
Pjo and The Magnus Protocol spam reblogs.

@ghostsanndstuff / ghostsanndstuff.tumblr.com

Hannah(she/her)19 🌼 I AM UNWELL. TMAGP AND PJO AT THE SAME TIME??? 🌼 Recently started listening to Dimension 20. 🌼 (not so) former Dan and Phil blog

my friend just told me that there's a secret second dashboard that solely contains posts from people you've turned on post notifications for, and when i click the link in the messages it opens it within the tumblr app, so the tumblr app also has a secret second dashboard for post notification blogs, and the only way to access it is to open the link for it within the app.

i literally love tumblr


i have a private pinned post that just has a link to this dashboard on it, it's great. two dashboards for life


wow! i was really hoping someone would organically reverse-engineer this and find that dash.

here are a few other "secret" dashboards:

these are all just taking existing feeds of content and putting them in a dashboard-like format... the "Stuff for you" tab/feed is the same idea.


Bilbo barely passed Old Took's record lifespan after having a supernaturally-life-extending ring for 60 years. which begs a question. what the hell did Old Took do

I have a theory that somewhere back up the line gandalf fucked a took. This sounds like complete crack but hear me out. The tooks are rumored to have “fairy blood” which in LOTR terms means either elves or maia. There is an ancestor who’s unusually tall and many of them are noted to live unusually long lives unless they meet with illness or injury, same as the numenorians did. They don’t hve extra pointy ears and elves don’t have a special interest in the line. But who DOES have a special interest in looking after tooks (and bilbo who is a took on his mother’s side/his adopted son frodo)? Gandalf. That dude is ALWAYS fussing over some silly little guy. He regularly brought the old took birthday presents.

Back in the day some bold hobbitess decided to climb that old man and ever since then gandalf has been looking after his line of tiny crazy bastards and no one will convince me otherwise.


I've seen posts going around claiming that petting animals is basically tricking them into thinking they're being groomed, and it's bugging me because, like, there's no trickery afoot. Petting and scritching are grooming activities. They help to dislodge loose fur and foreign objects and more evenly distribute protective oils, among other things. Primates are social groomers, and the human impulse to scritch is the legacy of our primate ancestors. We see an animal we like, even a dangerous one, and the monkey brain says "groom that thing".


Late at night, while he sleeps fretfully, his scars haunt you. You think of the traumas he suffered in your absence, and you mourn.

All you can do is hold the shredded scraps together in your arms and hope they’ll maintain a familiar shape. So you smile before he sees the shame in the lines of your face.


if you're a messianic figure in the magnus archives, I've got one thing to tell you: you're going to fall for an extremely normal human man who will cause you to have doubts on your path to apotheosis, you will get to share one (1) kiss with him as long as it comes hand in hand with unspeakable violence, and then you will immediately die. the mother of puppets has some templates for master plans and her ethos is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."


i'm gonna go home and draw

ⓘ Misinformation check: He's not going to draw when he gets home. This user is known for often lying about this.

hey man what the fuck. untrue

ⓘ Misinformation check: This user has not drawn in weeks.

dude come on

ⓘ Misinformation check: He doesn't remember how to.


this is part 1 [part 2] Happy TMAnniversary haha the song is  A Complete List of Fears Ages 5-28 (Aprox) by The Yellow Dress I really love this podcast so so much. I just finished it like a month ago and it still lives in my brain so i just had to do a little tribute

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