
I'm tired

@pepperoniduck / pepperoniduck.tumblr.com

Seona/Pep | She/her | I draw sometimes

Casts a witch's curse on you that your favorite game gets a high budget remake that's actually pretty good but is different enough that it makes you frustrated that any new players who get into it are now going to play that instead of the one you fell in love with


I love when people talk about piracy and they're like "ooh, but if corporations made it easier to buy their 16-bit games they don't sell anymore, people would buy them instead of pirating them, they're losing money, I would buy them!" I wouldn't. I don't see why I should give more money to a gigantic corporation (especially one with such shady practices such as Nintendo or Ubisoft) just because they own the 'rights' to a franchise they didn't even come up with themselves, for a game and a console they don't manufacture anymore. I won't pay 60 bucks for a SNES game, and I won't pay 5 bucks either. I'm going to download and play it however I want.


Why does exhaustion have to build up over time this sucks


"She's married now so obviously the ship can't happen" bro you ever hear of divorce


ah so we've entered the phase of marvel dialogue having no meaning and people just saying it to mean they don't like the dialogue


Wait there really is a Luffy tab I thought I dreamt that


xkit has a setting that lets you use a video player where you can control the volume. why is that a feature why did tumblr make it like this


Guys I found a solution to unfucking the Tumblr dashboard

The previous, and widely popular Dashboard Unfucker script that uses Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey doesn't work anymore. It's probably because the script was for Tumblr users getting the godawful Twitter dashboard as a beta experiment, and relied on disabling the flag signaling you were part of the beta, or shuffling features around. That solution doesn't work anymore. I tried every version, uninstalled XKit, etcetera. Since Tumblr rolled out the awful Twitter dashboard as a site-wide change, the previous infrastructure the extension relied upon has collapsed. But fear not! Here's a new solution:

  1. Install Stylus on Mozilla Firefox. I love Firefox, so I'll always promote it whenever I can, but there's also a Chrome extension which I will grudgingly link to. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/styl-us/ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylus/clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne

2. Install the userscript for Old Tumblr Dashboard, linked below. https://userstyles.world/style/11286/old-tumblr-dashboard-july-2023

3. Collapse in a pile of tears because this worked, and you don't feel like jumping off a cliff looking at the crowded, shitty, Twitter dashboard, I hate you fucking @/staff.

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