
bella notte


rey | she/her | writer | artist. feel free to sumbit anything to me about the hobbit. genshin impact , haikyuu and red shoes and the seven dwarfs! or other things :> this is a multi fandom blog but as of now it mostly consists of hobbit stuff!!

❀ Reblogs are appreciated!❀

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❄️Will take 3-6 weeks

❀My strength lies in drawing females but I still can draw males! It's just that it might take a little longer 😅

❀Other bgs than colors can be discussed in DMS!)


Sweet Spot- Boromir x Reader

Warnings: teensy bit suggestive

Lie down was the echo of your every thought, even as your gaze was pierced by blue at the lady Galadriel’s stare, even as your heard her whisper into those dark crevasses about the fear and apprehension held deep in your heart, your own personal insecurities amplified by your beloved wizard companion’s fall. If Gandalf had failed, after all, what if you were not enough? Your exhausted mind posed, and if so, would the man you’d come to love on your journey tire of you? Find you short of the glory amidst which he was raised, unfit for great white halls and soaring towers? Perhaps you were simply out of place.

You are exhausted, the Lady of Lórien’s voice echoed once more through your mind with a flutter of her golden lashes, such times change many a thought. Go to him. He will show you every answer and more. Perhaps he shall benefit from your presence as well.

At that, your gaze fell from the Lady’s small smile, drifting out to the smattering of ancient trunks, each one extending to the heavens with its spreading green hands. Steps spiraled up most of them, but your hollow met the earth, carven as it was into the tree’s base.

With one final nod Galadriel’s way, you accepted her wisdom and strode softly across the damp ground and fallen leaves to one of the hollows. To your luck, you had chosen the one in which Boromir reclined, and when he caught sight of you a smile broke across his face, striking some tension out of your muscles with the shock of joy. Extending an arm, Boromir beckoned you closer, and you quickly obeyed, dropping down to his side upon the cushions that filled the hollow.

“A rare luxury,” he commented, wrapping an arm around you the moment you settled into him, your back to his chest, “is this not? Here we are, clean and safe again in a bed no less! Well, a bed of sorts.”

You’d traveled with the man enough to recognize when his tone opened itself up to coloring with false cheer, and despite his warm embrace this was one of those times. His words hardly struck your ears for all your concern.


the hobbit characters as vines (im literally living a decade behind everyone else)


the orbit of pluto’s moon 🌙🪐✨ happy kagehina day!


I L O V E your writings so much, I am wondering if you could make headcanons of like Karasuno and Nekoma reacting when the reader(manager) is insta famous. Im curious about what their reactions will be

The influencer manager.

Pairing: Karasuno x Manager, Nekoma x Manager.

Summary: Teams' manager is insta famous, enough to be called an influencer

Type: Platonic Headcanons.


Low-key multiple reader? OMG IMAGINE A SMAU OF READER X READER?????


  • You already know it... Nishinoya and Tanaka are your literal SERVANTS.
  • Like your wish is their command
  • I can't even call them a simp- they're bEYOND THAT NOW
  • When you first met them Nishinoya and Tanaka DEFINITELY follow you on insta, given you're one of the most famous influencers in Miyagi Prefecture.
  • They probably have your photo on their locker doors, which is also your shrine because they worship you RESPECTFULLY.
  • And when they got the news youre coming to their school they weren't FERAL. Then they heard that you were gonna become their manager, THEY DIED LIKE LEGIT
  • Everyone's quite intimidated by you cuz what kind of person are you?😳
  • Tsukki aswell low-key wants to test your limits but what if your fans find out and k word him like man's prolly intimidated
  • Talking about intimidation... No YAICHI DIDNT LIVE- SHE DEADASS WAS EVEN SCARED OF BREATHING NEAR YOU 😭😭 her anxiety went 📈 and you could legit see her short circuit
  • You had to hug her and have a talk with her to calm her down. Y'all low-key best friends now🥺
  • Well, kags is quite different man low-key stalks you around the school to know what's all this hype ab 🤨🤨 that shits low-key the funniest because if you try to talk to him he'll deadass RUN
  • Soon they warm up to you and realise that 'oh you're obviously a normal teenager like them and your fame isn't really a big deal'
  • Nishinoya and Tanaka make Yamamoto because Karasuno be flourishing with them Managers but you'll never know that😔
  • I'm one hundred percent sure that almost everyone in Nekoma knows you since you're quite famous *cough* you highest followers count in Tokyo *cough*
  • And you definitely know Kenma he's low-key the reason you went to his school and became their manager because his gaming skills MUAH CHEF'S KISS
  • Kai has to take Yamamoto to infirmary because he pASSED THE FUCK OUT-
  • Kai is an angel and whenever you're stressed out he's always there to listen to you🥺
  • They warm up to you quicker than Karasuno because they alr know another famous person named Kenma
  • Yaku and Kuroo definitely flirt with you, now they want to win over you.
  • YOU AND KENMA DEFINITELY COLAB- sometimes he's on your channel and sometimes you're on his. He's quite tolerant if you're not good at gaming
  • But if you're good at the Livestreams are some of the most intense gaming streams one can ever witness. YALL TOO FOCUSED ON IT- Kuroo sometimes drops over, empties your fridge while seeing you enjoy the game and yall don't know shit ♥️
  • Lev's sister definitely knows you and you're sometimes living the best life with the Haiba fam.
  • When Yamamoto tells the chaotic duo ab you they low-key get jealous but then they got their own gem and now they worship you both in their lil gc ONCE AGAIN RESPECTFULLY.


  • During the summer camps Karasuno's influencer and Nekoma's influencer make so many colab videos
  • + Bokuto being in all of them because "HEY HEY HEY!!! LEMME JOIN!!!!!!"
  • The protection squad tries to intimidate Bokuto but they fail so badly 😭
  • The rest schools are definitely in bliss to even see both of them irl and definitely ask for signatures 🤲🏻


If you want to be added to the taglist then please send in an ask! (Though there ain't one yet but if anyone wants to be tagged then I'd like to make one!)

Anonymous asked:

could you write "someone thought we were a couple so like, we totally just hit best friend goals" with lev? he would be such a fun best friend. thank you♥️♥️

i love platonic relationships 🥺

“Hey, Haiba!”

Lev turned, mouthful of his lunch, his other hand holding his phone, about to text F/N and ask where they’d gotten to. They usually had lunch together, but now F/N had gone and abandoned him-

Lev’s classmate had caught up with him, and now the two were walking side by side as Lev checked each classroom they walked by to check and see if F/N was in there.

“Looking for L/N, Haiba-kun?” His classmate asked, a smile on their face.

“Yeah! You haven’t seen them, right?”

“No, sorry.”


The two walked in silence some more, Lev shooting F/N a text and eating some more of his haphazardly wrapped sandwich as they continued walking. “I’ve been meaning to ask you, Haiba, but are you and L/N dating?”

Lev just about choked on his sandwich. “Dating?!” He barked out a laugh, half gasping as he nearly did choke on his sandwich. “What gave you the impression?”

“Well, you guys always hang out and are always hugging and stuff-”

“Well, yeah, we’re best friends.”

“Oh. Sorry, my mistake!” His classmate laughed, smacking him on the back. “See you in class!”

And with that he was alone again. He continued on his search for F/N and found her in a classroom he thought he’d already checked, talking with a friend and enjoying their lunch.

“F/N! F/N!” Lev rushed in, the other students in the classroom being so used to his loudness they didn’t even glance up to watch him.

“What’s up Lev?”

Someone thought we were a couple so like, we totally just hit best friend goals!”

“Someone thought we were what?”

“Wait you guys aren’t dating?”


“lev!” you shouted, running to your best friend at high speed. “think fast!”

you jumped, your arms ready to grab onto him as his eyes widen when he realized he needed to catch you.

he grunted as he did, his arms encircling your waist as you wrapped your legs around his torso.

“y/n, do we really need to do this everytime you come and see me?”

you looked at him in the eyes, something you couldn’t really do without craning your neck up.

“of course! it’s training! yaku, tell him i’m right!”

“no, yaku-san! they don’t need to this everyday, right?!”

yaku turned around without saying anything, muttering under his breath, “i am not dealing with these two. where the hell is kuroo when you need him.”


prompt: you're in the early stages of a relationship with tsukishima kei, and a secret one at that. one day, you decide to take a peek during his practice to know more about the sport he claims he "doesn't obsess over". however, just before you leave, he sees you, and immediately knows you had been watching him. after his practice, he texts you to tease you about it, until you take away his "kissing privileges" as a joke. he doesn't reply you, but he does shows up at your window. of course, you let him in. "what are you-- mmph!" he cuts you off with a breathtaking kiss. "you kissed me back, which means your statement is invalid." he attempts to leave after that, but you pull him back for another kiss. "it has been and will always be invalid, kei." he melts and hides his face in the crook of your neck as his arms wrap around your waist.


Tsukishima Kei believes subtle actions speak louder than words ⎯ especially in relationships.

To anyone Kei would seem aloof and cold, but you know that he cares from his little gestures. The way he gently squeezes your hand to reassure you, letting you rest your head on his shoulder, that little relieved smile that makes way on his face when you drop by during his practice sometimes. Him mindlessly massaging your calves ⎯ your legs sprawled over his as he lets you watch whatever sappy romance you want watch when you whine about your day being so bad.

Tsukishima who freezes when you move closer on the couch and peck his cheek during the movie. His surprise slowly dissolves on his face, making way for a soft smirk as he turns his head and looks at you.

"Was that necessary?" he asks, his words almost accusatory, but his tone and expression is relaxed.

"Nope, but I'm trying to get you used to affection." you say softly.

He snorts at your words, “So, you’re planning to slowly brainwash me to become the ideal boyfriend? Or what?"

"I am trying to brainwash you into being utterly in love with me, the ideal girlfriend." you chuckle, rotating your pointer finger in front of his face. "Wish Woosh, Hocus Pocus. Tsukishima Kei will love me forever."

Although he tries keeps up his serious expression, but it turns more into a smile as a wide grin spreads across his face at your silly action.

"You actually want me to say it? That I love you?" He asks, "Is that what the game is?" he rolls his eyes and shakes his head in amusement.

"Maybe?" you whisper out softly and look at him with those hopeful eyes of yours that make him melt.

Tsukishima is silent, just looking at you calmly in a way that makes your heart raise with excitement and trepidation togther.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" you ask softly and he sighs, shaking his head, his eyes softening.

"Of course not, its just...I am not used to it?" He says and you listen to him intently, nodding, urging him to continue. "I just...I don't know, it makes me feel so vulnerable saying it." He utters.

"I just feel like what the point of saying it, when I already express it through other ways, you know?" he says, running his fingers through your hair, calmly. Thats how he loves you.

"I know. you murmur, "I just like hearing you say it." You hum with a pause, looking at him, trying to gauge his reaction. "You don't have to say it if you don't want to, its just that it makes it feel so much real when I hear it..."

Tsukishima smiles, lightly. Thats what he loves about you. You have these ways of making him feel utterly speechless and you do this so effortlessly.

"Okay." he says, his ears getting a tiny bit red. You want to point it out, but you bite your tongue to not ruin the moment.

"I love you." he says, his hand resting over your head and a you can't help the bright smile that makes its way on your face. Hearing it out of his mouth almost makes you flustered. You can't help but giggle and bury your face in his chest.

"I love you too."


20191009 I LIKE HER | timeskip!tsukkishima as your boyfriend

♫ – currently playing… mac demarco

warnings – tsukishima is kind of mean, periods, food, mentions of drinking, throwing up/vomiting, jokes of being stabbed in the stomach, profanities
pairing – tsukishima x fem!reader ☆
a/n – hi guys… hope u enjoy !!
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