
Can I go Nowhere with you?

@uniquecrash5 / uniquecrash5.tumblr.com

I'm so cheap, I might as well be free


My posts here tend to be re-posts. Things that entertain me, things that are worth thinking about, things I want to try, or read, or watch, or follow. This blog exists mainly to be a pleasing archive of fun things for me to read. You may enjoy it as well. I rather hope you do.

Feel free to say hi! I'm a chatty motherfucker when you get me going.


Anti-voting rhetoric will be the death of the left. Literally.

Not a single fucking Republican voted to protect roe. It was fucking overturned in the first place bc trump got three Supreme Court appointments.

Every fucking thing wrong in this country is almost certainly the result of Republicans being in power. In 2020, Texas cut half of the polling places in black neighborhoods, and doubled them in white ones, regardless of population. It was Republicans bitching about mail in voting, and constantly, constantly fearmonger about voter fraud. Literally, their platform is about making civil rights harder to practice.

Would you like to know why? It’s because Republican politicians know better than anyone that higher voter participation means higher republican loss.

But what do I see from the online left, champions of the oppressed?

“Voting doesn’t do anything, the parties are the same, the system is rigged, etc, etc”

Don’t sit here and tell me you give a fuck about marginalized people if you aren’t ready to march your ass to the voting booth and vote out the party actively stripping their rights away.

Protest, donate, community build, unionize, and vote, vote, vote.

By the time direct action is the only option, it will be too fucking late.

If voting didn't do anything, nobody would be trying to stop you from doing it


Hate when websites are like "We see you have adblock. Will you turn it off..For Us? 🥺" Like stop being desperate I am married to ublock origin


I feel like this could be a short comic

1st panel, The Website (some suit basically) sweating and asking "Could you call off your adblock. Please?"

2nd panel, You (very generic person) and behind you Ublock Origin, a huge barbarian woman with searching eyes and battle-braided hair, holding a shield (with the UO logo of course) and a sword dripping with blood, and a word bubble from you that's just "No."

3rd panel: You, saying "We're married", and UO smooching, possibly showing off wedding rings, with little hearts floating around the two of you 💕


at Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville rn and i’m wondering why more musicians don’t have their own restaurants. i would eat at Trent Reznor’s Tavern of Terror

I wanna feed you like an animal

I wanna serve you lots of french fries


Also, The Eagles should own a hotel chain.


“Why should rich people pay more” because fuck ‘em

“So you are okay for paying more when you have money” I am not excluded from ‘fuck ‘em’ when relevant

“I am not excluded from ‘fuck ‘‘em’ when relevant” is surprisingly powerful as both a statement and philosophy


The university currently violently suppressing students protesting genocide with cops is awarding the rag responsible for running cover ups and justification for the genocide those students are protesting with the "highest award in journalism".

@fairuzfan ...........


Yeah see I was saying

This comes to mind

A comrade with whom I'm organising a divestment initiative in solidarity with Palestine shared the below in our group chat:

The current events in Palestine have prompted a large number of filmmakers to make their films about Palestine available to watch online for free, in addition to films previously available.

A large group of Palestinian films that were released on the Palestine Films website to document the Palestinian film:

Documentary films (more than 300 films): https://bit.ly/2RrCDUH

Feature films (25 films): https://bit.ly/2T085dh

Animated films (5 films): https://bit.ly/3bwHevC

Lists on YouTube of about 40 films about Palestine that were broadcast on Al Jazeera Documentary:

A collection of Palestinian films, some of which are available for free: https://bit.ly/3oFcs9z

A collection of short films by Palestinian female directors: https://bit.ly/3v39SMP

Gaza Surf Club documentary: https://youtu.be/s6doo4p-F7k

The Memory Keeper documentary: https://youtu.be/eywuYeflWzg

The documentary film, An Empty Seat: https://youtu.be/an4hRFWOSQQ

The resistance pilot documentary: https://youtu.be/wqSmdZy-Xcg

The documentary film Jenin Jenin: https://vimeo.com/499672067

The Olive Tree documentary by the French Cinema Group: https://vimeo.com/432062498

The documentary film Scenes from the Occupation in Gaza: https://youtu.be/1JlIwmnYnlE

The documentary film Gaza Struggles for Freedom: https://youtu.be/HnZSaKYmP2s

Documentary film: Arna’s Children: https://youtu.be/cQZiHgbBBcI

The short feature film Strawberry: https://vimeo.com/209189656/e5510a6064

The short feature film The Place: https://youtu.be/fgcIVhNvsII

The Mayor Documentary: https://youtu.be/aDvOnhssTcc

The documentary film “The Creation and the Nakba 1948”: https://youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs

The documentary film Occupation 101: https://youtu.be/C56QcWOGSKk

The documentary film The Shadow of Absence: https://vimeo.com/220119035

The documentary They Don't Exist: https://youtu.be/2WZ_7Z6vbsg

The documentary, as the poet said: https://vimeo.com/220116068

The documentary film Five Broken Cameras: https://youtu.be/TZU9hYIgXZw

The feature film Heaven Now: https://vimeo.com/510883804

The feature film The Tale of the Three Jewels: https://youtu.be/2WZ_7Z6vbsg

The documentary film: https://vimeo.com/122301746

The feature film The Remaining Time: https://youtu.be/KMRXxjLNs1Q

The short narrative film Palestine Abnadam: https://youtu.be/I--r85cOoXM

The feature film Wedding of Galilee: https://youtu.be/dYMQw7hQI1U

Keffiyeh documentary: https://vimeo.com/780695653

Hip Hop Swinger Documentary: https://youtu.be/hHFlWE3N9Ik

The documentary film Tal Al-Zaatar: https://youtu.be/Lb-bOrqvxK8

The documentary film Tal al-Zaatar - Secrets of the Battle: https://youtu.be/Ma8H3sEbqtI

The documentary film In the Grip of the Resistance: https://youtu.be/htJ10ACWQJM

The documentary film Marajeh: https://youtu.be/gMk-Zi9vTGs

The documentary Naji Al-Ali is an artist with a vision: https://youtu.be/Y31yUi4WVsU

The documentary film, Al-Fawqa Gate: https://vimeo.com/433362585

The documentary film: In Search of Palestine: https://vimeo.com/184213685?1

The feature film Salt of this Sea: https://bit.ly/3c10G3Z

Film documents: Tell me, bird: https://youtu.be/wdkoxBjKM1Q

Alienation series: https://bit.ly/3bXNAVp

Anna Jerusalem series: https://bit.ly/3hG8sDV

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