Nobody Reads Titles


The shit I reblog changes with the cycle of the moon.

pro-tip: a lot of the time, when an image off google is automatically saving as “.webp” or “.gifv” in order to stop you from using it, you can work around this con pretty easily. all u gotta do it right click and select “open image in a new tab”.

notice how this new tab’s url ends with “.gifv”? or some kind of code converting a normal image to a webp (ie “.png?type=webp”)? literally just manually edit the url so it just ends at “.gif” or “.png”. delete the “v” or delete the code. then hit enter so the image reloads under this new url, and hit save. it should save correctly this time <3


Firefox also has extensions to automatically save all webp as whatever you want. I don’t know why the fuck google thought it needed to make a new image format or how it could have ever believed anyone would switch over to it for any normal human reason.

If you want to share a gif (from tumblr) to discord, sometimes all you need to do is remove that v from .gifv and it’ll work fine. Otherwise it’ll just link as a single frame.


Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki requested Thursday that the Japanese and U.S. governments set a goal of having his prefecture host 50% or less of the total U.S. bases in Japan.

Currently, 70.3% of U.S. bases in the country are concentrated in the southernmost prefecture in terms of exclusive-use area.

Tamaki made the request during his meeting with Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato at the Prime Minister’s Office in Tokyo.

Kato stopped short of directly replying to the request, only telling the governor that the central government was responsible for reducing Okinawa’s heavy burden of hosting U.S. bases since the end of World War II.

Tamaki hammered out policy on the 50% base-hosting threshold during his address to the prefectural assembly in February.

In his meeting with the top government spokesman, Tamaki called for the creation of a consultative body comprising officials from the governments of Japan, the United States and Okinawa, and discussing ways to scale down U.S. bases in the prefecture based on local residents’ opinions.

Furthermore, Tamaki stressed the need to reduce airspace and waters used by U.S. Forces Japan for training, complaining that noise pollution caused by aircraft flying into U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in central Ginowan from outside Okinawa has become more severe.

The same day, Tamaki made similar requests to Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi.

Kishi was quoted as saying that the central government sees reducing the burden on Okinawa as the most important challenge and will do everything it can to resolve it.


"Some of our most common, ingrained expressions have damaging effects on millions of people – and many of us don't know we're hurting others when we speak."

"I like being deaf. I like the silence as well as the rich culture and language deafness affords me. When I see the word ‘deaf’ on the page, it evokes a feeling of pride for my community, and calls to me as if I’m being addressed directly, as if it were my name.

So, it always stings when I’m reminded that for many, the word ‘deaf’ has little to do with what I love most – in fact, its connotations are almost exclusively negative. For example, in headlines across the world – Nevada’s proposed gun safety laws, pleas from Ontario’s elderly and weather safety warnings in Queensland – have all “fallen on deaf ears”.

This kind of ‘ableist’ language is omnipresent in conversation: making a “dumb” choice, turning a “blind eye” to a problem, acting “crazy”, calling a boss “psychopathic”, having a “bipolar” day. And, for the most part, people who utter these phrases aren’t intending to hurt anyone – more commonly, they don’t have any idea they’re engaging in anything hurtful at all.

However, for disabled people like me, these common words can be micro-assaults. For instance, “falling on deaf ears” provides evidence that most people associate deafness with willful ignorance (even if they consciously may not). But much more than individual slights, expressions like these can do real, lasting harm to the people whom these words and phrases undermine – and even the people who use them in daily conversation, too."

Read the full piece here


did you know that in 1953 eisenhower issued an executive order which banned gay people from being employed in government

and it was specifically to root out lesbians who enjoyed the job security of government work

“To protect their careers, lesbian government workers moderated their behavior to avoid suspicion. They refused to socialize with other lesbians in public, attended social functions with gay men as their ‘dates,’ and carefully chose their wardrobes and makeup to project a feminine persona. Male employees who resented reporting to a female boss could trigger an investigation into her sexuality.” - Robert J Corber “Cold War Femme”

this era was called the lavender scare and was both a direct result of mccarthyism and the classification of homosexuality as a mental illness during ww2. over 10,000 lesbians and gay men lost their jobs and as a result the daughters of bilitis (the first ever lesbian activist group in the u.s.) formed in order to protect themselves and gay men

Important history


and it’s John Kerry’s apology for these events that was removed from the State Department website days after Trump took office  


i think it’s good for all of us to learn (myself included!) that momentary thrill of moral superiority shouldn’t guide our activism but like. genuine care for other people. all cops are bastards yes but what sort of language are you using when you talk about prisoners? we all want the socialism but have you helped your roommates with chores? when’s the last time you helped someone in your community? in your general living space? mood okay, kill all pedophiles … do you really care about victims of sexual assault and want to warn people about a predator or are you looking for the Zing of telling people off with little care to how your words may affect them ….?


A friend of mine posted this and tagged my old instagram account, asking me to share it. I figured sharing it here where I actually have a following, would be far better.

Please remember that just because the government is giving into pressure and greed, that doesn’t mean that any of this is getting any better, in a lot of ways it’s getting worse. And even if you yourself aren’t being as heavily affected anymore, there are people and communities that are.

Stay safe Darling ones, and help others remain safe too.

Thank you Darling. 








check out #boycottamerikkka on twitter for more info. this time is not just about creating an economic blackout through corporate boycott, but also about supporting black businesses. let’s show up for them


[Image description: a tweet from The Hungover Pundit:

“A friend once shared what she called the Parable of the Choir: A choir can sing a beautiful note impossibly long because singers can individually drop out to breathe as necessary and the note goes on.

“Social justice activism should be like that, she said.

“That’s stuck with me.”

Timestamp 9:12 pm, Jan 14, 2020. /ID]


Don’t confuse my hatred of the hyperwealthy for jealousy over what they have. I don’t want a six figure sports car, or a 40 room mansion, or a gold leaf truffle wagyu steak dinner. I want redistribution of wealth that allows for infrastructural support of all citizens’ basic survival needs.


Mugshots of civil rights activist “Freedom Riders” in Jackson, Mississippi during the summer of 1961.

My favorite part of these is the “bitch, you really think you’ve seen the last of me?” smirk on so many of their faces.

AND THEY DIDN’T! at least one of these people I recognized as still fighting the fight today.

this is such a good follow up

the kind of content I need


As someone that has grown up surrounded by beaches and done surf life saving, I know how the sea works. Lots of people dont. Every summer multiple tourists die here because they don’t respect the sea, if you’re going to the coast, here’s a thing I saw on Facebook.


reblogging for all of us that grew up in land locked states, then visit the ocean and are used to just plunging into a lake.


All of this applies to Lake Michigan, as well. The rips aren’t as big, but they do happen. We lose tourists every year.


Na’Kia Crawford’s life was stolen on Sunday June 14, 2020. Spread her story. Fight for justice.

Please help place pressure on Akron Mayor Daniel Horrigan, Akron Police Department and Ohio Governor Mike DeWine on Twitter if you are able to.

  • @AkronOhioMayor - Twitter
  • @Akron_Police - Twitter
  • @GovMikeDeWine - Twitter

Please help demand Justice for Na’Kia Crawford. They need to know we are paying attention and are demanding her murderer be found, arrested, charged and convicted.

If anyone has information on other ways to help or petitions, please add on. I’m sure there are posts already circulating but tumblr keeps blocking links from search results.

Fight for, support and lift Black girls and women everywhere.

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