this law has fallen far short, thank goodness. But if you live in such a place and they start enforcing it, here is how you get around it:

Assume everyone who doesn’t speak English is visiting.

Never ask about their job, because if they tell you they work here then you know they’re not visiting. You see them a lot for several weeks or months? Hm. Someone in the family must be ill. That’s terribly tough. They always dress in old, ratty laborers’ clothes? I feel you, my dude, I can’t afford new clothes either, and my dad has the fashion sense of an aardvark, so sometimes it’s not even about “affording” them. They say they’ve been here for years? You must have misunderstood. Spanish isn’t your first language, after all. First and last name? It never came up, or you don’t recall–you meet a lot of people.

And then, if you’re asked: no, you haven’t seen anyone residing illegally in the United States. Just people visiting.

Very good very important addition


anyway black women are having miscarriages in Flint and there has yet to be an outrage from the “pro-life” community

can we call this a genocide yet?

keep in mind this is a MAN-MADE health crisis. they changed the water of a lower-income black community for a reason. 12 people have died so far because of the water and now the women are suffering from miscarriages. this story needs as much attention as possible. a black community is still being poisoned and pro-lifers don’t seem to give a shit  

Forget pro lifers, EVERYONE should give a shit about this.


She took up acting because the malnutrition she suffered under the nazis permanently damaged her health and prevented her from pursuing her dream to be a ballerina. During the war, she danced to raise money for the resistance - even though she was literally starving, she used what strength she had to make sure more nazis got shot. 


She and her mom also denounced their royal heritage because of the Nazis in their family

Also Audrey was a humanitarian until her death, though ill with cancer, she continued her work for UNICEF, travelling to Somalia, Kenya, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, France and the United States.


These are things I literally never would have known about. I’m tired of women being painted as just being pretty.

Anonymous asked:

Towards the whole "pronouns hurt people's feelings" topic. Am I REALLY the only person on the planet that thinks people are becoming far to sensative? Nearly to the point that they shouldn't leave their little home bubbles in the case that a bird chirps next to them in a way that sounds like a mean word. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, we're becoming a little TOO coddling and people need to learn to deal with simplistic shit like words. And yes, I've been insulted and made fun of. I got over it. So can you.

Supposedly invented by the Chinese, there is an ancient form of torture that is nothing more than cold, tiny drops falling upon a person’s forehead. 

On its own, a single drop is nothing. It falls upon the brow making a tiny splash. It doesn’t hurt. No real harm comes from it. 

In multitudes, the drops are still fairly harmless. Other than a damp forehead, there really is no cause for concern. 

The key to the torture is being restrained. You cannot move. You must feel each drop. You have lost all control over stopping these drops of water from splashing on your forehead. 

It still doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. But person after person, time and time again—would completely unravel psychologically. They all had a breaking point where each drop turned into a horror. Building and building until all sense of sanity was completely lost. 

“It was just a joke, quit being so sensitive.”

“They used the wrong pronoun, big deal.”

“So your parents don’t understand, it could be worse.”

Day after day. Drop after drop. It builds up. A single instance on its own is no big deal. A few drops, not a problem. But when you are restrained, when you cannot escape the drops, when it is unending—these drops can be agony. 

People aren’t sensitive because they can’t take a joke. Because they can’t take being misgendered one time. Because they lack a thick skin. 

People are sensitive because the drops are unending and they have no escape from them. 

You are only seeing the tiny, harmless, single drop hitting these so-called “sensitive” people. You are failing to see the thousands of drops endured before that. You are failing to see the restraints that make them inescapable.


She sells weed but has a problem with an 8 year old black girl selling water. Toxic white people feel like it is LITERALLY against the law for Black folks to disobey their request. They immediately jump into citizens arrest mode, playing the role of deputy doin’ too much, using their whiteness and its proximity to police protection as a weapon.

See when you do clownery…


Not to sound like a Crazed Communist~! here.

But if you have $131 billion you can probably afford air conditioning and regular bathroom breaks for everyday Americans that work in your stores. 

You’re still going to be ridiculously rich anyway.

But, yeah, let’s focus on finding life on fucking Pluto.


Do you know what I would do with 131 BILLION DOLLARS?

- solve the Flint water crisis (50 mil)

- organize relief to be sent to Puerto Rico (that’s what? 500 mil?)

- pay for Little Miss Flint to go to college

- buy an apartment complex in 30 big cities around the US to create special communities for homeless queer teens where they can get a hs and college diploma and learn job skills, get access to health and psychological care, and have access to non-queerphobic religious services if wanted (90 mil to start?)

- buy my own house (at most 2 mil because I have to accommodate 3 family groups and I would want to make the house solar and wind powered; also the cost of my library and wait staff)

- pay the medical bills of every victim of a mass shooting or police brutality (including psychiatric care for the PTSD)

- give a 500k dollar grant to 4k minority-owned businesses (2 billion)

- pay my dad’s ex-wife’s care bills so my half-siblings don’t need to worry about it (she’s old; 1 mil would set her up for life with a cushion for emergencies)

- I’d have some kids

- I’d start a daycare/education center chain for sex workers with children that also provided medical care for kids and college opportunities for the parents that accommodated their work schedules

- I’d pay for young black kids to meet their book and movie heroes like Letitia Wright or Tomi Adeyemi

- I’d find impoverished US communities in need of “standard” meds like asthma inhalers and insulin and provide for them

- I would fucking bribe politicians to advocate for rape survivors, the disabled, and everyone else they fuck over on the Congress floor

- I’d go see Hamilton maybe

- I’d take my best friend to England and to Book Con

- I’d open up more shelters for domestic violence and assault victims that offered opportunities in education, counseling, job help, and child care

And after aaallllll that???

I’d still have like 100 BILLION DOLLARS LEFT

- Also solved world hunger. That’s 4 Billion bucks. And honestly? That’s it. Most of the 1% can do that. He can do it 25 times.

These bloated ticks draining the lives from their employees and their customer base have the power to enact MASSIVE change, and they do NOTHING. They are literally evil. There is no other word for having so much when others have so little.


There is a new aristocracy.  We should be building guillotines.

Capitalism is great until you run out of other people’s money


It’s because the kids aren’t white

Obviously what’s happening to these kids is horrific but should we really be calling them concentrating camps though? What do Jewish people think about this?

Hello, Mexican here. They are fucking modern day concentration camps. Children, even infants, are being ripped from their homes, forced into overcrowded abandoned Walmart’s, with only 2 hours a day of outside time. This is no way for children to live. There is a mural on the wall of Trump with the quote, “Sometimes by losing the battle you find a way to win the war.” Do you know what people call shit like that? Propaganda. You can fuck all the way off. I cannot fucking believe you chose to fucking nitpick how this humanitarian problem is discussed because you’re uncomfortable with the horrors happening right before our eyes and would rather call it “problematic.” I can’t fucking stand gringos for bullshit like this.

Hi, Jew here! They are concentration camps and any Jew worth their history will tell you that. The Trump murals, the “we’re just going to take your baby for a bath”, the photos of confiscated rosary beads, the older children taking care of younger children they have no relation to because there are no parents around.

We see this shit and it sends chills up our spines because that was the kind of shit gentiles ignored because it wasn’t “that bad”. It wasn’t “that bad” when they were just confiscating our wedding rings and throwing them into a pile because we were “prisoners”, because it wasn’t “that bad” when they were separating children from their mothers to put them into a separate barracks, because it wasn’t “that bad” when little kids were having to flee through Kindertransport without their parents. 

This also isn’t the first time this has been done in America. The Japanese were held in concentration camps here during WWII. And what’s happening now sounds strikingly similar to that as well. A concentration camp is literally just a place where you concentrate a certain group of people against their will.


The cover of the next Stern, a German news magazine.

The title Sein Kampf (transl. his struggle) is a play on the title of Hitler’s autobiography Mein Kampf (transl. my struggle).

The full translation of the cover would be


Neonazis, Ku-Klux-Klan, Racism:

How Donald Trump is stirring up hatred in America

When Germans call you a Nazi….


I see so much commentary in the tags about how Trump can’t be a Nazi because he’s pro-Israel, and I’m sitting here like, guys. Children. Nazi doesn’t mean “kills Jews.” That was the horrible outcome. The ideology itself was putting one’s own nation above all else (ring a bell?) while undermining democratic values (RING A BELL?) and being blatantly racist (RING A… you know what, forget it, you’re not listening to me anyway). 

Instead of anti-communism you now have fierce pro-capitalism and instead of Jewish people being called animals you now have immigrants facing the same hatred. You already have the denunciations and people walking from door to door trying to root out “illegals.”

Current US politics may not involve any gas chambers, but Hitler didn’t burst on the political scene with “Let’s kill all the Jews!” either. If you honestly think US policies won’t escalate further, especially if Trump gets a second term, you’re standing chin-deep in denial.

I know it’s from a superhero movie, but the line I keep running in my head is, “Everyone forgets that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own.”

considering it’s from a superhero movie that was founded on a huge canon of fiction started by jewish artists specifically hoping to inspire americans to intervene against fascism (america had not yet entered ww2 when steve rogers punched hitler on the cover of captain america #1) i think it’s incredibly pertinent, actually.

“Pro Israel” from a Far Right standpoint usually means “We want the Jews to go back to their own damn country (so the second coming of Christ will happen).”

Don’t trust it. They’re anti-Semites.


^ Grew up in a conservative christian republican church and that’s exactly it. They just want to hasten the end times. They don’t give a shit about Jews (or anyone else but themselves)


Some images that haunt me

We’ve all seen this photo of the two-year old baby from the Honduras who, along with her mom, was detained on June 12 by the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol after they crossed the border. What you haven’t seen (probably) is the second photo, showing mom removing the shoelaces from the baby’s shoes, as required the Border Patrol agents. Treating the baby like an adult prisoner.

Then this four-year old boy from the Honduras, who was detained along with his dad after they crossed the border. If you look carefully, you’ll see a badge has been placed on his chest and his left shoulder, with his assigned number, #47. Remind you of something? I want to believe the number is to allow the US to reunite the boy and his dad, but I don’t think so.

Some more. I have the story behind each of them, but each photo is strong enough.

Then this. Can’t we afford real blankets for these kids? I’m sure the military bases in the area have acres and acres of spare blankets we can use to keep the kids warm, instead of wrapping them in mylar.

And these are cages, not chain-link fence partitions as claimed by the trump people. Cages. The photo is real. It’s a screen grab from a video produced and released by the US Customs and Border Control.

This is against everything the USA once stood for. What comes next? Yellow stars on the clothes and mass killings? How can people do such things? Have Trump and his followers no sense what is right and what is a crime?

The US has always stood for this. Western countries will tell the world we don’t, but we are eager to treat children as criminals for political gain.

What the fuck is this and why are people still supporting this



Some resources are good for everyone




Coming Out


Eating Disorders

Family and Friends

Gay and Lesbian

Healthy Relationships


I Have A Crush

In School


Mental Health

Out and Proud

LGBTQ and Religion





Sexual Health


Substance Abuse


Gender Identity




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