
multi-fandom, reading, writing, art

@cozycoffeewriter / cozycoffeewriter.tumblr.com

she/her just here on my fandom hype again. I sometimes write or paint. 🖌 a03: cozycoffee | ff.net: cozycoffeewriter (previously Leviosa7)

You know how JK Rowling sold Fantastic Beasts and Quidditch Through the Ages as fake books set in the Harry Potter world? I'd like one in the Hunger Games universe.

Peeta's Notebook, where he took notes about all the victors while they were "training like careers". Effie sends him tapes and he takes note like a nerd while Katniss and Haymitch just watch. He puts stars next to the victors who are chosen.

... and probably drew doodles of Katniss in the margins.

I'd buy that.


Oooooh that’s a wonderful ideia! I’d love Peeta’s notebook too. And I would LOVE to see the book Katniss and Peeta make together after the war 😭

I'd buy the memory book in a heartbeat!!

Anonymous asked:

Can i ask you something? Why did Peeta have burning scars himself? He was supposed to stay behind with Tigris. I never understood. I’ve heard that it’s implied that he burned himself because he followed katniss but is this confirmed? Thank you!!

Disclaimer: it has been a hot second and a half since I read Mockingjay, so I could be completely wrong, but I think that is what the text implies. Here’s the break down:

Katniss wants Peeta to stay with Tigris, but he says he’s going out on his own, and Gale gives him a nightlock pill so he can die on his own terms.

As Katniss and Gale walk towards the mansion, Katniss keeps looking around to see if she can spot Peeta, but can’t.

She thinks of Peeta one final time as Gale is captured, fretful over the fate of the rest of her allies, but only tells us she hasn’t seen him and doesn’t know what’s become of him.

We hear what’s become of him when she’s recovering —

Peeta's still in the burn unit. He made it to the City Circle after all.

So we do know he sustained the injuries as a result of the explosions.

This is the next we hear of him, in the meeting of victors to vote on Coin’s Games —

Through the water in the glass, I see a distorted image of one of Peeta's hands. The burn marks. We are both fire mutts now. My eyes travel up to where the flames licked across his forehead, singeing away his brows but just missing his eyes. Those same blue eyes that used to meet mine and then flit away at school. Just as they do now.

We don’t know who pulled Katniss from the fire, but I think this is a good clue that it was Peeta. At the very least, he was in the City Circle when the parachutes went off.

As Katniss burns, she describes herself as a “fire mutt” and since she uses that term again here, I feel it may be an intentional connection to the incident. She also describes a small bird sinking claws into her chest and trying to stop her dying (drowning, in her mind). She identifies this bird as Prim. It has Prim’s characteristics and speaks with her voice. No doubt, in a metaphysical sense, it is Prim, urging her sister to fight for life. In a physical sense, I’ve often wondered if the pulling she feels might be Peeta yanking her from the flames. Katniss first notes that his hands are burnt, like he grabbed her while she was still on fire.

It’s conjecture, because he could have sustained the burns from proximity, but I think it’s pretty heavily implied that he rescued her. Do they really need the Mockingjay anymore? No. But Peeta needs Katniss. (Okay, and it’s the decent thing to do, but let me have this).

This also perfectly ties up a three beat of “Katniss and Peeta aflame” in the street in front of the mansion: the first two times were for the opening ceremonies of the Games, and the final time is real fire.

That kind of symbolism seems like a Suzanne move. Thanks for the question (you can always ask me things)! 🕊🔥 I know @alliswell21 had some good thoughts on this moment too!


Additionally, isn’t Katniss disguised at this point? Though a decent bystander would get her out anyway, as a civilian, if not the Mockingjay, we know most people are mainly preoccupied with the dead and wounded children at this juncture — and I doubt anyone would recognize her in the chaos. But Peeta, who saw her disguise, would.

It’s the poetic connections that convince me most, though. Katniss so strongly connects Prim and Peeta, the two people that beg her to live when she feels she must die. Prim’s words at the reaping echo here in Katniss’s mind as she flounders between death and life: “No, Katniss! No! You can’t go!” (to which Katniss replies: “Prim, let go!”) and we hear very similar language from Peeta only a little while later: “Let me go!” “I can’t.”

Prim and Peeta won’t let her go. I think it makes most thematic sense for Peeta to burn with Katniss in the City Circle one final time, and for him to take Prim’s place, keeping Katniss alive. It’s what she would have wanted.

ALSO I think you could read a bit of foreshadowing back into the text with this interpretation as it concerns this section in the first book:

Is this literary apophenia on my part? Quite possibly. 😅 But we have fun around here.

Actually, this is fully foreshadowing. @wistfulweaverwoman and I believe @thegreenthepeacetheorange have pointed it out so that’s good enough for me.

I agree! Further, the location of his burns, on his hands and forehead, and that he was in the burn unit much longer than Katniss, support this theory. His burns were worse than hers, and the location of his burns suggest that he used his bare hands to rip off her cape first while his own cape/hood caught fire.

Three things were established in the first book: Katniss is the girl on fire, Katniss finds burns to be the worst kind of pain, and Peet’s is a whizz with fires.

He can temper/master fire, while fire brings Katniss nothing but pain. Interesting that at the end of the last book Katniss relates Gale to fire, as if to say he was always going to hurt her.

I get all emotional about it. I am sure no one else was looking for her, in all the commotion. Why would they be? And Peeta, who was programmed to kill Katniss, who only recently was brought back to himself by her, plunging into the scorching pain, and the intensely triggering atmosphere, to rescue her, because that’s what they do. They protect each other. I sort of imagine they were found passed out in a burned heap at the edge of the carnage, inexplicably alive, Haymitch’s pair of fighters. (I doubt it makes sense he could have located them but like, the angst 👀).

On re-read I felt it was heavily implied that Peeta pulled her from the fire, but just reading everyone's input and observations is so beautiful. There's so many small treats to discover in the books even after all these years.


I am a(n):

⚪ Male

⚪ Female

🔘 Writer

Looking for

⚪ Boyfriend

⚪ Girlfriend

🔘 An incredibly specific word that I can't remember

*wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat*



the first result isn’t always the one you’re looking for but when you press enter it’ll give you a ton of words related to your query that’ll probably have what you’re wanting, or something better

here’s some examples:


Reblog to save a writer's sanity.

T h a n k y o u k i n d s i r .



it was a DISSERVICE that peeta didn't lose his leg in the movies and he was just so "clumsy" and weaker in the catching fire film & needed extra help but that was bc of his amputated leg!! and it makes it so much crueler and heartbreaking in CF! this poor 16 year old lost his leg in a political murder competition, and in the eyes of the capitol he (now 17-18) heals a bit & finds love and gets engaged and married and pregnant with his wife and THEY'RE SENDING HIM BACK. they're sending him to fight other capable, older, experienced, 90% non-disabled victors. people who know how to WIN and kill. the trauma! the devastation! the games disabled people (mentally & physically) and they just HOSTED ANOTHER ONE and sent them all back. it's such betrayal. because truly they obviously don't value the victors, as snow likes to make it seem, smothering them with attention and riches after their victory, but they are property of the capitol, for the capitol's entertainment alone(proven by the unwilling prostitution and quarter quell 3). you won your games, cool, doesn't matter, you're gonna go back and die this time.

This still bothers me. My movie-only family members still just think to this day that Peeta was just weak. Smh. It's so unreasonable to not show that for a multitude of reasons, but mostly a lot of the actions for the way Peeta is written in Catching Fire hinges on the upsetting knowledge that Peeta is an amputee thrown into the Games again.

It might also because the movie scene with the berries in the first one was very different (and not as good imo). No moment of Peeta ripping off his tourniquet so he'll die, no Katniss desperately trying to stop him, no mention of it during their post-games recap. *sigh*



Unexpected, huh? ;) I miss my “12 months 12 kisses” series so much and I wanted to update it for sooo long. You guys are so charmingly excited about October (Halloween is the reason, yeah?) so I decided to draw this month ❤️. It’s not as good as I wanted it to be but I really don’t have much time now. And still it was soooo cool to draw everlark again! I miss them so much it hurts.

Here’s a little backstory: Katniss was in the woods when it started raining so Peeta grabbed the umbrella and went to meet her. But in the end the umbrella became useless haha. And it’s not about umbrella of course, it’s about somebody who cares deeply. And Katniss finally truly appreciate it (as we can see haha). I’m sure there are like millions fics with similar scenarios but I haven’t time to do a research. Maybe you know something? ;)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! ❤️ I miss you guys!

P.S. I love Peeta in black. Ah. Just wait for him in this wedding tuxedo….


Katniss was high up in her blind when she felt the first drop of rain. Alarmed, she looked up, glimpsing the gray sky through the kaleidoscope of leaves. She’d been so lost in her thoughts, she’d missed the approaching rain clouds.

“Damn.” Sheathing her arrows, she shoved her picked-over lunch back into her bag, hooked her quiver and bow over her shoulder, then quickly shimmied down the tree. By the time she hit the ground, the rain was coming down steadily.

Moving quickly through the woods, she cursed her luck. The worst part was she didn’t even have any game to show for it; she’d been too busy stewing over her fight with Peeta that morning to actively hunt. In hindsight, it’d been stupid and petty--and completely her fault. What had started as a silly joke about breakfast had spiraled into an argument about the mess he always made in her--their--kitchen. Katniss had stormed out of the house with her bow, leaving Peeta bewildered and confused.

“It’s supposed to rain today,” he’d yelled after her, but she’d ignored him.

Of course, it wasn’t really Peeta she was mad at. She’d woken up from a bad dream about Prim, and, already feeling raw and vulnerable, she’d lashed out. But instead of immediately returning to the house to apologize, she chose to brood.

Now, she was cold and wet, and she was sure as soon as she walked through the front door, he was going to tell her, I told you so.

Climbing through the broken fence at the edge of the woods, Katniss took a few steps toward town then stopped. In the distance a figure crested the hill. Blinking, she wiped the rain from her eyes. It was pouring, making it hard to see, but she would know that build, that gait anywhere.

Peeta was trudging through the rain, hunched under an umbrella. The sight squeezed at her heart. 

Finally spotting her from afar, he picked up his pace. Once he was close enough, he called out. “Hey.”

She waited until he was in front of her. “What are you doing here?” she asked. He crowded her space, holding the umbrella over both of them to shield against the rain.

“I saw the clouds rolling in. I didn’t want you to get wet.” He frowned as he took her in. “I guess I’m too late.”

Tears filled her eyes, blurring her vision even more. Suddenly, she dropped her bag to the ground and flung herself at him, catching him off balance. He stumbled slightly, but one of his strong arms encircled her, holding her close. His breath was hot against her cheek. “Katniss--about this morning--”

Shaking her head, she lifted her face and pulled his mouth down to hers. She kissed him sweetly, tasting rain water on his tongue. His lips warmed the chill in hers.

The rain beat a steady rhythm against the umbrella, the sound drowning out the world around them. When they eventually broke apart, she smiled gratefully at him through her tears. “Thank you. For coming for me.”

“Always,” he promised her. Then he took her home. 


Finally, after all this time, Fairhaven City is available to download.

It requires all Expansion Packs and no Stuff Packs. Contains CC. 

Includes optional save game, which makes the world populated. Please read the text files inside the .rar file.

I would like to thank my friend for helping me out with creating all those sims for FC, it would take me ages alone :-)


Welcome to Riverview Reimagined - A complete overhaul/redo of Riverview as you know it!

" Riverview is a flourishing riverfront town with a diverse population nestled in the beautiful rolling countryside. The town was founded by the Harrington family some 200 years ago, and it has since grown significantly and begun to truly flourish, with a great sense of community. This is the ideal small, yet lively town to call home for a variety of reasons, including stunning panoramas from nearly every angle, a wide range of activities to do and sights to see, and interesting individuals to meet. Riverview is undoubtedly a remarkable town! "


The world may be laggy at times and take a while to load, depending on your computer specifications, but then again, The Sims 3 is a rather poorly optimised game.

Here are some general 'stats':

  • 103 lots in total
  • 55 residential lots (7 empty)
  • 48 community lots
  • 150 sims (including NPCs, role sims & animals)
  • 30 households

This world has been PLAYTESTED by 5 other people, so no major issues should occur when playing this world, at least not any issues unheard of when generally playing this game.


ALL Expansion Packs


Since it is somehow not possible to include the bridges and distant terrain in the exported world, that metadata will not show up and you will need to download them and place them in your mods folder to appear in-game. Technically, these are not required, however, without them, parts of the town will not look very good. Luckily simsample on ModTheSims has our backs! Get them HERE

Scroll to the bottom of the page and download the following 2 files:

  • Bluefunk_Riverview_Bridges_InGame.package.zip
  • Bluefunk_Riverview_DistantTerrain_InGame.package.zip

Then, simply place them in your packages folder within your mods folder. If you do not have a mods folder, please refer to THIS easy tutorial.

They should show up in your game now.



NRAAS Mods are essential to a smooth, significantly less buggy game, as they assist in dealing with errors and things that cause performance issues in-game. - NRAAS Master Controller - NRAAS Overwatch - NRAAS Errortrap - NRAAS Register (optional) - NRAAS StoryProgression (optional)

HERE is a fantastic, in-depth explanation video of the NRAAS mods and what they do/how they work by the lovely acottonsock

FOR CAMPGROUND I could not find a way to place functional tents on the campground without them disappearing once the world was exported. There are a few workarounds, though.

1.) Simply type in the cheat "buydebug" and look for the tent/s that come with World Adventures. Purchase it for your sim, have them manually place it in their inventory, and from there you can place the tent/s on the campground for your sims to use. Alternatively, you can use the tents that come with Island Paradise, found in the miscellaneous part of the comfort section in buy mode. Do the same as instructed above and place the tent/s on the campground.

2.) Download this mod that enables the World Adventures tents from buydebug. In Edit Town, edit the campground and navigate to the community objects icon in build mode. From there, click on the infinity sign to load all community objects and rabbit holes. HERE you'll find the unlocked tents. Place them on the campground and they should be functional once you enter live mode.[I used the first option, "Tents as Community Objects"]


I'm really sad that I couldn't include the tents already, but I tried several different methods and none of them worked.

  • The world is populated, with 30 households in total, but there are plenty of houses available for purchase, as well as 7 empty lots.


  • I manually replaced and added trees individually. It's a bit cluttered, but more lush, especially in the area around the campgrounds.
  • I manually replaced all the roads, intersections, and sidewalks. Credit goes to GrandeLlama
  • Added a small bay in the lake into which the river flows to add a campground with a pier.
  • Swapped the bridge near the campground with the green one found in Twinbrook.
  • Small changes and additions to some sidewalks.
  • Some lots were added and/or changed.
  • Some street addresses changed.
  • Other minor details.

~ I really wanted to add ghosts to the cemetery and some other lots, especially to add to the lore, but unfortunately it is not possible when exporting a world through CAW.

~ Most of the interior tips and tricks I used to make custom furniture/unique decor were my own, but for a few of them, the credit has to go to the wonderful and talented @theplumdot.


~ I had several issues with the apartment lots but managed to fix most of them, except this one... The apartments are set to 'EP09 Apartments', which I accidentally set and even if I changed them to regular residential, they reverted back. This means roommates will appear after a while, but BEFORE you move your sims in, you can fix this by going into Edit Town, clicking on the lot, and changing it to 'Regular Lot'. If roommates still show up, you can cancel roommate services by clicking on your sim's phone and going to 'Real Estate and Travel Services'. Also, choosing where to move your sims in, two apartment lots in the central town area will be available for rent that is actually occupied and will add the existing sims as roommates. The only unoccupied apartment in town is the "Midview Apartments".

~ Some female sims have the weird two-tone blue and green lipstick from Into The Future for some outfits, mostly swimwear. I have no idea why this happened, but I tried multiple times to get rid of it but it keeps showing up again.

~ Pretty much all of the sims have gloves for their outerwear. I have this glitch where even if I remove them, they somehow show up again. Hey, Riverview gets cold in the winter!

~ The female butler, Arasha Shreshta's face goes all EA's "pudding face" when she is in her career outfit, but normal/the way I made her in her normal outfits. I have no why idea why this happens.

~ Some role NPCs might get stuck in the apartment buildings, but a simple reset should fix them. I've tried several workarounds to stop this from happening but to no avail. This tends to often occur in Bridgeport and would generate NRAAS "Unroutable Sim" popups.

~ Upon loading the world (no fly-in, unfortunately I'm not that technically inclined), you might notice the household thumbnails taking a while to load and pets showing up pitch black, it's just a simple graphical issue.

~ Most of the big houses are quite expensive, which I apologise for. I'm quite the perfectionist and detail is very important to me, which means it doesn't take much for my builds to become quite pricey.



A special thanks to @theplumdot (YOUTUBE / TWITTER) for inspiring me to always try new things with builds and interiors and for the support!


If you want to install the .sims3pack version, simply click on it and install it through the launcher. Alternatively, if you wish to bypass the launcher, you can install the .world file by placing it in the Worlds folder within your root Sims 3 directory, and depending on what platform you play from, it will differ;

  • For Origin/EA App it will be 'ProgramFiles(x86)/OriginGames/The Sims 3/GameData/Shared/NonPackaged/Worlds'
  • For a disc/retail installation, it will be 'ProgramFIles(x86)/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/GameData/Shared/NonPackaged/Worlds'
  • For Steam, it will be 'ProgramFiles/Steam/steamapps/The Sims 3/GameData/Shared/NonPackaged/Worlds'

If you encounter any issues with the installation, like the world not showing up in-game, please contact me on Twitter.



Alternatively, you can fix this issue with the old version by installing the NRAAS SleepFreedom mod, although it does not apply to existing saves with the old version, unfortunately.

- (.sims3pack) SFS - (.world) SFS

MIRROR: - (.sims3pack) DRIVE - (.world) DRIVE

I hope you enjoy it! My amazing friend ShanFindsPixels made a world overview on his YouTube channel, please go show him some love!


Masterlist: AU - No Games

This masterlist features fics where Katniss and Peeta meet and fall in love in District 12 without the Hunger Games.  All of these stories are Alternate Universe, though many of them fall under the more specific category of canon-divergence.

Please make sure to read the tags and summary before diving into the fic. Some stories may feature subject matter which is not to everyone’s tastes.

As with all masterlists, if you find a story that fits but is not on this list, let us know by sending us a message  with the story link.  Please also let us know if you spot any inaccuracies.  Thank you!

The Games Don’t/No Longer Exist:

Arrows and Cupids - twilightcakes

Be In My Eye - Grace_d

Better Tomorrow - MegaAuLover

Bliss - Dustwriter

Canary in the Coalmine - arollercoasterthatonlygoesup

Ellipses - geekymoviemom *             

Everytime I Choose You - endlessnightlock *

Finding Home - Dustwriter

Five Loaves of Bread: Dark Toast - aimmyarrowshigh (and Dustwriter’s unofficial follow-up What to Fight For)

I can try. - everlarkrealornot *            

In from the cold - Melacka

It’s All A Lie - katnissdoesnotfollowback                

Love After - dandelionlovesyou *               

Love Rises from the Ashes - WizMonCruWil *

My Sister - KitKat404

Periphery - youcantseeus  *              

Refuge - Dustwriter

Riptide - JLaLa             

The Bride Swap - titania522

The Colors - orphan_account

The Lottery - Isarnicole

The Match Game - MTK4FUN

The Winter Market - JHsgf82 *                

Time After Time - jkebelle

 Until The Midnight Hour - MegaAuLover

Wildest Dreams - geekymoviemom *        

Everlark get together before being reaped (and the bulk of the story takes place prior to the Games):

No More Owed - Enna Energe

The Volunteer - DustWriter

Everlark get together without being reaped:

2 Hearts, 1 Destiny  - WizMonCruWil *

A Brief Madness - Everlark_Pearl

A Midwinter Night’s Dream - Mockingjayflyingfree

A Mistake - Vma1998

A New Path - Endlessnightlock

A New Purpose - Sforster

A Novel Idea - Alliswell      

A Quiet Announcement - albinokittens300 (and its sequel A Roaring Change)

A wedding in the district - AlwaysEverlark

Alone In A Crowded Room - Pompeiigraffiti, Wollaston

Blessed Accidents - appleblossomgirl

Blood From Stone - Misshoneywell

Break In - HGfanonezillion *               

Brokenheartsville - Dracoisalooker76

Burlap And Weeds - Dandeliononfire 

Bury Hope Out Of Sight - Dracoisalooker76

By the Fence - AlwaysEverlark *                

Coal Dark - Dandeliononfire       

Convergence - FanficAllergy, RoseFyre *                      

Damaged, Broken, and Unhinged - Fanficallergy,  Rosefyre

Destiny In The Seam - Slytherinfromtheseam

Destiny - Xerxia31

Diamond in the Rough  - WizMonCruWil *

Dinner Invitations. -  albinokittens300 *                     

Doctor’s Orders - WizMonCruWil *

Endless Always - Lilymaid

Freedom and You - Isarnicole *

Fortune - Adreamofadandelioninthespring

Gave In After Cave-In - WizMonCruWil *

Geometry - Dandeliononfire                

Girls In White Dresses - Dracoisalooker76

Golden Coins - Missfyre

Heart Wood - Appleblossomgirl

Hero Of The Story - Atetheredmind

Home Is Where He Is -Merra Dawson

In Another Life - Alwayseverlark

In Another Life - Infinitegraces

It Happened Anyway - Infinitegraces

It Was Always You - LadyKahlan

It Wasn’t You - Dawnred

Jitters - Reflections57 *              

Just The Beginning - Infinitegraces

keeping company - rosegardeninwinter *            

Last Dance - MegaAuLover

Let Me Fly - Fanficallergy, Rosefyre

Love Without Reaping - Izzysamson

Meadow Meetings and Mating  - WizMonCruWil *

Misconceptions - Jennajuicebox

Missteps - oakfarmer 

More - Higherflyer101

Mrs Gale Hawthorne - WizMonCruWil *

Natural Art - hutchabelle *            

Odyssey - Fanficallergy,  Rosefyre

On The Threshold - Ghtlovesthg

Payback - Imontheao3

Please Don’t Be in Love with Someone Else - mrsbonniemellark *              

Regrets Only - C_R_Roberts

Rumor Has It - Foreverwillbesunny

Running Dry - Greenwool

Say Something - Bookgirl318

Seam Girls - Ayyoufiction

School Trysts  - WizMonCruWil *

Settling - boxxo

Side By Side - Lollercakes

Snow Day - sohypothetically *

Stripped - appleblossomgirl

Tango: Everdeen - WizMonCruWil *

The Baker’s Mistress - WizMonCruWil *

the dark cloud - LastLeaf *              

The Project - Ronja

The Promise of the Day - WizMonCruWil *

The Spark. The Flame. The Inferno. - purple_cube *      

The Undoing - AlwaysEverlark *   

The Volunteer - Sponsormusings

Thicker Than Blood - Annieoakley1

Trading Yesterday - archersandsunsets

Watercolours - AlwaysEverlark *           

What We Do - Lastleaf

When You Think I Don’t Notice - AlwaysEverlark  *

you make me feel - Word_Addict *


Completed: 3/22/16

Updated: 1/08/2023

*Added 1/08/2023

Here’s more!!!


This one is missing, it’s one of my favorites stories with no reaping

I have one to add! Midsummer, a oneshot, which I wrote back in 2015. It has a companion piece as well, The Autumn of Discontent.

Hi, @pitualba2015! That story is listed under the first header: The games don’t/no longer exist.

Hi, @wistfulweaverwoman! Welcome back! We have your series, Endless Always listed, but we can list them individually if you’d rather we do that.

Thank you both!


big thanks to suzanne for making me cry at one in the morning!

i was just reading over the scene in mockingjay where johanna is looking through katniss's personal items and stumbles across peeta's pearl. and it just struck me what amazing foreshadowing katniss's offhanded response was that it "made it through somehow" (mj, 205). 

this pearl was considered unreachable at the end of catching fire. after katniss shoots the electrified arrow at the forcefield, the world around her is falling apart. and as she is trying to find something to hold onto, she notes that she "can't reach peeta" and that she "can't even reach my pearl" (cf, 108). in what she thinks are her final moments, the pearl is unreachable.

and it only makes sense that katniss uses similar language to describe that "peeta is irretrievable" (mj, 165). katniss, despite having peeta physically near her, is still out of her reach. she is forever stuck

and this is why suzanne's foreshadowing is so brilliant. because, even before katniss herself knows it, we know that peeta is going to return to katniss. we know that he will eventually be in katniss's reach again. because just as the pearl still found its way back to katniss, so will peeta. and, despite her pessimistic view throughout mockingjay, katniss will "be waiting for something" to return to her reach, or rather someone (mj, 324). 

because despite everything, peeta and his unconditional love for katniss "made it through somehow."

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