



One of the lads was over at my London flat the other day, and I Instagrammed a picture of him and said, “Look at this cutie,” and a million outlets reported that I was coming out as gay. I’m not gay, but two of my mates came out when I was 15 and it was a joy to support them because, as a group, we are all secure enough in who we are. I’m certainly not going to stop calling my mates cuties and gorgeous, because they are cuties and they are gorgeous. 


In Miles Universe

Its Decembruary


Sorry to disappoint but

This however means that Miles just deadass wrote “Decembruary” on his test.

He was committed to flunking and I refuse to shame him for his dedication


but it only works if 4 people are having sex lol

how many hands you got

two? don’t see how that’s relevant

allow me illustrate you

that’s still four people

i truly can’t make this any clearer

will smith isn’t gay. he has a wife and three beautiful, talented children

don’t know what you’re on about. will smith and slightly wider blue will smith have been married for years. they’re a hollywood love story

So we’re just going to ignore that fact that if someone didn’t want to provide consent in the first place they would just–

Know what? I don’t even miss tumblr.


Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Teddy Altman/Billy Kaplan Amazeballs cover art by the one and only @cris-art 

The one where the year is 1947, Prince Dorrek crashes his ship at Roswell, Bill Kaplan is an astronomer with a problem, and life gets complicated from there.

“Can’t you just turn on the backup antigrav?” he asked, all innocence.

“No, I can’t ‘just turn on the backup-” Bill met his eyes, and Dorrek widened them just a smidge further. “Go sit in the car,” Bill ordered, pointing and biting back a laugh. Dorrek didn’t move, watching the process instead, his gaze drifting between the intricate—albeit ancient-looking—machinery, and Bill’s sleek forearms.

“’Turn on the backup antigrav’” Bill repeated in a mocking mutter, shaking his head as he bent back to his task. “I bet you guys don’t even have anti-gravity tech, you’ve just decided it’s fun to screw with the primitive monkey species.”


Yeah!! new chapter!! 

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